Lord Xu's Heart Was Bleeding

"Excuse me, let me pass. Brother Zhiyuan, are you alright!"

Wang Xiao'er, Chen Dali, and the other person hurriedly squeezed through the crowd and shouted into the courtyard.

It wasn't because they were worried about Chen Zhiyuan's safety. It was just that the three of them had spent a lot of money today. With so many people surrounding them, it was definitely not a small matter. If anything happened to Chen Zhiyuan, the beef in his mouth would fly away.

When they finally managed to squeeze in, the scene in the courtyard made the three of them freeze on the spot.

In the small courtyard, people were lying all over the ground. The tyrannical Lord Xu in the county town was now standing in front of Chen Zhiyuan like a little chick. He was even beaten so badly that his face was black and blue.

"Oh my God, isn't that Lord Xu? How did he get beaten up like this? Brother Zhiyuan, what's going on?"

Wang Xiao'er was the first to regain his senses. He quickly walked up to Chen Zhiyuan and whispered into his ear.

The other two also followed him with different expressions.

"Brother Wang, Dali, you guys came back just in time. Just now, I had a friendly negotiation with Lord Xu. Lord Xu felt that he was in the wrong and wrote this IOU. We were discussing how to transport these 10,000 coins back from the town. You guys just happened to..."

Chen Zhiyuan chuckled as he waved the IOU that Xu Qingfeng had written in front of the three of them.

"What! Lord Xu owes you 10,000 coins?"

Wang Xiao'er's voice increased by eight times. He interrupted Chen Zhiyuan, who was speaking, and jumped up in shock.

Lord Xu was already beaten to such a state, and he said he had a "friendly negotiation" with him. Who was he lying to?

But that wasn't the main point. The main issue was 10,000 coins!

To them, this was an astronomical amount. It was enough for them to eat and drink for the rest of their lives!

"That's right! This is a written receipt personally written by Lord Xu. If you don't believe me, you can ask him."

Chen Zhiyuan casually pointed at Lord Xu beside him.

Looking at the three people's astonished gazes towards him, Xu Qingfeng hurriedly put on a smiling face. "That's right, that's right. The three of you, this is indeed a written receipt written by me. I owe Brother Chen 10,000 coins. I'm currently discussing with Brother Chen how to transport this money over."

The three of them finally believed after Lord Xu personally vouched for him.

"Now, do you believe me? The three of you are my sworn brothers, and I want you to transport these ten thousand coins back from the town for me. After you return, I'll split three hundred coins with each of you! Moreover, Lord Xu will be treating you well during these few days when he collects the money. How about it? This business is going to be profitable, right?"

Chen Zhiyuan pretended to pat the three of them on the shoulders and glanced at Xu Qingfeng.

Xu Qingfeng quivered, and he patted his chest and said, "Brother Chen is right. Since you are his brothers, you are also my brothers. After you enter the town, I will definitely provide you with good food and drinks. I am someone with a reputation in the county. You have my word. Don't worry."

Listening to the thousand coin dividend and Lord Xu's promise, Wang Xiao'er, Chen Dali, and Zhang Laosan exchanged glances and nodded with determination.

"Okay, Brother Zhiyuan, leave this matter to the three of us. Don't worry. We will definitely transport the ten thousand coins back from town!"

"Don't worry, Brother Zhiyuan!"

Wang Xiao'er took the IOU and was full of pride. The other two didn't want to lag behind either, so they all patted their chests and promised.

Of course, they had also thought that this trip might be risky, but they were really too poor.

Three hundred coins were enough for their entire family to live comfortably for the rest of their lives.

In addition, Lord Xu was indeed a reputable person in town. People like them cared about their reputations. Since he had already promised, and there were so many witnesses, he shouldn't go back on his word, right?

Therefore, they wanted to take this gamble.

Unfortunately, they didn't notice that the moment Lord Xu lowered his head, a hint of a sinister smile flashed in his eyes.

"In that case, my three brothers and Lord Xu, take your men and go. I only hurt their arms, not their legs. They are still able to walk."

Chen Zhiyuan said with a laugh.

The servant who was half dead on the ground just now finally got up and ran out of the courtyard.

Xu Qingfeng also cupped his fists and turned to leave.

"Young Master, let me help you to your horse."

The servant who had managed to escape the disaster quickly came up to help Xu Qingfeng to his horse.

However, he heard Chen Zhiyuan's lazy voice coming from the courtyard.

"Lord Xu, if you have a horse to ride on, wouldn't my brothers have to run to the county town? How about this, this horse is not bad, I'll keep it. Let's make it a hundred coins. You just need to gather another 9,900 coins."

Hearing this, Xu Qingfeng was instantly stunned. After his expression changed, he got down from the horse that he was climbing up halfway, and he had an apologetic smile on his face. "Haha, what Brother Chen said is right. I was muddle-headed for a moment. How could I ride a horse and let Brother Chen's three brothers walk? I should walk with them."

At this moment, his heart was bleeding.

This was a top-grade horse, Lion Cong, that he had spent 2,800 coins to buy from the grassland. Now, it was being taken away by Chen Zhiyuan at the price of 100 coins. However, he did not dare to refute at this time and could only admit defeat.

When Wang Xiao'er and the other two heard that Chen Zhiyuan was thinking of them in this way, they were greatly moved.

"Brother Zhiyuan, we're leaving too!"

"Take care, brothers! Dali, leave the wine for me. When you go to the county town, Lord Xu will treat you with other kinds of wine that are ten times better. I can only use this osmanthus flower wine to satisfy my craving."

Chen Zhiyuan took two steps forward and greeted Chen Dali, who was holding the wine pot.


Chen Dali passed the wine pot without hesitation, his face full of smiles.

Today, he had received so many benefits from Brother Zhiyuan, so this jug of wine was nothing.

Xu Qingfeng, Wang Xiao'er, and the rest gradually left, and the surrounding people of Taoyuan Village also dispersed.

In the courtyard, only Chen Zhiyuan and Zhu'er were left.

"Zhu'er, today, I will personally cook. How about this jug of wine to help you calm down?"

Chen Zhiyuan held the jug of wine and waved it in front of Li Zhu'er's eyes.

"Hubby, I'm a little worried. I don't know if I should say it..."

Li Zhu'er looked at Chen Zhiyuan timidly. There was a trace of worry in her eyes.

"Zhu'er, we're husband and wife. We're not strangers. What is there that can't be said between married couples?"

"Hubby, then I'll say it. Wang Xiao'er and the others might be in danger when they go to the county town this time..."

"I've thought of that too. That's why I asked Wang Xiao'er and the others to go on my behalf. With me looking after them from the outside, Xu Qingfeng shouldn't dare to act rashly, right..."

"Hubby, it's currently the year of a great drought and famine. The year of the disaster is chaotic. The lives of the people in the chaotic world are like grass. Anything can happen. Ten thousand coins are enough for Xu Qingfeng to find a hundred fugitives!"

Listening to Zhu'er's serious words and her extraordinary insight, Chen Zhiyuan carefully looked at his wife for the first time.

His lovely wife seemed to be smarter than he imagined.