You Have To Have A Foundation

These cultivation techniques and divine powers that could increase his combat strength were all rewards obtained from killing wild beasts.

In other words, if he wanted to use the weapon to quickly increase his strength, he needed to use the weapon that allowed him to obtain these spells and divine powers to complete the kill.

"What a headache. Do I have to become a butcher?"

Feng Ling rubbed the space between his eyebrows and couldn't help cursing the white-robed demon again.

However, no matter what, this matter could not be avoided. If he wanted to deal with it, he could only make himself as strong as possible before the white-robed demon arrived.

"It's a pity that the Pig Slaughtering Knife and the Bull Slaying Knife are both controlled knives. There aren't any slaughterhouses around either. Otherwise, things would be much easier."

He muttered under his breath, but Feng Ling was still prepared to try.

He went to his room and carried a hiking bag. He packed some water and condiments, instructed Nine Rings, and set off with the Pig Slaughtering Knife and the Bull Slaying Knife.

It got dark late in early autumn. Even though it was already six in the afternoon, the sunset was just right. The western horizon was red and beautiful.

Feng Ling headed west and soon reached the bottom of the hill.

The Divine Weapon Town was in the middle of two mountains, Copper Mountain and in the West, while Iron Mountain was in the East.

Feng Ling's 20 acres of land was connected to Tong Shan. When he was young, he often came to Tong Shan to hunt.

Copper Mountain was not tall or famous, but it formed a small mountain range. It covered a large area and the forest covered a wide area.

Ordinary people did not dare to enter at all. Otherwise, once they got lost, it was hard to say if they would survive.

In addition, in the past few years, they had advocated the protection of the forest and prohibited indiscriminate cutting. In recent years, the forest in Tongshan had also become more and more lush.

On the other hand, the number of wild beasts increased, and the competition for survival became more intense.

At least that was what the wind plume felt like.

When he came to catch pheasants when he was young, he had to go one to two hundred meters deep to see the traces of pheasants.

However, a few years ago, when he came again, he could already see some traces of activity of the lone wolf wild boar when he went 1,200 meters deeper.

In the past two years, the situation was even worse. Every few days, wild beasts similar to last night's lone wolf would barge into his small courtyard.

Occasionally, a few ignorant ones would run more than ten miles to the town, but most of them were captured and sent back to the forest.

However, because of the frequent occurrence of this phenomenon, the officials also lifted a portion of the relevant ban.

Humans could fight and kill if there was an animal presence that threatened their lives.

Feng Ling came here today to increase her strength.

However, he did not think that he was a butcher who killed indiscriminately. All his actions had to be rooted.

'Best case, self-defence.'

Hence, he took out his Pig Slaughtering Knife and walked straight into the forest.

It wasn't the time for nocturnal hunters to be out and about. But in a jungle like this, there were always hunters.

Feng Ling did not hide her tracks. She swaggered and hummed a little tune as she staggered through the forest.

The accumulated leaves on the ground crackled as he guessed, and the tone of the little tune rose.

Finally, a panting black boar appeared.

Feng Ling looked in the direction of the wild boar, grinned, and suddenly shouted, "You, come over!"

His breathing was long, and his voice was like thunder, exploding in the forest and echoing in all directions.

The wild boar's body trembled, and its eyes widened. It turned its head and looked straight at Feng Ling.

Feng Ling held her right arm with her left hand and stretched out her right index finger, beckoning slightly.

This action was not big, but it was filled with mockery. Even a wild boar could roughly understand the meaning.

The wild boar snorted and rushed towards Feng Ling without hesitation.

Seeing this, Feng Ling chuckled and turned to run.

He was neither fast nor slow and was just on the same level as the boar. He was less than three meters away, but the boar could not catch him no matter what.

Feng Ling ran for a hundred meters before suddenly stopping. Then, she turned around and slashed.

In the forest, as the wild boar charged forward, blood splattered and scattered to the ground.

Feng Ling kept his knife in position. Ten yards behind him, the boar crashed to the ground. On its side, a wound that had opened up half its body was gurgling blood.

A real man never looked back at the ending.

[The Pig Slaughtering Knife you forged has completed the kill. Your Pig Slaughtering Knife Technique has improved by 1 point.]

Feng Ling gave herself 99 points, then put away her saber and turned around.

He dragged the wild boar out of the forest. Along the way, the smell of blood filled the air, arousing countless greed.

Feng Ling stopped by the forest and stood with her saber, waiting quietly.

He prepared the bait and waited quietly for it to take the bait.

At 8:50 p.m., Feng Ling sheathed his knife.

The Pig Slaughtering Knife Technique increased by 5 points, the divine power of dismembering an ox increased by 3 points, and the Earth Essence increased by 3 points.

It was a good haul, but Feng Ling frowned.

He had eleven vicious wolves, two wild boars, and a python.

Fourteen kills, but only eleven feedback.

Feng Ling recalled carefully and realized that there were three wolves that were obviously smaller when they killed the wolf pack.

"So, there are conditions for the return of the weapon policy? And the ones I slaughtered before ran around the courtyard. They all fit the conditions…"

"So what is this condition?"

Feng Ling thought for a moment, and a guess appeared in her mind.

Glancing at the time, the minute hand moved forward a bar.

"There's still time!"

Feng Ling raised his saber and ran for a hundred meters. He suddenly jumped up and slashed down.

The poor wild chicken was killed before it could react.

'Sure enough, no feedback.'

Feng Ling nodded in understanding. Then, she leaped and attacked again.

The death of two more pheasants still did not bring any feedback.

"Excluding chance, that leaves the inevitable."

"If I'm right, those who can make the device give back should have 'evolved.'"

"Only by killing these existences that surpass ordinary species will the weapon policy return."

"The reason why I thought that I could get feedback as long as I killed them was mainly because the ones I killed could reach the courtyard."

"This also explains why that fox demon can increase the strength of a yokel by 5 points. It's because they're stronger and no longer belong to the level of wild beasts."

"Sure enough, there are shortcuts in the world, but you can't be opportunistic. The slaughterhouse plan is ruined."

Feng Ling smiled bitterly, but that was a joke anyway, so he immediately calmed down.

"Humans can't be too greedy. Having the weapon strategy has already allowed me to grow at a speed far beyond that of ordinary people. The problem now is that I can't be prepared to judge which beasts have already evolved."

Feng Ling shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He walked home.

But at that moment, a voice suddenly came from behind him:

"Mr. Feng Ling, what a good move."

The voice sounded like a man and a woman at the same time. It filled the surroundings, making it difficult to distinguish the exact location of the person who spoke.

Feng Ling's expression did not change as he said loudly, "They want to eat my flesh and blood, so I naturally can't be soft-hearted."

"Hehe, don't worry, Mr. Feng Ling. Whether you fish for law enforcement or intend to slaughter, it has nothing to do with me. I'm only here to ask you to forge a weapon for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, a black figure appeared in front of Feng Ling.