Chapter 4: 1year and sum moths time skip

Swosh*swosh* on the outskirts of Konoha to figures are running toward the village at mid chunin speeds as they get closer they slow down over the past year naruto has changed he has improved drastically in all aspects of his training.
Graduation is 1 day away over the past year he worked on his body like rock lee pushing himself to the limits while his clones do all other things like tai nin shiruken justu and the higher level Chakra control like rock balancing Kunai balancing senbon and tree climbing with leaves sticking to his body along with senbon Balancing on his fingers like his master he took up a sword and excelled at it even surprising saskue at his talent with it along training his nature transformations epically wind and lightning those are his favorite coating his blade in wind chakra cutting almost anything his main thing is his sword and ninjutsu and thanks to his superb chakra control thanks to spamming over 200 clones on it a day he able to cast one handed seals while fighting with his sword his stealth is anbu level thanks to that orange suit of his. Ninjutsu wise he is a monster he mastered chidori and chidori stream wind gale palm phoenix flower justu and he also improved drastically with uchia style tai especially wit the kurugan that's the name he gave his eyes when they turn red he said it sounds cool with those eyes he's no different then a uchia when fighting he predicts everything with those eyes of his his shirukenjustu prowes is amazing. And he's got a-lot taller thanks to forcing him to eat other things other then ramen he's grown to a impressive height of 5'6 taller then all his peers and he's definitely improved mentally if I say so myself he tactical mind is frightening thanks to all the simulations i put him threw and playing shogi also a lot more mature and reserved.
He still Naruto although a more calmer and strategic one if u ask me that's scary I'd all together hes a solid low-mid jounin without his weights.
"All right naruto this is where we part ways I'll be leaving I've Done everything I can in the time I've had to train you Naruto looks up and starts crying"
I smile
"I'm sorry Naruto but I have to get back to my family and friends"
"Ok I understand sensei" i hand him my sword of my back "bu-" no buts Naruto take it for me that way I can always be with you he takes it with teary eyes he thanks me for it and and with that I pull out a turtle going back to my time line

From her on the story goes on with Naruto

Walking home doesn't feel the same "sigh" I need to clear my head he goes to the hokage monument and looks over the village thinking about his times with his master the fun times the torturous training with that his resolves strengthens
"I can't be sitting her sulking I have to achieve my dreams for master that how I will honor him"

Next morning
His body awake and alert the moment the alarm began to blare. Blue eyes snapped open to attention quickly getting in the shower for about 15 mins as he checked the time he had 30 mins he stepped out the shower. Making a simple breakfast with eggs in toast ate that in silence with 10 minutes to spare he put on his new cloths witch was black Anbu pants black coat black and grey shirt bandages on his ankles and he put his hair down making him look like minato the last year he grew his hair because kazu sensei recommended it and strapped his sword on his lower back at and angle and he shun shined to academy gate.
And walked in with 1 min to spare. Walking threw the halls to his class he pulls the door open and walks in the chatter immediately stop and everyone looks at
"him hey who's that hottie" says ino to Sakura
"I don't know but he's not better then saskue kun"
she chuckles "true" around the class similar things were said but Naruto ignores this and walks to a seat in the back by the window and sits down waiting for instructions. Iruka walks in alright SHU-t it's quiet he says finally they learned he thinks inwardly alright the exam will now begin as students do the test one by one untill a name was called NARUTO UZUMAKI iruka called
"here sensei"
Naruto says everyone looks around where is he so is iruka his confused to looking for him untill he stands up and walks down "WHAAAAAAA who are youuuu no way your NARUTO BAKA".
" Sakura shut up your yo loud" Naruto says i a ice cold voice everyone freezes Naruto just told Sakura offf I thought he had a crush on her these things were being said but he did not care about that he jumps down to iruka. With a neutral expression let's start alright Naruto please do the transformation he nods and does it sealess and trans form into iruka "amazing Naruto you ever did it sealess now clone justu he nods and does with his superp chakra making six clones sealess again iruka dumbfounded how Naruto you've never been able to "practice" he says simply now kawarimi with this log and he Did so in a instant congrats Naruto u pass! He nods and flashed away shocking everyone there he gets to the training ground 7 and summons 700 clones having them do various Justu as mastering things untill there sealess advanced chakra control tactics and he was personally working on the 1 handed sword style his master named it kirin it's style met for fast and precise strikes and kicks while also predicting his opponents movements and after doing that for 3 hours he put his sword back slightly winded and flashed threw hand signs lighting crackles in his left hand that's sounds like chirping birds he jumps to the top of a tree and runs down at breading neck speeds aiming at a rock CHIDORI he yells And the rock gets smashed apart the attack. I nod satisfied with the results I dispel my clones 10 at a time every 5 seconds to avoid information over load then shun shins back to my apartment and goes to sleep awaiting the next day