Chapter 5 : team 7 formed

Team 7 Saskue uchia sakura banshee Naruto uzumaki your joinin sensei is kakashi hatakae.
"Kakashi huh that's the copy ninja sensei told me about who made chidori he told me not to use untill i see him use it I can't help but be a bit excited to see what kind of ninja he is"
"Whaaaa iruka sensei why do me and saskue kun have to be on a team with Naruto Baka right saskue"
"Sakura enough the teams were chosen by hokage sama so if you have a problem take it up with him"
"She goes quiet at that"
3 hoursss later
"Where is he chaaaaaa"
Sakura shut up she was about to glare and yell back at naruto but she froze when she saw his ice cold eyes and at that moment kakashi walked in
"Mhm my first impression of you guys your boring meet me on the roof in 5 mins"
Then vanished leaving leaves in his place
Naruto shunshins up there leaving saskue and Sakura dumbfounded saskue clenches his dis in anger and runs to the roof Sakura following along mean while on the roof kakashi waiting for them couple minutes go by and saskue and Sakura arrive Kakashi looks up from his book
"Where is your teamate at"
"He disappeared right after you kakashi sensei" well we have to wait for him kakashi sigh untill he hers a voice behind him "I'm right behind you sensei" his eyes go wide his whole body tensed "how did he manage to get behind me without my notice his stealth is it least anbu level" he says inwardly he turns his head with Eye smile
"why don't you join then alright"
Now kakashi says the same thing in canon so does everyone else tho Naruto doesn't yell as much and he says he wants to make his master proud.
Next day at training ground 7 you see 3 people waiting for there sensei you can see the irritation in there face after waiting for 3 hours as there getting to there snapping point all of a sudden "poof" kakashi arrives
"u see a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way"
Tick marks appear on there faces obviously pissed all of a sudden kakashi felt his instincts screamed so he ducked and a sword crackling with lighting chakra zoom passed his head
"WHAT lighting manipulation at his age he's just a genin and that speed was at least chunin level how is he the dead last???"
Naruto looks back with a glare "next time I won't miss he says "
"Cough cough ok let's get to the point of the test the object is to get these 2 bells by noon those who don't get a bell will be tied to a stump and watch as the others eat food while they starve you can use any means come at me with the intent to kill 3,2,1 BEGIN"
As he said that 2 of them disappeared in the forest.
Naruto looks up his eyes cold and unsheathes his sword and puts in in reverse grip his cape flutters in the wind.
"He's coming"
And Naruto disappeared from view appearing in front of his sensei with a downward slash he counters with kunai *Klang Naruto pivots changing postings sending 4 slashes at kakashis vitals but he expertly blocks and counters with a punch to the solar plexus Naruto dodges last second and send a chakra enhanced kick to his stomach he flips back landing on his feet
"This kid he's good I can't even pull out my book sigh"
After looking at each other they vanished clashing together Naruto smirkes
"Your at a disadvantage sensei while we clashing you can't use justu"
"But you can't either"
Naruto smirks wides as he puts his left hand in the tiger seal his sensei eye wides KATON" GYAGKU NO JUSTU" a huge fire ball was sent at him
"WHAT HE CAN USE THAT JUSTU WITH 1 SEAL and that's 2 affinity's he has what a monster"
In a blur kakashi flies threw hand signs in less the a second "Suiton Suijinheki no Jutsu" a giant water wall stops his justu causing steam to rise at this moment Naruto makes 2 clones and have them scatter in the forest to talk to his teammates then and then the steamed clear showing a unfazed and slightly surprised kakashi
"impressive Naruto"
"You haven't seen nothing yet it's time to go all out"
"What u haven't been using your full power"
With that he takes off his cape showing his outfit similar to adults saskue and he takes off weights that were 150 pounds each then closes his eyes and he mutters "kurugan" immediately his eyes turn red with slits his perception get enhanced and everything is slowed down
kakashi couldn't hide his surprise what's the "WHAT kurugan!! is that a new dojustu or something"
"Something like that now let's dance"
Naruto sword glowes and wind chakra enhances his blade and he vanishes this time at low to mid jounin speeds clashing all over Klang Klang Klang Naruto jumps up immediately throwing 10 shirukuen thats ricochet's off one another blocking kakashi escape route he grins "interesting " he moves and amazing speeds and cuts them all down with his lighting enhanced kunai Kakashi rushes at at blinding speeds but his eyes is tracking everything using everything he learned to predict his next movements clashing after a while they put down there weapons clashing in taijutsu Naruto doing way better then kakashi excepted he noticed the style is the the uchias interpreter fist but doesn't comment on it enjoying the fight although he isn't going all out it still good fight then out of nowhere
"NOWWWW" Naruto grins and jump backed as saskue appears and does a FIRE STYLE GREAT FIRE BALL Justu Naruto immediately following with a WIND STYLE GREATH BREAKTHROUGH greatly intensifiying the fire justu with the combination jutsu "BOOM" the training ground shakes and right after Sakura appears 3 paper bombs into the smoke "BOOOOOM" they all smile at the plan that Naruto came up with while he distracts kakashi they come in when they see a opening to attack.
As the smoke clears reveals a tattered kakashi smoking with his earth dome shattered to the ground he comments "good plan I didn't expect you 3 to work to together well it's no point in continuing u all pass sigh*"