Ox Knife Little Slaughter

Even though the name of the Pig Slaughtering Knife Technique was ordinary and even a little funny, its power was not ordinary. Its exquisiteness was in the word "fast".

It was like killing a pig. When the knife fell, it had to be fast, the technique had to be steady, and the direction had to be accurate. There could be no sloppiness.

In fact, the moment the three women saw the saber beam, they were already enveloped by it and could not escape. They could only resist it head-on.


In the blink of an eye, blood flowed down the tip of the saber, but there was no trace of it on the saber.

Of the three women, only one was lying on the ground. The other two did not have human forms anymore. Their white fur was stained with blood, and it was unknown if they were dead or alive. They were actually two white foxes!

"Tell me, why did you stop me here?"

Feng Ling stood two meters in front of them. He pointed his long saber and asked coldly.

He had held back just now because he wanted to get something out of them.

This was also the first time he had seen a demon, and it was even the classic image of a white fox. It would be a lie to say that he was not surprised.

Even though he had previously slaughtered many wild beasts like Lone Wolf last night, demons, demons that could transform into humans, were clearly not on the same level anymore.

"Sir, it's a misunderstanding! Sir, it's a misunderstanding!" The only white fox that could still maintain its human form clutched its shoulder and begged loudly, enduring the pain.

"We are little demons under Lord Bai Yi of Iron Mountain. We are here to find you. We just want to find you a set of tools!"

"Oh?" Feng Ling sneered. "You came to find me to forge tools. Are you trying to confuse me and block my path?"

"You set up an illusion here. If I didn't have some ability… Hmph, what if someone else passed by here and was trapped here for you to play with?"

"Sir, you've misunderstood!" The white fox was already regretting it.

He regretted appearing in such a manner.

How could they have expected a mere blacksmith to have such strength? They also didn't expect this person to attack first…

"The three of us definitely didn't cast this illusion on anyone until you left the town… No, we didn't mean to target you… We, we just…"

"Sir, the three of us were wrong. Please spare our lives for Lord Bai Yi's sake!"

The white fox stopped covering its wound and crawled on the ground, begging desperately.

With this appearance and the beautiful human form she had transformed into, some soft-hearted people probably couldn't take it anymore.

Feng Ling was unmoved and asked coldly, "What's the background of this Lord Bai Yi you mentioned?"

"Where exactly is it located in Iron Mountain?"

"Why would it know about me?"

Feng Ling placed the long saber on the white fox's neck. "You'd better answer honestly. Otherwise, I might have to use the fox to open the blade before I slaughter the ox."

Half an hour later, Feng Ling received three notifications.

[The butcher's knife you forged has completed the kill. You have obtained the divine power, "Dismembering Bull"]

[The butcher's knife you forged has completed the kill. Your divine power, "Dismembering Bull", has been enhanced by 5 points.]

[The butcher's knife you forged has completed the kill. Your divine power, "Dismembering Bull", has been enhanced by 5 points.]

Feng Ling placed the three white fox corpses in the trunk and drove back to his small courtyard.

After assigning Nine Rings a new mission, Feng Ling lay in the chair and began to think.

The world was changing all the time. This change wasn't about how fast technology was developing. Countries were finally sitting down to set carbon neutrality goals.

This "change" was the entire world. It was all the living environment that was changing.

Feng Ling had been aware of this since eight years ago.

When he was eight years old, he began to learn the breathing technique from his master.

In the past two years, his strength had indeed increased a lot, but it had not reached an exaggerated level.

However, on a certain day not long after his master passed away, a warm current appeared in his dantian.

Then, the warm current continued to grow, and his physique became better and better.

It was also from that year that wild beasts appeared in the surroundings from time to time. It was also because of these fertilizers that Feng Ling's back garden grew to its current state.

After the appearance of the "Equipment Strategy", Feng Ling understood that there might be some magical things in this world.

These existences might not be explained by current science, but he had never paid much attention to them.

He was just a simple blacksmith. All he wanted to do was develop better casting techniques and forge better instruments.

Until today…

He had to admit that the appearance of the three fox demons had a huge impact on him.

That was a fantasy creature that only existed in legends and movies. Today, it stood in front of him alive.

According to the white fox, these demons were even divided into factions and organized!

Feng Ling even suspected that some of these demons had already taken human form and mingled in the human world.

Even though the white fox said that their cultivation levels were not high, and the reason why they could transform into human form was because of their racial talent, didn't that mean that if the other races were strong enough, they could also transform into human form?

Thinking of this, Feng Ling felt a strong sense of danger.

Therefore, shouldn't he pick up a portion of the rewards that he had obtained from the Equipment Strategy?

At the very least, he had the ability to protect himself in this increasingly ridiculous world…

Today was considered lucky.

These three white foxes happened to be not strong. He had also obtained an Divine Power of the Eye called [Illusion Break]. He happened to be driving a car with a Bull Slaying Knife in it. He happened to know the Pig Slaughtering Knife Technique.

All sorts of coincidences allowed him to successfully escape.

But what if it was that white-robed demon… No, after he killed three of its subordinates, it would come looking for him sooner or later.

Feng Ling took out his phone, thought about it, and put it back.

Calling the police now was a good idea, but he had no way of proving that what he said was true.

'How do you mean?'

He said that he had encountered three fox demons who had cast an illusion on him, and he had killed them with a backhand slash?

What a joke. Not to mention others, even Feng Ling himself wouldn't believe it if someone said this to him before today's incident.

And what did he use to kill three foxes?

A big machete about half a metre long?

That would be torture.

"We have to think about it carefully."

Feng Ling shook his head and muttered to himself as he came to the back garden to find a good place for the three white foxes. At least he had unlocked a divine power, so he deserved this treatment.

Then he returned to his room, took out a pen and paper, and began to organize the feedback he had received from the device.

Other than the breathing technique that his master had passed down, it seemed that only the feedback reward from the weapon could allow him to have some extraordinary abilities.

"Cooking, farming, forging, butchering, identifying acupoints and meridians, dismembering cows, Heaven and Earth Crossing Technique, breaking illusions…"

"To deal with supernatural creatures like demons, my foundation is to increase my combat ability, so I have to focus."

"The Heaven and Earth Crossing Technique can strengthen my physical fitness. The Pig Slaughtering Knife Technique allows me to fight in close combat. The Illusion Break technique allows me to see through illusions. The Pig Slaughtering Knife allows me to find flaws…"

"These are irreplaceable in battle. However, if I want to improve step by step, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with the white-robed demon in time. If I want my strength to increase quickly, I'll have to rely on the feedback reward of the weapon strategy."

Feng Ling could not help but have a headache at the thought.