A New Level Of The Blood-Robe

Feng Ling didn't have any essence energy in her body, only spiritual energy.

He was particular about "breathing synchronization" during the forging process.

During the forging process, he circulated the breathing technique and achieved an ingenious synergy with the forging.

While improving himself, he also brought up the grade of the weapon.

This was also the strength of the Armament Workshop's inheritance. After cultivating spiritual power, the terrifying power of the breathing technique was vividly displayed—

Forging = Cultivation + Weapon Advancement.

Feng Ling had tempered his body since he was young. Later on, he had the Heaven and Earth technique to allow his physique to grow rapidly, so his physical strength and energy far exceeded ordinary Forgings.

His forging speed had naturally reached an astonishing level.

Even though he couldn't expose his forging speed, he had to get his weapon to the battle personnel of the Peaceful Spirit Bureau as soon as possible.

The sooner the weapon was in place, the earlier his various cultivation techniques and divine powers could begin to improve, and the strength of the Peaceful Spirit Bureau could also be strengthened.

Killing two birds with one stone.

Therefore, he was prepared to go all out in the first month. He would increase the number of the first batch of tools first and say that they were from the previous inventory.

In the middle, it was mainly yellow-grade and mystic-grade. As for earth-grade… it required too much energy. It was not worth it in the early stages.

"I don't think I have enough material storage right now… but I'll sell these weapons to the Peaceful Spirit Bureau first. I'll exchange them all for materials and cycle them. This won't be a problem anymore."

Feng Ling made a plan, then made a list and instructed Nine Rings to start work.

There was the sound of hammering, and Feng Ling opened the door.

"Master Feng."

Xiao Shan, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately greeted him. Feng Ling smiled. "Good morning. Come in."

After bringing Xiao Shan into the courtyard, Feng Ling handed him the list and a long box. "There are two ranked swords inside. Take them to the Peaceful Spirit Bureau and tell them that this is not the mission for this month. Instead, it's for sale. Change the money obtained into the materials on the list. Do you understand?"

Xiao Shan took the long box and the list and said solemnly, "I promise to complete the mission!"

This was the first time he had done anything. He had to finish it beautifully.

Feng Ling ordered the materials and entered the forging room.

This drill lasted for an entire month.

During this period, Xiao Shan's job was to constantly transport materials. For this, he directly applied for a small truck from the bureau.

As for other than transporting materials…

He stayed in the small courtyard during work hours and listened to the banging sounds in the forging room. He watched as the nine rings clanged and left directly when it was time to get off work.

It was really idle.

A month later.

When Xiao Shan arrived at work, he realized that it was a little quiet today.

So the hammering was gone.

Xiao Shan was afraid that something would happen. He pushed open the door and saw that Feng Ling was eating breakfast. He was relieved.

"Master Feng."

"Coming." Feng Ling drained his bowl of noodle soup, wiped his mouth, went to the forge door and opened it.

"Send these to Chief Chen. I've recently forged some of them and have some in stock, so the quality is not unique. Let him find someone to appraise them himself."

Feng Ling pointed to the inner room. "Let's deduct the number of missions this year first and change the rest to materials… Well, change them to money first. There will probably be a lot of materials that can't be put away."

"Yes!" Xiao Shan immediately stepped forward and prepared to move the weapon away.

However, when he saw the pile of weapons by the wall, he could not help but be stunned.

'That's right. A pile.'

Xiao Shan looked at the pile of ranked weapons that seemed to have been wholesale from Yiwu and was dumbfounded.

"Ma- Master Feng—all of them?" He turned his head stiffly in disbelief.

"Ahem, I have a lot of stock." Feng Ling coughed lightly, knowing why Xiao Shan had such a reaction.

There were more than 200 ranked weapons after all. Together, they were quite impactful.

"There's nothing else for you to do today after you deliver these. I'll take a day off too. Go deliver them."

Feng Ling turned and entered the house.

Xiao Shan stared blankly for a while. Instead of making a move, he dialed Chen Baisheng's number.

"Deputy Director, there's something I have to report to you."

… Half an hour later.

Chen Baisheng brought a combat team to the small courtyard. When he saw the swords and knives casually piled on the ground, he was dumbfounded.

For some reason, the blades in front of him gave him a sense of cheapness.

Several members of the battle group swallowed involuntarily.

At a cursory glance, there were more than a hundred of them.

"Appraise it. Never mind. I'll take it back to the station first."

Chen Baisheng looked at his surroundings and felt that it was not safe.

The group moved quickly. When they carried all these weapons onto the car, the number was counted.

There were a total of 231 weapons!

Even Chen Baisheng, who had seen many big scenes, was a little nervous at this moment. He was really f*cking afraid that someone would come and snatch it!

And the others had gone mad.

What did it mean to have more than two hundred ranked weapons?

Let's put it this way. In their Mu Liang Peaceful Spirit Bureau, each ranked martial artist could take two, and they could even have one on their waist!

They could be arrogant!

The group came and went quickly. The small courtyard fell silent again.

After hearing that everyone had left, Feng Ling took out a Fly's Blood Bead and entered the Blood-Robe Realm.

He had gained a lot from this month of continuous forging.

Never before had he been so focused and long in his casting.

For a while in between, he entered a state of great wonder.

His soul seemed to split apart. Half of it controlled the forging of his body, while the other half separated from his body and could see what was happening outside the forging room.

He "saw" Nine Rings forging iron, "saw" Xiao Shan cultivating, and also saw the strange energy drifting between heaven and earth.

This feeling lasted for a few days. When the other half of his soul returned to his body, Feng Ling suddenly realized that he had already entered the basics of the "Eastern Purple Qi Technique"!

As his soul grew stronger, he had a vague feeling that his strength had reached a bottleneck.

If he wanted to take it one step further, it was no longer effective to train hard in the house.

He needed to fight more and master the techniques and divine powers on his body to truly become his.

After entering the Blood-Robe Realm, Feng Ling did not continue to be obsequious.

His soul swept over, covering a radius of ten miles.

The Blood-Robe Guides had nowhere to hide, and Feng Ling had no mercy.

After advancing for nearly a hundred miles, Feng Ling discovered the difference again.

There was actually an "empty spot" under a pile of Blood Firefly Stones not far in front of him.

Feng Ling came closer, picked away the Blood Firefly Stones, and looked at the strange place.

However, the Blood-Robe Realm was too special and could not be observed with the naked eye. Feng Ling could only extend his soul and explore below.

Feng Ling "saw" that there was a space similar to the Blood-Robed World below.

However, unlike the Blood-Robe World, the space below seemed like it could offer more!