Chapter 0109. Onyx

"Do you copy?"

I said as I looked at everyone circled around me inside the giant inn room. Ali had joined us just 15 minutes after we got into the room.

"...what were we supposed to say again?"

Francis asked with a confused expression.

"Aww, c'mon man. Yes, we copy! How hard is that?"

I groaned as these people were taking too long to understand modern signals.

"Is it really necessary?"

Elexis asked, her eyes rolling. I coughed embarrassedly and looked at everyone.

"Anyways, Ali will enter the castle as the spice merchant. Now, there is a high chance he might get called out before he even gets to the castle, but we have to bet on the chances that he won't get caught."

I said and looked and pointed at the castle's map. I found it for sale at an auction, put up by some player. 

'Fucking con.'