Poker Playstyle

After leaving Wang Shan's house, Chen Zhiyuan reorganized his train of thought.

With Wang Shan's assistance and the fact that he could post recruitment notices inside and outside the county town, it shouldn't be difficult to gather 500 people. In addition, some veterans had seen bloodshed, and they could still manage to make it onto the battlefield.

The current main problem was ordnance. Military Governor Zhao didn't even care about the county magistrate. A small constable like him would definitely not be able to persuade him. It seemed that he could only use Wang Shan's plan to win him over from the casino; only then could he obediently cooperate and forge weapons for him.

But the problem was that with the current gambling techniques, he and the people around him, who were noobs, shouldn't be able to win against veterans like Military Governor Zhao. If he wanted to win, he could only rely on his knowledge from later generations to redesign a gambling method.

Thinking of this, Chen Zhiyuan could not help but think of the little girl at home who was proficient in mental arithmetic. She might be the key to breaking this situation.

In the county town.

In a shop that custom-made carpentry work.

"Master, is your shopkeeper here?"

Chen Zhiyuan went forward and asked an old master who was instructing others to plane wood everywhere.

There was no other way. With the technology of the current era, it might be impossible to make cardboard that was smooth and resilient as the later generations. He could only use wood instead.

"Aiyo, the customer is here. As long as you can tell us what carpentry work you want, we will be able to do it. Our shop has the best carpentry work in the county town."

When the old master saw that the customer had arrived, he immediately put down the work on hand, wiped his hands on his clothes, and called Chen Zhiyuan over.

"Shopkeeper, I want 27 wooden cards like this..."

Chen Zhiyuan told his idea to the woodworking shop owner.

After fifteen minutes, the shopkeeper finally understood Chen Zhiyuan's idea, and he said, "Sir, the wooden cards you said must be neither big nor small, and it has to be thin enough. They can't break after playing two games. To make such a wooden card, I'm afraid that other than gold wire and ironwood, no other wood can meet your requirements. But the price of this gold wire and ironwood..."

"The price is not a problem. As long as you can make it, we'll do it according to your price!"

Chen Zhiyuan didn't haggle over the price. He has to make it as soon as possible.

"Okay, as long as you say so, Sir. You can come and pick it up at this time tomorrow."

Seeing that Chen Zhiyuan was so forthright, the shopkeeper of the carpentry shop gave a price with a smile on his face. The deposit was half the amount, and he would pay the other half and materials fees once it was finished.

After this was done, Chen Zhiyuan walked around the city. After buying some commonly used items that his family needed urgently, he left the city gate.

At the town gate, he saw that a few of Wang Shan's subordinates had already erected a recruitment notice.

"The county magistrate has given an order. The bandits in Black Wind Mountain are rampant. Today, he has specially ordered Constable Chen Zhiyuan from the county office to organize a local army to eradicate the bandits. Anyone over the age of 16 with clean family background and those who are physically able can enroll. Those who enroll can gather at Taoyuan Village, which is in the west of the town. Those who are selected will receive 200 catties of rations, and those who are not selected will be given a meal."

The notice board also included the route and distance to Taoyuan Village.

The people who were looking at the notice board and asking the bailiffs had crowded the place. Most of them were poor people who were dressed in rags.

Chen Zhiyuan felt sad and helpless when he saw this. The famine had been going on for years. It was only 200 catties of potatoes, yet he was able to make a living person willing to work for him. This scene made his desire to become powerful even stronger.

Back at home, Zhu'er, Lu Shuxue, and Wu Qiushui were chatting in the courtyard. When they saw Chen Zhiyuan again, they were no longer as embarrassed as they were in the morning.

"Zhu'er, and the two ladies. I have a way to pass the time. Do you want to try it?"

Chen Zhiyuan walked over and said to the three ladies with a smile.

"A way to pass the time? Hubby, tell us quickly. Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

Li Zhu'er's eyes lit up.

Now that Chen Zhiyuan had stopped her from going to work in the field, there was no need for her to fetch water. The only thing she could do was weave two pieces of cloth in her free time. However, with Lu Shuxue and Wu Qiushui here, it was not appropriate for her to leave them alone to weave.

Girl talk would always end. What she lacked now was something to relieve her boredom.

The other two ladies were also very curious. They looked at Chen Zhiyuan one after another.

"I made a deck of cards. The rules are roughly like this..."

As Chen Zhiyuan spoke, he used a wooden stick to draw the cards from the future generations. From one to thirteen, they were divided into two colors, red and black. With the addition of a special card, this was a playing style for only two people.

Because there were a total of twenty-seven cards, one person would be short of one card. The person who was short of cards would be the first to play. They could only play the cards in ascending order. The game could start with a single card, a pair of cards, and consecutive pairs of cards. The special card could replace any card.

Because they knew all the cards in advance, as long as the other person calculated fast enough, they would be able to know all the cards in the opponent's hand. Then, they would make the appropriate choice and be the first to put out all their cards and win the game.

By the time Chen Zhiyuan finished introducing the rules, the eyes of the three women were already shining.

"Constable Chen, when can we play with the wooden cards you mentioned?"

Wu Qiushui could not wait, and she asked.

"I'll bring it back tomorrow. Miss Wu, you must remember these rules. I'll have great use for it then.

"Speaking of which, Zhu'er, there should be many people coming here tomorrow to register to join the local army. I'll get the bailiffs from the county office to help, but you also have to organize the women and children in the village to prepare food in advance. Just use the potatoes we've eaten, and boil them with some beef bone broth. I've also bought salt today."

Chen Zhiyuan looked at the three of them seriously and said.

"I will remember it quickly!"

"Don't worry, Hubby. I'll go and discuss with Elder Liu and ask him to help."

Wu Qiushui and Zhu'er immediately got up and started to do their own things.

Only Lu Shuxue was still in her original position. Seeing that Chen Zhiyuan was about to leave, she quickly got up and said sadly, "Constable Chen, what about me? Sister Li and Qiu Shui both have tasks to do. How can I just watch and do nothing?"

"Miss Lu, you came from afar as a guest. How could I have the nerve to trouble a guest..."

Chen Zhiyuan had no choice but to turn around and explain.

"But Qiu Shui is also a guest. She can help, and I can learn."

Lu Shuxue puffed up her mouth, tears appearing faintly in her eyes.

"Then how about this, Miss Lu. I'll bring the cards back tomorrow. You must accompany Miss Wu to familiarize yourself. Also, tell her that when the time comes, she will have to compete with a gambling veteran. She cannot be careless and show her cowardice. I'm sure she will listen to what you say."

After Chen Zhiyuan said this, he said in a particularly serious tone, "Miss Lu, all the weapons and armors needed by the local army are on this gambling table. I'll leave everything to you."

"Alright, Constable Chen, don't worry. I'll definitely train Qiu Shui very quickly!"

Lu Shuxue return to her usual appearance, and she smiled.

Only then did Chen Zhiyuan walk to the cellar in the backyard. He entered the system space and moved the stored food into the cellar.