Chapter 0116. New York

After having my passport renewed and signing the official documents for the participation in the tournament, I decided to go and pay a visit to mom and Clint.

"How have you been, son?"

Mom asked as she chopped on some veggies that she was going to use for dinner. She looked a lot healthier than before, and her body was slightly fatter than the last time I saw her.

Even her dark circles were now gone and her face had a healthy smile on it. It warmed my heart to finally see her doing well.

"I'm alright mom, don't worry about me one bit. See, I have even shaved. Isn't that proof enough?"

I jested, making her chuckle a bit.

"Big bro, how is your cohabitation with your girlfriend going on?"

Clint asked with a smug smirk, looking at me with a dirty knowing look.

"You little cunt, she's not my girlfriend."

"Offo, language Flynn."

Mom gave me an eye, telling me to watch my mouth in front of my little brother.