Chapter 0115. The failure

After learning that the old coachmen had come to Rewan and helped the lot from the village so much, I couldn't particularly put my head around what that old porcupine actually wanted.

'Well, he is just asking for 10 gold coins right? I can pay that much…haha.'

I knew too well that people never helped someone just out of 'doing good'. Especially crossing over a whole hidden dimension to just 'help'.

But there was no point overthinking something which I'll eventually find out.


Just when I was dozing off in my thoughts, I heard a voice that was soothing, charming and relieving, all at the same time.

I turned my head up and saw the beautiful Kijin babe. She was looking stunning in a sexy, short diagonal cut leather armour.


Her name escaped from my mouth instinctively, and I stood up, unconsciously holding both of my hands out like the signature move of a certain bollywood actor from a century ago.