Chapter 693: Special Effects

Modern Earth was a place filled with bustling cities, advanced technology, and billions of people. It was said that this world had no magic, and the elements here were so weak that it was impossible for those works to achieve anything significant. 

Despite that, this world had managed to achieve many miracles. There were vehicles that moved faster than the fastest wild animals. There were planes that helped humans fly, despite using no magic. 

There were even ships that helped humans travel to different planets. 

The Young Gods were both intrigued and surprised by this world, which was so different from the realms they were used to. As they stepped into this new reality, Caen looked around, absorbing the sights and sounds of this vibrant place.

He was standing in the middle of a bustling street in the city of New York. Many people were walking around, with their heads down, looking at a small brick like object which had some light coming out of it.