Chapter 472: Destination

The Soul Land of the Nether Realm was guarded by the Undead Clan. However, even the Undead Clan didn't dare enter that place easily. They only guarded the parameters of the Soul Land. 

In the last seven days, Alion and Jia used their prisoner to arrange a place for them to stay under the radar. 

Even though the Ghost City Branch Head lived in the outer layer, he was born and raised in the Capital so he knew many things about the Capital and had easily arranged for a place for them to stay. 

Moreover, throughout the last few days, Alion and Jia spent most of their time, trying to observe the security mechanism of the City. 

They weren't like Gabriel who didn't need to worry about such things. They couldn't just kill everyone who stood on their path like Karyk did last time. Instead, they had to be more careful. They weren't as strong as Karyk and they certainly didn't have vast spirit reserves like him.