Black Wind Army on Black Wind Mountain

Of course, Chen Zhiyuan had thought about the possibility of Xu Qingfeng reneging on his promise. However, he was also confident in his current martial strength. He was not afraid of any more people like the Xu family's servants. However, he had never thought about the possibility of Xu Qingfeng hiring assassins to kill people.

It was all thanks to Zhu'er's reminder that he had a deeper understanding of the saying, "the lives of people in the chaotic world are as cheap as grass". It seemed like he had to step up his defenses.

"Zhu'er, don't worry. Trust me. Even if Xu Qingfeng dares to hire people to kill someone, I have a way to deal with it. Today, let's reward ourselves properly."

Chen Zhiyuan started to comfort Zhu'er.

He did not want the woman in front of him to bear too much of this burden. These kinds of grudges were enough for him to bear alone.

"Yes, hubby, I believe in your ability..."

Although Li Zhu'er was skeptical, her husband clearly understood her warning to him to be on guard against Xu Qingfeng's desperate actions.

Since her husband said so, he must have some confidence, and she wouldn't say anything more.

The sky gradually turned dark.

Chen Zhiyuan fried the tender beef into a steak, then chopped the roast meat into fine meat floss. The couple ate a delicious meal with a pot of osmanthus wine before going to bed.

"Zhu'er, I'm coming in."

"Mm... Please be easy on me, hubby..."

It was a sleepless night.


Qingshui County.

Xu Residence.

"That ox cart over there, please get lost. This is not the place for you to come..."

The two servants guarding the door watched as the ox cart drove towards the door of the residence. They walked down the steps and were about to chase it away. When they saw the person sitting on the cart clearly, their eyes immediately widened. With snot and tears, they rushed forward to welcome him, and they said, "Hey hey! Young Master! Young Master, how did you become like this? Young Master, you've suffered. Boohoo!"

"Cut the crap. Help me in first!"

Xu Qingfeng jumped off the ox cart and limped towards the entrance. He called out to the servants, "Is my father in the manor?"

After leaving Taoyuan Village, they walked a full 30 miles before they saw a small market. They rented an ox-cart and walked for half the night before they arrived at the county town. Since he was young, he had always been riding a horse and a sedan. He had never suffered like this before. It was as if he had fallen apart.

"Young Master, the master is not in the manor. He said that he would be out on an errand."

The servants quickly carried Xu Qingfeng on both sides and walked into the manor. Pockmark Wang and the other two naturally followed closely behind.

Within two steps of entering the manor, a person who looked like a butler came forward to welcome them.

"Young Master, what happened to you? Men, bring these servants away to treat their injuries. And the three of you... are you the Young Master's guests?"

The butler ordered the servants efficiently, then looked at the three people in confusion.

"You must be the butler of the Xu Residence. We... We're here to collect the debt..."

The three of them looked at the magnificent residence, and they were feeling fearful in their hearts. They no longer had the heroic spirit they had when they left, and they smiled cautiously.

"Collect the debt? Young Master, what's going on?"

The person who looked like a butler looked at Xu Qingfeng in puzzlement.

Before Pockmark Wang and the other two could take out the IOU, Xu Qingfeng had already shouted, "Butler Kang, you came at the right time. Send someone to escort these three people into the cellar. Treat them well!"

Xu Qingfeng turned around and glared fiercely at Pockmark Wang and the other two. He even emphasized the words "treat them well".

When Butler Kang saw his young master's attitude, he silently signaled to the servants behind him. The servants immediately went forward and brought Pockmark Wang and the others to the backyard.

"Young Master Xu, Lord Xu, you didn't say that before you came. Young Master Xu, how can you not keep your word... Lord Xu, please spare our lives..."

Pockmark Wang and the other two were shocked. They struggled for a while before crying and begging for mercy.

"Keep my word? Do you think you are worthy of me keeping my word? Bah!"

Xu Qingfeng cursed angrily as if he had just vented his anger. His expression finally eased up.

"Young Master, what exactly is going on?"

Butler Kang asked again.

Xu Qingfeng looked to the sides. Butler Kang immediately backed off and helped Xu Qingfeng into the room.

"Uncle Kang, you've watched me grow up. I, Xu Qingfeng, have never suffered such humiliation in my entire life. Uncle Kang, you have to think of a way to help me vent this anger!"

In the room, Xu Qingfeng sat on the bed in anger and told Butler Kang about what happened in Taoyuan Village.

"Young Master, you're also muddle-headed. She's just a peasant woman. When have you not gotten anything that you wanted? You even got yourself covered in injuries."

After listening quietly, Butler Kang reprimanded Xu Qingfeng. Then, he took out some ointment and started to apply the medicine on Xu Qingfeng.

"Uncle Kang, I know I'm wrong this time. I must take revenge on Chen Zhiyuan and snatch Li Zhu'er. I want to ravage her in front of Chen Zhiyuan!"

Xu Qingfeng gritted his teeth. His eyes were filled with hatred.

"Young Master, your mistake was to leave a weakness for others. You even wrote an IOU. Even if this matter is brought to the government office, you're still in the wrong. If the master finds out..."

"Uncle Kang, it's too late to say anything now. Don't keep me in suspense. If you have any ideas, quickly tell me. How can I avoid paying these 10,000 coins, keep this a secret from my father, and also avoid bringing this matter to the government office? And also vent my anger on my behalf!"

Xu Qingfeng sighed and looked at Butler Kang again as if he was asking for help. The hatred in his eyes did not diminish in the slightest.

"Young Master, it's not like we don't have a solution. Since we're going to take revenge, we'll take it or leave it. I heard that there's a Black Wind Mountain eighty miles south of the city. There's a group of strong men on the mountain who call themselves the Black Wind Army. They often go down the mountain to rob people..."

A hint of viciousness flashed in Butler Kang's eyes as he lowered his voice and looked at Xu Qingfeng.

Xu Qingfeng's eyes lit up before they dimmed down again, and he looked at Butler Kang and said, "Uncle Kang, if we want to go to Black Wind Mountain, we'll have to rely on the people close to the mansion. However, the county town is so far away from Black Wind Mountain. If someone were to see us and expose us, colluding with bandits would be a crime punishable by death..."

"Young Master, I only said that there's a group of Black Wind Army on Black Wind Mountain, but I didn't say that I'm really going to invite the Black Wind Army to do this job... As long as we find a group of thugs on the black market and let them use the name of the Black Wind Army, then we'll unknowingly kill that Chen fellow... who can blame us?"

Butler Kang once again reminded Xu Qingfeng tactfully.

Xu Qingfeng was stunned for a moment. Then his eyes suddenly had a strange expression, and he said with great joy, "This is a good idea! This is a good idea! Uncle Kang, I'll have to trouble you with this matter of finding people. You must do it without anyone knowing. It doesn't matter if Chen Zhiyuan lives or not. It's just that Li Zhu'er has to be alive."

"Young Master, don't worry. I know what to do."

A trace of sadness flashed across Butler Kang's eyes. Then, he steeled his mind again and left.

This young master of his was good in everything, but it was unknown when he would be able to stop being lecherous. Since he could not change it, he had the responsibility to help him change.

Since ancient times, beauties were full of trouble!

Miss Li, if you had to blame someone, you can only blame your bad luck!

Walking out of the courtyard, Butler Kang immediately called over a servant and whispered a few words.

Not long after, a man dressed in ordinary people's clothing walked out of the Xu Residence's main gate. After looking left and right, he disappeared into the crowd.