I Want the Whole World to Plant This

The next day.

At noon.

Outside Taoyuan Village, people began to appear one after another. They were all adult males.

Chen Zhiyuan led Wang Shan and the other bailiffs to stand under the big tree at the entrance of the village. They let the people who came line up in an orderly manner and continued to distribute clean water.

Setting the recruitment location at Taoyuan Village was originally the first test. The county town was 40 miles away from here. Basically, it could screen out a large number of refugees who wanted to come here for free meals. Those who could walk here at least had a certain amount of physical strength.

Looking at the beef bones in the big pot at the intersection and the round potatoes, the smell of meat had already drifted out for several miles. It wasn't just the people who came for the test who kept looking around.

Even Wang Shan and a few other bailiffs glanced inside from time to time and swallowed their saliva.

"Chief, aren't you going too far? There's still meat on the beef bones. We usually don't get to eat such good food. Also, we haven't even seen this potato before. It smells really good. Can we let our brothers satisfy their cravings later first?"

Wang Shan took a few steps forward and came to Chen Zhiyuan's side. He said with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah, Chief Chen, it smells so good. Let us try it first."

"Chief Chen, if you don't say anything, we'll take it that you agree."


A few bailiffs who came with Wang Shan also started to jeer. However, they were just saying it. No one took a step forward.

"Don't worry. If you guys choose the people well for me, I'll definitely let you eat first later. This potato is a novelty. If you guys don't eat it, I'm afraid the others won't dare to eat it."

Chen Zhiyuan turned around and smiled at the bailiffs.

"Chief, it's good that you said that. You guys heard it. I told you that it wouldn't be wrong to follow Chief Chen. There will definitely be benefits when you come. Now that you know what I said was correct, right?"

Wang Shan raised his voice even louder, and he shouted loudly, "Remember to be more energetic. Those who can't lift the 20-pound stone lock, we don't want them. Those who faint at the sight of blood, we can't keep them. This mission can only be successful. There can't be any mistakes!"

Chen Zhiyuan listened to Wang Shan's voice behind him. His impression of him was getting better and better. After he gave a rough description, he came up with a more detailed standard, especially the point where one would faint at the sight of blood. Even he hadn't thought about it at the moment.

When the time came, it would be a good choice for him to settle down and let Wang Shan be his assistant.

"Don't worry, Chief Chen and Brother Wang. We all understand."

A few bailiffs walked down and began to test the men in line one by one. Able to lift the 20-pound stone lock and not fainting at the sight of blood was a hard standard.

Very soon, those who passed were pulled to one side, while those who failed were pulled to the other side.

After the meal, the unqualified ones still had one more chance to try.

Seeing that the sun was already above their heads, Chen Zhiyuan gave the order and began to distribute bowls and chopsticks to everyone to start eating.

The bailiffs took the lead and rushed to the big pot, asking the women of Taoyuan Village who were fetching the food to give them more. It would be best if there was a bone in it.

"Chief Chen, this is too delicious. I've lived for thirty years, but this is the first time I've eaten something like this... Damn it, Qian San'er, that's the ox bone in my bowl. Don't snatch it!"

"Indeed, it's really delicious. Brother Wang, why don't you come down and have a taste?"

The bailiffs took big mouthfuls of the food in their bowls and opened their mouths to entice Wang Shan, who was standing next to Chen Zhiyuan.

"You guys eat first. I'll be right back!"

Wang Shan smiled at the people below and then said to Chen Zhiyuan, "Chief, when you said that you would give 200 catties of food, do you mean these?"

"Yes, I have these most. Why? Can't I?"

Chen Zhiyuan shifted his gaze away from the bailiff who was fighting for the food and looked at the crowd.

"Sure, it's good enough that there's something to eat these days. I just want to say, isn't this a little too good for them?"

"That's just how you feel right now. I feel that I've let these people down, exchanging 200 catties of potatoes for one life. After everyone has tasted it and knows that this thing can be eaten, I will let everyone grow this in Taoyuan Village. In the future, I will let the whole world plant this thing. The yield of this thing is much higher than our current grain, so there won't be so many people who will starve to death."

Chen Zhiyuan said with a sigh.

"Chief Chen, what you said just now was a bit dangerous. It would be a big crime if someone with motives heard it."

Wang Shan also looked at the crowd, indicating something.

However, his heart was in turmoil. There was no one else in the world who could make people do something except the emperor. Chief Chen was a bit too ambitious.

"Weren't you the only one who heard these words just now? Are you a person with a motive?"

Chen Zhiyuan turned his head and looked at Wang Shan.

"Haha, I, Wang Shan, don't dare to say that I'm open and aboveboard, but I'm definitely not a despicable person. Chief Chen, you're doing good for the people of the world. If there's anything that I can help with, why would I mind risking my life once?"

Wang Shan's eyes flashed with a bright light, indicating his thoughts.

"Isn't that enough? I'll leave this place to you. It's about time for me to prepare to make a bet with Military Governor Zhao. If I win the bet, Old Wang, we'll have a good start."

Chen Zhiyuan walked towards his own thatched cottage and said to Wang Shan without turning his head back.

"Chief, don't worry. I will definitely pick 500 good soldiers for you to fight!"

Wang Shan cupped his fists and bowed solemnly.


In the small courtyard, Lu Shuxue and Wu Qiushui were still playing with the wooden card in their hands. When they saw Chen Zhiyuan come in, the two of them hurriedly stood up and bowed.

"Ladies, there's no need to be so polite. I just came in to see if this thing can attract the interest of gamblers."

Chen Zhiyuan quickly waved his hand to let the two of them sit down, and he asked.

"This wooden card is a new thing, and the rules are fair and interesting. As long as the stakes are enough, there will definitely be people willing to play."

After Lu Shuxue finished speaking, she said to Chen Zhiyuan, "Constable Chen, I've also completed the task you gave me. Now, Qiu Shui only needs to get half of it to figure out what card the other party is holding. If you bring her out, I'm sure she won't lose."

"Thank you, Miss Lu. With your words, I'm relieved."

Chen Zhiyuan bowed solemnly to Lu Shuxue and then looked at Wu Qiushui. "Miss Wu, thank you for your trouble. I'll protect you from behind. You don't have to be afraid no matter who you bet with."

"Mm... I'll work hard. I won't let you down, Constable Chen!"

Wu Qiushui was startled by Chen Zhiyuan's serious look. Then, she took a deep breath and answered seriously as well.

"Miss Wu, let's change our clothes and leave now. We'll go into the town to check out the situation first."


Then, the two of them walked into the house.

Soon, a young master came out of the house, followed by a servant.

Lu Shuxue, who was standing outside the house, saw the two of them and immediately burst into laughter.

"Sister Lu, can you stop laughing? It's my first time pretending to be a man, and I even have a beard..."

Wu Qiushui's face was full of grievances, and she was complaining so much that Lu Shuxue almost couldn't straighten her back.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but, haha..."

Lu Shuxue couldn't hold it in anymore.

However, Chen Zhiyuan was very satisfied. This was the effect he wanted.

A young lady thought that she had learned a gambling technique that was unparalleled in the world. She pretended to be a man and led her follower everywhere to find people to challenge. It was obvious to other people that she was a woman in disguise. There were many challengers, yet she had never lost!

This was how reputation would start building!

Military Governor Zhao, that older gambler who loved gambling, would have no choice but to come and take a look.