Chapter 692: Modern World

The debates were intense and thoughtful, with each candidate having their supporters among the Gods. 

The villagers in the Villages didn't know why all the new gods had suddenly locked themselves inside a house. They even wondered if the guests were talking about leaving the village since they had stayed here for quite a few days.

Soon, every god was asked to vote for who they thought should lead the collective group. Moreover, the voting wasn't secret. It was done with a show of hands for each of the candidates. 

Within a few minutes, the results of the votes were clear. The competition was mainly between the God who had the ability to manipulate time, and the aid of Caen. The other two candidates received too few votes to be of any challenge. 

Unfortunately, in the end, it was the aid of Caen who won the battle, albeit by only two votes difference, becoming the temporary leader of the group that everyone had to listen to.