On the Gambling Table, There Is No Gender Distinction

Qingshui County.

East Alley.

This alley was also known as the gambling street. The people inside were either gamblers or people who made money from these gamblers.

A person with a bird cage in his left hand and a snuff bottle in his right hand slowly walked into the alley that was filled with casinos.

When the crowd saw him, they all greeted him.

"Lord Zhao, you're here again today."

"Yes, I'm here."

"Good morning, Lord Zhao, you're bird strolling huh..."

"Good morning to all of you. What do you think of this canary of mine?"

Lord Zhao didn't put on airs. He kept smiling and nodding as he greeted the crowd.

"The one in Lord Zhao's hand is definitely of the highest quality!"

The people around him started to flatter him.

Lord Zhao's name was Zhao Dengming. He was the chief of the county's armory. He had the title of the military governor and was extremely fond of gambling. However, his gambling etiquette was extremely good. He never relied on his power to bully others at the gambling table. Even if he lost, he would never go back on his word.

Therefore, the people on this street were extremely familiar with him. Naturally, their senses were also particularly good.

Zhao Dengming walked into a familiar gambling house. The shopkeeper immediately greeted him with a smile. "Lord Zhao, what would you like to play today? Or pai gow?"

"I won't play today. Playing this every day makes me sick of it. Do you have anything new?"

Zhao Dengming teased the bird in his hand and asked the shopkeeper.

"Aiyo, you don't say. In the past, there haven't been any. Today, there really are people who want to challenge the gambling house."

The shopkeeper took a few steps forward and quietly pulled Zhao Dengming to a corner. He said in a low voice, "Lord Zhao, do you see the people surrounded there?"

"Yes, a young master and a follower."

Zhao Dengming looked in the direction the shopkeeper pointed and nodded.

"Bah! A young master my foot, it's a girl! She disguised herself and thought that no one would recognize her."

The shopkeeper disdainfully said, then he introduced to Zhao Dengming, "That girl has 27 cards in her hand. She said that it's a gambling technique that she created herself. It's unparalleled in the world. She made a bet with someone and bet five strings of coins. If anyone defeats her, she'll pay back double."

"Hmm... It sounds interesting. Are there any rules since it's a new game?"

Zhao Dengming's eyes lit up, and he continued to ask.

"She said that after the cards are shuffled, each person will take one card until there's no card. The one with the least cards will play first. If there's a single card, then two pairs of the same cards... In short, the one who puts out all of their cards first will win. Yesterday, they came, and they won 27 matches in a row. They haven't lost a single match. I'm afraid that they've won more than a hundred strings of coins, which is more than what I earned in a day. But, I don't have a way to chase out those who follow the rules..."

After a brief introduction, the shopkeeper looked over and said with envy and jealousy.

"27 consecutive wins! Shopkeeper, is there... any problem with her cards?"

A smile appeared on Zhao Dengming's lips, and his eyes were shining.

"No, as long as you are willing to bet, you can check the cards first before you bet. I also went to take a look. It's made by North Street Carpenter in the city. Besides, if there's a problem, we would have kicked them out long ago, right?"

The shopkeeper shook his head and said.

"Haha, looks like we have some fun to play today. Shopkeeper, keep an eye on my bird."

Zhao Dengming placed the bird cage on the counter and strode towards the table in the corner.


"How unlucky. I lost again!"

A person walked down the card table dejectedly.

"28 consecutive wins! Is there anyone who dares to come up and compete with my young master? If you win against my young master, the stakes will be tripled!"

Chen Zhiyuan shouted as he watched the person at the door slowly walk over. He shouted even louder.

From the moment Zhao Dengming entered the door, his attention had never left him. Since he was finally here, he naturally shouted even harder.

"Friend, how do you play this card?"

Zhao Dengming sat on the card table.

"Sir, my young master's throat is a little uncomfortable. Let me introduce the rules to you."

Chen Zhiyuan bowed his head and asked carefully, his smile becoming more and more obsequious.

"Ahem! That's fine too!"

Zhao Dengming glanced at Chen Zhiyuan and then at Wu Qiushui. He lowered his head for a moment. He was also amused by Wu Qiushui disguising herself as a man. However, he was here to gamble today. There was no reason in the world that women could not gamble.

Sitting at the gambling table, there was no distinction between men and women, only gamblers.

"Sir, for our gameplay, you have to distribute all the cards one by one after the cards are shuffled. The one who has the least card will play first, and the next person's turn has to put out a card that's bigger than the previous. There is also a special card on this deck. It can replace any card. You can take a look..."

Chen Zhiyuan spread out the cards one by one and took out the special card for Zhao Dengming to look at. Then, he continued to explain the remaining rules to him, and only then did he retreat behind Wu Qiushui.

"Okay, I understand. Deal the cards. I'll go first! I bet ten string of coins!"

Zhao Dengming nodded and took out a small silver ingot as he spoke.

Chen Zhiyuan went forward and shuffled the cards in front of the two of them before handing them out.


Zhao Dengming took out two cards.


Wu Qiushui also took out two cards.

"Special card plus two. This should be the biggest card, straight!"



"It's indeed interesting. I was careless in the first round. Haha, again. This time, I'll bet twenty strings of coins!"

Zhao Dengming smiled and took out two ingots of silver to let Chen Zhiyuan deal cards.


"Another round!"


"Another round!"


Two hours later.

"Sir, you've already lost nineteen rounds. If you can't bet anymore, you might as well go home and get the money."

Chen Zhiyuan looked at Zhao Dengming, who was sweating profusely on his forehead. His hands were touching his chest and abdomen for a long time, but he still hadn't taken out any silver. He tried to persuade him with a flattering smile.

However, to Zhao Dengming, his flattering smile at this moment seemed like he was mocking him.

"No, this is the title deed of my house! One more round. If I lose, this will belong to you!"

Zhao Dengming took out a title deed from his pocket, slammed it on the table, and shouted at Chen Zhiyuan, "Deal! Backup!"

This was the first time Wu Qiushui had seen such a gambler who gambled on his family property. She looked at Chen Zhiyuan in a panic.

Chen Zhiyuan looked at Wu Qiushui and comforted her, "Sir, your bet is too big. My young master is afraid that he can't afford it. Why don't we forget about it today? Tomorrow..."


A loud sound came from the table.

"I'll let you deal the cards! If I lose, these will belong to you. If you lose, I'll take everything you have won!"

Zhao Dengming slammed his fist on the gambling table and glared at Chen Zhiyuan.


"What are you dawdling for? I, Zhao Dengming, always keep my words on the gambling table. Why don't you go and find out what kind of reputation I have on this street? Deal the cards!"


Chen Zhiyuan pretended to be helpless and dealt the cards, but the corners of his eyes were filled with joy. He had pretended for so long, and this was the moment he had been waiting for!

Military Governor Zhao!

Just admit defeat today!