Chapter 0110. Merchant Alibaba

"Alright, time to move out everyone."

I said as I confirmed that Ali had successfully left the inn premises and there were no abnormalities or spies following him around.

Rearranging our hoods and masks, we left the inn with a jealous receptionist sharing intently at us.

We started strodding towards the king's castle while trying our best to not stand out and just blend with the crowd.

Finding a quiet alleyway, I made everyone enter a stealth state and we started following Ali towards the castle. He was back in his merchant disguise.

'By god do I hope that this works out. I really don't want anyone to die on my watch, especially when I've no way to revive them.'

I prayed to all the gods above and wished for the best. I needed to finish this dilemma soon and focus on the competition.

'I've no idea what the competition is even about.'

I shook my head and silently walked towards the castle, with five people closely following me.