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Chapter 17

Kurotsutchi to Darui; What are you trying to do?

Darui; if we let him go, he might decide to turn on us in the future and what do you suppose would happen then?

Akimichi; I agree, still what would be our safest bet, it's better than killing him and taking the power for ourselves. Plus, he's kida cute.

Darui; *I was actually going to suggest that but since the princess was listening…*

Kurotsuchi; I have a better idea, what if we turn him to our side, it sounds like the best thing for all of us doesn't it?

Darui; that still won't guarantee his loyalty. He could still be tempted to turn on us.

Uzumaki; this isn't the time to quarrel amongst ourselves.

Uzumaki to Jerry; Wilson, we have been thinking and your final judgement will be postponed to a later date. For now, you and your friends may enjoy our home as you see fit. Now, dismissed.

Jerry; *it's about time, I thought they would never stop talking*

-then Jerry and co left the room-

Darui; *you will soon regret ever opposing me Uzumaki*.

When the founder of the da-gen clan obtained his power, he had many wives, the 1st four however he saw as superior to the rest, and the 1st born child from each of them were chosen as high ranking officials/councillors which governed the clan's affairs though the centuries and Darui, who was of the 4th wife's lineage, was a crook, who has wanted to take the da-gen clan for himself for years, and with the arrival of Jerry, he thought he had his perfect opportunity.

Darui; *I will rule you all you'll see, you'll all see. *


Tom, while lying on his bed in the guest house; Ah, this place is 10 times better than our house in Roppongi.

Jerry, who was just pissed; I'm just glad that bullshit of a trail is over. Honestly, it felt like that was gona take forever.

Lisa; interesting fact, everyone on the council are just…

Tom; Dickheads?

Jerry; no, no, they were clearly ass holes.

Jake; nah, they're definitely S.O.B.s'

Lara; the second is correct, the truth is some of them are reliable and only interested in the good of the clan, while some are just corrupt and only want to manipulate it to their own benefit, the truth is it's hard to tell which from which and on top of that the corrupt ones have a lot of people backing them, which makes things harder and harder to keep tabs on what they do.

Jerry; Things can never be that simple can they? Or there wouldn't be this discussion in the 1st place. Anyway, how many rooms those this guest house have.

Lara; three, you all can…

Lisa; or each of you can stay at a single's guest's house, if you would like some privacy.

Jerry; wait, they're single's guest houses?

Jerry; Alright! Wait, can me and Jake have one of two rooms? Tom's snoring could disturb people at a construction site 20km from here.

Tom; HEY!

Lisa; is that ok with you?

Tom; sure, I wanted time of from Jerry's ass anyway, so.

Lisa; alright, then allow the shrine maidens to escort you to you chosen dorms.

[I'm not going to say anything, google it yourselves, I need a break]

As they were being escorted…

Jake; hey Jerry, these maidens are really hot!

Jerry; I know right?

Jake; you think I'd have a shot?

Jerry; of course not! Every last one of them is out of your league.

Jake; yeah but still, imagine if I find a girl here who, you know, and then we could hook up and…

Jerry; you're seriously pushing it man. Oh looks like were here.

Maidens, speaking Japanese; we hope this place will be to your liking.

Boys, responding; It will be, thanks!

So after the maidens left…

Jake; Whoa, this place is huge, imagine how many things are in here!

Jerry; let's go check them out.

2 hours later.

Jake; wait, so there's 2 bedrooms with 1 jacuzzi in each bathroom, a swimming pool room, laundry room, a home theatre system, a gym, a sauna and a gaming room to! And it comes with a PS5!

Jerry; didn't your house also have like 3 of those things?

Jake; good point but still, anyway, I'm just gona play games here for a while.

Jerry; alright I'm going out for a walk, I'll be back in an hour.

Jake; but it's 8pm, whatever man.

While Jerry was on his walk…

Jerry; I don't know if you're stalking me or trying to sell me something. But if you're doing the former then you're just an amateur or you seriously underestimate me. Anyway what do you want, Darui?

Darui; hasn't someone ever told you to respect your elders.

Jerry; I only respect people, not bastards like you. So, you think if you kill me, you can just extract all of nite and keep it for yourself?

Darui; wow, you are so dark-minded but your absolutely right.

Jerry; *that smile on his face disgusts me*.

Darui; before I begin the killing I will teach you a little something called respect.

Jerry; *ok, this guy doesn't feel like any guy I've faced before, he's obviously much stronger, so I'll just be careful and make this quick. *

Suddenly, Darui swung his fist directly at Jerry, but just as his fist touched Jerry's face…

Jerry; got you.

Then Jerry ducked and stood back up and smiled.

Darui; what's so funny boy?

Jerry; simple, I just realized how much fun I'm about to have.

Darui; you arrogant brat! *wait, my energy, it's all gone! I can't use nite, but why? *

Jerry; oh, what's wrong, is something not feeling right? Or are you beginning to realize how foolish you were to challenge the holder of your power with your own power? Did you forget? It's the axe's power, my power you're using, all I did was take back what was mine.

But then I realized that punch of yours was so weak I didn't even need to do that, it would have been more fun that way.

Darui; shut up you arrogant bastard!

Jerry; oh, I'm sorry, anyway do you want me to give you nite back before we fight or not.

Darui; *this child is mocking me, I felt like I was only going to finish this swiftly but now I'm going to give him the most agonising death imaginable*. Alright, I admit it, I let greed get the best of me, but it seems that you clearly have the upper hand so let's just put this behind us and shake on it.

Jerry; alright then.

Darui; *that's right just a little closer and*.

Then Jerry suddenly grabbed his hand and said, "1st of all I would never shake the hand of an ass hole, 2nd that looks like a really sharp knife in your sleeve, I wonder what it's for.

[btw Jerry was closing his eyes and smiling as he said this. 😈]

Then Darui began to sweat and cower in fear and said, you wouldn't beat up an old man with hundreds of subordinates under him right?

Jerry; no, but I will beat up an old man who tried attacking a guest of the princess of the ga-den clan. And guess which one you are?

Darui; Oh, Shit!

Jerry; indeed.

10 minutes of punching and kicking later.

Jerry; ah, I'm bored now, and unfortunately I can't kill you for personal reasons so what should I do with you? I guess I'll just break a leg and I'm done.

So after jerry finished doing so…

Jerry; oh, before you pass out, just a single word of this to anyone, just remember you attacked me not the other way around alright? Good. Then nighty-night! Don't let the bed bugs bight!

Next chapter coming soon!

Jerry; Hay kids, remember, don't go around attacking people at night, or you might end up like our friend back there. Anyway I'm Jerry and till the next time peace!