Chapter 2

In training ground 7 a figure could be seen sitting on the training post with 4 sticks of dango "mhmm not bad pretty good" he checks his watch he too- borrowed from a store he should be hear any minute He thinks and just a he said it he saw a blob of blonde hair running towards him "HEYY KAZU SENSEI" I sigh he so loud I gotta work on that as he gets in front of me "Naruto are you ready I ask Him dead serious" he nods with conviction I smiled inwardly"good let's get started" what do they have you working on in the academy right now "ummm well they have us throwing shiruken practicing tai learning about the hokages and learning about catra"
"catra? You mean chakra"
"Yeah that and trying to control it"
Ok normally that's where I would start you but I have something better in my mind we're gonna start with a justu u remember the one I used yesterday "yeahhh that clone thing " yes that I'm gonna teach u that but u cant use it unlesss your with me or your in danger ok" he nods now hold still I need to do something I close my eyes And mutter "Sharingan" the tomoe in my eyes spin and I end up in a sewer behind a huge red get to giant red eyes with slits open and it growled " YOU RETCHED UCHIA COME HER AND ILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS RIGHT NOW" I look at him with a neutral expression and say "are you done 9 tailed I don't won't there to be and bad blood between us unless u leave me no choice"as I show my EMS and my rinnegan his eyes widen "who are human how do you have those eyes" he looks at me with killer intent radiating like waves I answer "a lot of hard ships and pain I say" his eyes widen sensing no lies or negative emotions from me "my name is kazuto uchia" and I'm here to ask you of something his eyes narrow but on the inside he was inwardly surprised this was one of the first times a human has tried to converse with him other then his farther so he answers "what is it you ask of me uchia" he asks with no more KI and a neutral voice "could you stop your Chakra from disturbing Naruto's chakra control I'm trying to teach the kid before he goes and kills hisself and you with him he's been sabotaged in the academy and they really want him to get killed on his first real mission so I'm asking for your help here and in the near future" the kyubi looks at me for a while and said "very well uchia now begone" and with that I disappeared not more than a instant past in the real world ok come on Naruto pay attention and look at the handsigns as I draw it on the ground he looks at it "ok I got it" now try to evenly distribute your chakra in many sections and say shadow clone justu it took him 4 tries but he did it and I was surrounded by 20 shadow clones of Naruto "good very good" now how much chakra do you have left can you make more" he nodes and summons 60 more I smile "such crazy reserves" now I'm gonna teach u to climb tress with chakra after explaining and told him that whatever his shadow clones learn he learn so he would learn faster and he agreed all in all it took 4 hours for him to master it I was impressed I figured it would take longer after he dispelled his clones and to his surprise he could do it easily without even thinking about it I clapped my hands good now water walking I told him summon even more clones and he made 140 I told him about water walking and how u have to do it whiles his clones got to work he was with me I made him run 7 laps around the training ground 250 push ups pull ups, squats, and crunches after a while he done he looks over to see his clones still training the water walking "lucky bastards" ok Naruto now that your done let see your taijustu he nods with a smile on his face "I'm not gonna go easy on you kid" after saying this I vanished from his sight his eyes widen in shock damn he fast I can't even see him move" after this he feels kick implant in his back that sends him flying 4 feet he hits the ground coughing of spit "damn it that hurt sensei what are YOU TRYING TO KILL MEEEEE" "get up Naruto I only used high genin level speed" he stares at me a little in shock that's all we I'll go slower let continue and so the day flew by me teaching him taijustu water walking and shurikenjustu I decided to teach him the uchia style tai and shurikenjustu sense that's what I'm trained in though it won't be at his full potential unless he has the sharingan to predict and counter his opponent although I have a way around for now I'll teach the style and have him and his clones practice it to perfection and with that the day ended with Naruto going home with bumps on his face and limping but as they say pain will only make you stronger

Next day naruto make as many clones as you can with 60 percent of your chakra "alright sensei Shadow clone justu" 540 clones come out alright I nod now 100 of go to tree climbing but this time fight on there while doing it remember the taijustu from yesterday day another 100 on water walking I want it master by today "YES sensei" another 100 of you practice the shurikenjustu and don't poke your selfs they nod the other hundred focus on mediation try to calm yourself a get control over your emotions a loud ninja is a stupid ninja a stupid ninja are dead ninja they nod the and do you no the substitution justu and the transformation "yes sir" good 100 of you get to work on it I want you to be able to do it with 1 hand sign or less by the end of the day they nod now the rest of your trans form into random people and go to the library and read books on tactics,strategy,shogi, economics, math, politics village laws,poisons, and herbal plants if you want to be hokage this is the way they all nod now scatter they all disappear the main Naruto come with me now we're gonna do these things every day for 5 months while you're clones do that we're gonna work your main body by then you should be high genin level by then "ok sensei so let's get started I'm ready"
Good let's begin we're gonna increase the physical load every 3 days he grimaced and I smile don't worry your gonna get used to it quickly thanks to the fox I say inwardly