Chapter 3 5 month time skip

Klang* klang* klang* in a a forest to figures could be seen clashing at impressive speeds Kunai to kunai the "damn he's to strong up close I need to keep him at a distance" he jumps back and throws 4 shuriken the taller figure easily dodges them with minamal movements he smirks and looks up to see Naruto grinning to his surprise strings was attached to them naruto quickly moved his arms cuzzing the shiriken to rap around his sensei then put the strings in his mouth and flashed threw hand signs at high genin speeds "KATON GYUAKYU NO JUSTU" the justu hit him causing a boom to erupt and black marks to appear on the ground he drops to the grown and pulls out a Kunai not letting his gaurd down knowing his sensei wouldn't fall for such trick "left,right,up" he feels a slight tremor in the ground his eyes widen and he vanishes from the spot to appear 10 meters away just in time to hands emerge from the ground and his sensei comes out and smirks "well done Naruto you didn't fall for it this time" Naruto nods and quickly gets into a stance knowing the fights not over "Kiddd get back!!" Just as he said that a foot implanted on the ground were Naruto just was after dashing back he looks to see his sensei cold eyes looking at him naruto demanour changes is eyes get cold cold as in artic blizzard saskue runs at him quickly with low to mid chunin speeds he comes with a kick Naruto dodges counters with his own only to be blocked saskue didn't give him a chance to breathe,and strengthened his leg muscles and quickly appeared in front of Naruto and lunched a fierce liver punch that sends him flying only for him to disappear and a shatter log to appear in his place saskue smirked inwardly well done he thinks a second later he catches a high kick
Only for Naruto to twist around a followed with a chakra enhanced fist " this move saskue couldn't help but be surprised it's the same move he pulled on kakashi around this age knowing that he quickly dropped him before hit could land the hit Naruto smirked inwardly as he expected this and put up the ram seal BOOM the explosion tag he placed there when he dodged that over head kick earlier Naruto smile "FINALLY I DID IT I beat your stupid shadow clone sensei TAKE THAT NARUTO UZUMAKI FOR THE WIN hahahaha saskue jumps down from the tree "well done Naruto you can beat a low level chunin but don't get over confident"
"I know sensei" he nods over the last 5 months Naruto has been training his body every day and having his clones do the other things like tai nin and shurikenjustu training everyday till exhaustion but the following day he would be as good as new thanks to his new bud kuruma around 3 months into the training I decided to tell Naruto sense he started to mature more and could handle it a lot easier and after him and kuruma talked and Naruto changed the mind scape he's been a lot more less grumpy he also gained a fire affinity and minor lightning one because of me constantly zapping him every time he slowed down in training the fire was from kuruma thoughts so in all he has 3 affinity's now that's good and now we can start the next stage of his training kurumas chakra, chunin leveling chakra control exercises,and more advanced uchia style tai justu, stealth training, weights,and a chukuto for kenjustu I only have a little over a year so that should be enough time thanks to clones and when I say kuruma chakra I don't mean the cloak I mean channeling it to specific places sense he not an uchia he won't be able to use the sharingan but if he channels kuruma chakra in his eyes everything would slow down in his perception alot more allowing him to make counters and throwing shuriken and ricocheting them off each alot easier because he could essentially predict where its going like when adult Naruto caught those rods the ones I could barley see this would be perfect I could also teach him to channel wind chakra in his sword and also chidori and chidori stream those would be good to have this should take just about a year even with shadow clones and definitely need to make him and less loud "sigh" it's going to be a long road ahead of me "Let's go Naruto" we're getting ramen for the day "yessssss your the best sensei" I chuckle yeah I know I know let's go and we vanish from the training grounds and appear to see ayame and teuchi we walk in and We see the third hokage naruto face went neutral for a second he glanced at him clearly still mad at him for not telling him about kuruma but he shakes it off
"Hey old man how you been"
"Ahh Naruto my boy how have you been I haven't seen you the past couple months where have you been" hiruzen noticed his neutral expression at first but put it in the back of his mind
"Nothing really old man here and there just training trying to get stronger to take that hat"
"Hmm I see I'll be waiting for the day haha"
And might I ask who u are young man as he looks at saskue he bows hello my name is kazuto kirigaya hokage Sama it's and honor to meet you hiruzen looks and his eyes he can tell he's had training and plenty experience by the was he Carrrys himself he nods well why don't you to join me before I get back to the office they nod and eat in relative silence only really talking about there week and after that hiruzen departs sparing a glance at this kazuto he flashed in his office hand waved is hand in instant 3 Anbu appeared find out what you can about a kazuto kirigaya go "hai" they say and vanish hiruzen sigh he puffs his pole hopefully he wasn't sent by danzo to get close to Naruto as he glances at minato picture on the wall.