WebNovelSoul Nite47.62%

Chapter 18

Jerry, who just came back home; yo I'm back what did I miss?

Jake, who was thinking about calling a maiden to get dirty with.😏😈; Bro, where've you been! I was board as hell!

Jerry; why is your hand on your di…

Jake; Hey! you know what since were here let's do something fun.

Jerry; I'm a bit tired so, I'll just take a bath.

Jake; alright, I'll see you in the sauna.

30 minutes later…

Jerry and Jake; ah…

Jake; now this is bliss, right here, you and me in this sauna, were living a dream.

Jerry; you said it.

Jake; anyway, time for some girl talk.

Jerry; seriously?

Jake; come on man, two 14 year olds talking about girls in a sauna just feels right. But what's your type?

Jerry; hm, now that I think of it, basically a strong, smart but extremely caring woman, who preferably doesn't like to go on and on about her problems.

Jake; alright, I don't care who I get as long as she's wild and strong.

Jerry; you're really into that aren't you? What if she was a yandare?

Jake; I don't care. I'd take her on.

Jerry; alright.

Jake; so who did you beat up before you came back?

Jerry; Darui.

Jake; wait, you mean that ass hole from earlier? Bro what happened.

Jerry; bro just showed up wanting to kill me and I took him down.

Jake; Nice. So you going to report him to Lisa?

Jerry; not, just yet. I want to see if I can make use of him 1st, and if I can't then I'll report him to Lisa.

Jake; whatever you say.

The next morning…

Ding Dong…

Jake; Jerry, can you get the door?

Jerry; fine, but you're doing it next time.

Jake; that's how it works!

Then Jerry opened the door…

Maids, who were outside; Good morning master. Would you like some breakfast?

Jerry; ah, sure. Hey Jake! Some maids showed up to bring us breakfast!

Jake; Seriously! I'll be right down!

Jerry talking to the maids; you can come in, just drop the food on the table over there.

After the maids placed the food…

Jake; hey Jerry, a bunch of maids are serving us food.

Jerry; I know. This is so cool.

Maids; we are here to tend to your every will.

Jerry; alright, then please sit down as we eat, when I finish I could use a massage, Jake would you have one?

Jake; now that you mention it my neck hurts a little so yes I will have one.

Maids; all will be done as requested.

One short breakfast and long massage later…

Jake; alright ladies, I'll call you if we need anything else.

After the maids left…

Jake; I never wana leave.

Jerry; same here, but it's not like this is the last time were gona be here. I'm going out for a while, be back soon.

So then Jerry wore a yukata and left.

[you can google it yourselves]

Lara; oh, there you are.

Jerry; you were looking for me?

Lara; I wanted to introduce you to a few people. You see, like I told you a while back, there are some people who believe the true ruler of our clan to be the one who brings the two pieces together.

Jerry; yeah.

Lara; but there are many who disagree, and believe the bloodline alone should rule. And it is for that reason that our can is somewhat divided. Don't worry, I help spread word around about you, this way, at least you'll have some people on your side.

Jerry; alright, I guess it's time I meet my fans.

A few minutes later, Jerry and Lara arrived in front of a building…

Lara; Hey! Lay! Get out here!

Lay; What is it this time!

Lara; Let us in!

?; password.

Lara; open this door this moment or I'm kicking your ass!

?; accepted, you may enter.

Jerry; nice place, though it isn't as good as the guest house.

Lay; yeah sorry, I haven't remodelled this place in a while.

Lara; alright, so this is Jerry, the one I told you about.

Lay; wait, seriously? He is the missing piece everyone's been talking about lately?

Jerry; If you doubt me, just give me a hand shake.

Lay; no, there is no need for that, I was just surprised the one we've waited for so long is barely half my age. Regardless I'll introduce you to everyone else come, follow me.

?; hay Lay, who's that?

Lay; oh, it's you Akari, this is Jerry, the missing piece.

Akari; seriously! That's him?

Lay; In the flesh. I need to spread the word and raise awareness of his existence.

Akari; oh, I see. Alright then.

So Lay took Jerry around the estate while people stared at him and thus gossip began. Then lay stood upon a pile of gravel and said, "Children of ga-den! I, Lay ga-den, reveal to you the missing piece of nite! Jerry Wilson!"

And so the people were in shock at what they heard, some couldn't believe it because of his age, others disregarded it in general, while others accepted regardless. So a few hours later, Jerry was sitting in the open when a child approached him and asked "so, you're the one my family has waited so long for".

Jerry; and so what's it to you?

?; nothing, I'm Jiro, I just wanted to ask you if we could evaluate you a little. If you do have some skill that is. What would you say to a fight?

Jerry; alright. If you would like to see me fight, I'll entertain you a little, so, who am I fighting?

Jiro; follow me.

So then Jiro took Jerry to a private training ground…

Jiro; Hey! Choki!

Choki; what is it!

[btw; Choki was in the middle of training when Jiro showed up]

Jiro; I need you to fight this guy for a bit.

Choki; why should I?

Jiro; oh no reason, just thought you would be interested in fighting the missing piece.

Then Choki immediately stopped and said, "wait, so you're the missing piece?"

[btw; as you've noticed by now, the ga-denians refer to Jerry as the missing piece, which was the name assigned to whoever obtained the power in the second half of the stone. (you probably already knew this but I just said it anyway)]

Jerry; you weren't around when Lay was yelling earlier?

Choki; If you really are the missing piece. Then, I'm sorry for anything my idiotic brother could have said to you.

Jiro; I'm right here.

Choki; anyway, I was just in need of a sparring partner, and it just so seems I'd love to test your metal. But please, hand to hand combat and qi control only, I'm not arrogant or foolish enough to use nite against, well, you know.

Jerry; a wise decision. * this guy doesn't look a day above 16 and yet he's smarter than a pillar, it's honestly laughable to think about. * alright allow me to change 1st then let's begin.

so then Jerry changed into a black and white gi to use for training.

Jerry; alright, I'm ready.

Choki; then let's begin.

Jerry started by rushing toward Choki with full speed, then proceeds to deliver a punch to the face, all in the blink of an eye, but to Jerry's surprise…

Jerry; huh, *he's still standing, not just that, he hasn't moved at all! *

Then Jerry jumped back to rethink his strategy.

People around; whoa, did you see that! It was like he teleported or something! I didn't even see him move. Don't know about you but, my money's on the missing piece.

Jerry; wow, you're tougher than I thought. I haven't fought someone like you since my training days.

Choki; and that punch wasn't so bad either, but it felt like you were holding back, remember, I just want see how strong you are, holding back is unnecessary.

Jerry; alright.

Round 2 Begin!

Jerry; *it looks like he's going to be on the defensive throughout, well then…*

Suddenly, Jerry leaped to Choki at full speed and began to deliver blow after blow to Choki, at a rate of 50 punches a second, then after one-minute of repeated punching…

Jerry; *finishing move; Ancient curse*

Jerry then channelled all the qi into a single leg and kicked Choki directly in the gut.

Jerry; *WHAT! He's still standing! * alright, you win, so how did I do?

Choki; it's not about winning or losing and by the way, you… didn't…

Suddenly, Choki collapsed.

Next chapter coming soon.