Chapter 473: Assassin

The Undead Clan was very different from the other two great clans. They didn't need to eat. They also didn't need to rest or sleep. Since their bodies were already dead, they could do without food. 

In fact, they only absorbed the aura of death from the Nether Realm to survive. That's why, the Undead who protected the Soul Land didn't work in shifts. That didn't leave any gap in security since there was no need for shift changes, or the confusion it could've brought. 

Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year, the same faces could be seen guarding the Soul Land. It also made the Undead more alert. That knew everything about this area and could instantly sense even the most minute of changes. 

However, currently, even they couldn't sense anything wrong. 

Alion moved like a ghost. Not only did he not make any noise, but he also merged with the wind, as if he and the wind were one, to make sure no one could detect him.