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Chapter 16

The next morning…

Dave; kids, something came up and it seems were going to Tokyo for a month.

Jake, Jerry and Tom; Seriously!


Dave; also when you're there, and see anyone with nite energy, try to convince them you're on their side alright?

All three; will do Dave.

Jerry talking to Lisa on the phone; so, are you guys getting ready for the summer festival?

Lisa; yeah, I am.

Jerry; great then.

Lisa; I'll be off by in the afternoon.

Jerry; alright, see you soon.

Jake; Alright guys what you waiting for? Let's get packed up and ready to go!

1 extremely long flight later…

Jerry after finally returning to his old room; ah, I've missed you, old friend.

-then Jerry jumped on his bed in excitement-

Jerry; now this feels so right.

Tom; if you're done romancing your own bed, I'll be downstairs.

Jake; hay Dave does my dad know about this?

Dave; of course, he was the one who suggested you stay with us.

Jake; he's busy as always isn't he?

Dave; afraid so.

Jake; don't worry, I'm used to it.

Dave; you know something, among the three of you, you always seemed to stand out Jake, whenever I see you I get the feeling you are somewhat special. I haven't told anyone of you this but, sometimes I see each one of you as my own, however there is always something about you I that I think you are either hiding, or you don't know yourself but is still hidden. Nevertheless, I won't bother you about it.

Jake; alright then, I guess.

Jerry; hay Jake, wana play mortal kombat?

Jake; alright just know I'm kicking your ass.

Jerry; we'll see.

5 hours of gaming later…


Jerry; and I guess I win again, don't worry it's only 8-6 *even though 4 of those was me letting you win on purpose*.

Jake; you know what, I'm out. I'm going to bed.

Jerry; sure.

The next day…

Lara pulling up to Jerry's house in a limousine; you boys ready or not?

Tom, who was just outside the house; Hey! Guys! Lara's here!

2 minutes later…

Lara; it's about time, now get in the car.

-and then the car drove off to da-gen estate. –

Lara; we should be arriving soon; the main estate is hidden in the countryside. The land surrounding it is about 10sq km and…

Tom; wait, wait, hold on 10sq. km? sounds more like a city than an estate.

Lara; smart isn't it? That's what I meant by hidden. Its located in a specific area in those 10sq. km in order to severely the chances of someone reaching it if there was ever a break in. it's made not just for our protection, but it has everything we need as well.

Jerry; makes sense to me.

Lara; I just want to say this now as it is extremely important. You boys are invited as guests of lady Lisa, princess and next in line to ruler of the prestigious da-gen clan, the most powerful clan in the world. So I believe it is without saying that you must behave appropriately and well dignifi…

Jerry; wait, that's what you're worried about? Manners? Come on, we are all coming from rich families we have this thing down…

-suddenly Lara's face turned red from anger-

Woe, are you ok?

Jake; I think we interrupted her 1 too many times.

-then Lara calmed down and took a deep breath-

Lara; were almost there.

-then the limousine went through a gate which opened automatically –

Jake; yo bro, speaking of manners didn't you almost kill a guy on the street just because…

Jake; Shut it!

A few minutes later…

Tom, while looking out the window; wow!

Lara; that's Just a farm house.

Tom; but it looks like a mansion!

Lara; before anything happens we need to speak with the higher ups, you may be guests but concerning that half our clans power is within you, things will be more complicated than usual.

Jerry; makes sense that they probably can't accept an outsider wielding half of your clan's greatest asset.

Lara; it's not just our asset, it's like the blood that runs through our veins. It what makes us who we are.

Jerry; thanks for the heads up.

Lara; were here.

-as she said that, we (jerry and co.) went into an underground parking lot beneath a large and old looking Japanese castle, then when we parked we came out as Lara said, "welcome to the ball room".

Jerry with a serious look on his face; let's do this.


Dave; *sometimes I really wonder whether you made the right choice brother, I miss you non the less, the children are slowly growing up just like you said, Jerry is becoming a fine young man, and Tom is following in his footsteps, anyway, I hope to see you soon. *

Back in the ballroom…

Lisa; Nice! You guys made it!

Jerry; of course we did, also, nice gown.

[btw; Lisa is currently wearing a fireworks themed kimoto, which is a traditional dress that… bla bla bla. Anyway, Lisa is also wearing a lot of makeup as well, (don't ask Y)].

Jerry; that kimoto makes you look… like a very old lady.

Jake and Tom; 😲.

Jerry; like dam, you're the princess but still do you have to dress like that all day?

[btw; as Jerry was saying this, Lisa just turned red and looked like she was about to explode (can't wait to see what happens next)]

Lisa then sighed and said; I guess you're right aren't you?

Jerry; really, cuz, I was only playing around, nothing serious.

Lisa; anyway, now that that's out of the way, I'll escort you to the courtroom as my guests.

-so while they were being escorted-

Tom talking to Jerry; bro why did you roast Lisa like that?

Jerry; you'll find out soon.

Lisa; were here.

Jerry; *wow, it kind of looks like a theatre, but for only the guys who sit above the audience*.

Lisa (yelling); Higher ups of the prestigious da-gen clan, the 16th heir greets you!

Higher ups; we the 5 pillars of the da-gen clan, greet the 16th heir.

-then Lisa took 3 steps forward and said, "Jeremiah Joske Wilson, please step forward"

-then Jerry did so-

Wilson Jeremiah, I am Uzumaki of the 5 pillars of the da-gen clan. besides me are Yuzawa, Akimichi, Kurotsutchi, and Darui. Now, it has come to our attention that you possess the missing piece of our clans most prised relic.

Jerry; sorry to interrupt but I'm it's more like I am the missing piece of your clans most prised relic.

Akimichi; really, care to explain?

Jerry; when I was set free from the axe, all the power flowed straight into me leaving nothing but shards behind. And when I touched the axe, I felt a connection with it, it was like a missing piece of me just got fused together.

Darui; that's enough, the situation has changed. Wilson, have any suspicious characters been following you around.

Jerry; yes, in fact, my brother was kidnaped because of me.

Darui; so you understand that you are a danger to not only yourself but your own family as well?

Jerry; wait, where are you going with this.

Darui; if you only possessed the missing piece we could have just collected it and this would all be over, but since you claim that you are the missing piece then the safest bet is to keep you here for good.

Next chapter coming soon!

Jerry; man it feels like this novel is getting boring, I need to spice things up.

Tom; and how will you do that.

Jerry; oh, you'll see.

Jake; bro stop with the being mysterious thing already.

Jerry; fine I'll stop… or wont I?

Tom and Jake;…