
Xiao Shan secretly admired Feng Ling's simple lifestyle and was also glad.

He was from the military and had seen the true suffering of the human world. He was more sensitive in some aspects.

Even though he had to tolerate it sometimes, Feng Ling's style still made him feel very comfortable.

After circling around, Xiao Shan discovered a problem.

Feng Ling didn't seem to have mentioned where should he be staying.

However, when he asked this question, Feng Ling looked surprised.

"You're here to be a life assistant, so of course you have to have a working time. Eight to five, rest on Saturdays and Sundays, normal holidays, strictly no overtime. You can either go to the shop or come to my place during working hours. You can freely allocate the rest of your time."

Xiao Shan's face was blank. Eight to five, two days off on weekends, and no overtime during the holidays?

Was he here to work or to enjoy a decadent life?

"Why, is ther something you don't understand?"

"Uh, I can understand, but—"

"No buts. Alright, you can go back today. Tomorrow is the start of work. As for Chief Chen, if he asks, call me directly."

Xiao Shan left the small courtyard with a dumbfounded expression. When he got into the car, he finally pinched himself.

Feeling the pain in his thigh, Xiao Shan finally reacted. He took out his phone and called Chen Baisheng.

When Chen Baisheng heard Xiao Shan's report, he was also numb.

I sent someone over to protect you, but you want him to have nine-to-five working hours and holidays during weekend?

Why did he suddenly feel an inexplicable envy?

Ah, no, how can I protect you like this?!

Chen Baisheng cursed crazily in his heart, but on second thought, Feng Ling herself was a ranked expert, and her strength was probably not inferior to Lin Pin's. A Level Nine supernatural being really seemed to be only a living assistant…

"Let's do as he says. But be careful. We have to do what he tells us to do…"

After sending Xiao Shan off, Feng Ling came to a room.

The decor in the room was old but clean. A black-and-white photograph was on an eight-seater table facing the door. There was a jug of wine, two wine glasses and three packs of cigarettes in front of the photograph.

It was a picture of an old man. He looked to be in his seventies or eighties. He was very thin, with protruding cheekbones and wrinkles stacked on top of each other.

He was Feng Ling's master and the person who had raised Feng Ling, Ou Tianci.

Feng Ling stood still in front of the table and looked at the photo for a long time before speaking slowly in a low voice.

"Master, you advised me not to deal with the officials. You said that they were too black-hearted and I was too stupid…"

"But times are different now. The current government is not the same as before…"

"Besides, Master, do you know that I've killed demons and devils these days? I've even seen gods that I don't know if they're real or fake… This world makes me feel so unfamiliar all of a sudden. I seem to have transmigrated. They even said that I'm some ranked expert."

"I know my limits. Really, Master, I'm very sober now. That's why I came over to let you know."

"In the past 18 years, it was you who allowed me to live and taught me my skills. Later on, it was the current government who helped me a lot. We're not good people who save the needy. We have our own selfish motives, but just as you said back then, many things have happened, and we have some ability, so we have to help if we can. What if others help us? Then we'll know how to repay kindness and can't be ungrateful."

"Besides, I won't be at a disadvantage. You might not believe it, but I, your disciple, have obtained the huge opportunity you mentioned. It's quite baffling and unbelievable."

"I don't know if this world is lucky or unlucky for me now, but there's no need to hide the skills you taught me. Alright, then I have to let people know that our Armament Workshop doesn't sell pots and pans. We have plenty of good things."

"Oh, right, Martial Uncle Duan came not long ago and cried. He cried even harder than when I was young, but I didn't acknowledge him. I can tell that he became a big shot like you said and didn't disappoint you."

"That's all for now. Take a rest. I'll talk to you another day."

The second day of October on the lunar calendar, the day before the beginning of winter.

The day was clear and sunny.

Xiao Shan arrived at Feng Ling's small courtyard early in the morning, but the small courtyard was not open.

He didn't knock, just waited quietly outside.

Feng Ling was sorting out the materials in the courtyard while calculating her forging efficiency.

The better the quality of the weapon, the more time and effort it would take.

For example, an earth-grade Pig Slaughtering Knife could be forged in two hours, but it still needed some time to recover its strength and energy.

All of this time added together was the final forging time for a weapon.

According Feng Ling's calculations, if it was an earth-grade weapon, two weapons a day was normal speed without overtime.

If it was a Mystic-grade, he could do four items a day. Yellow-grade was the simplest, eight items a day.

However, he could not expose his forging speed. From his conversation with Zhang Zhenguo and the others yesterday, there was also a gap between the Master Forgers.

And the difference was quite huge!

Overall, the gap reflected two aspects.

One was the quality of the weapon, and the other was the forging speed.

Needless to say, the quality of forging weapons was different.

Forging speed was also an important indicator of the value of a master forger.

An ordinary Master Forger, with the help of several Master Forgers, could forge yellow-grade weapons at a maximum rate of three a month.

The stronger Master Forgers could make five weapons a month.

For example, Zhang Zhenguo could forge six swords at his peak.

It was not that the other Forgers were too useless, but the forging of ranked weapons was too cumbersome.

A ranked weapon required "scalability". On the one hand, the requirements for the refinement of materials were very high, and on the other hand, there were also requirements for the Forgers himself.

In order to forge a ranked weapon, a Forger had to cultivate essence energy.

It might not necessarily reach the level of a ranked expert, but at least it could guarantee that the weapon he forged could adapt to essence energy.

In most cases, to increase the efficiency of forging, Forgers needed the assistance of ranked experts.

A ranked expert would release essence energy as a bridge to help the master and the Forging Master communicate.

However, the amount of essence energy that ordinary ranked experts could release was also very limited. After a certain period of time, they also needed to rest, and Forgers also needed to recover their stamina and energy.

This way, the efficiency was naturally lower.

However, if a Master Forger was a ranked expert, he would have sufficient essence energy. This could undoubtedly save a lot of time.

According to Zhang Zhangguo, the fastest forging speed was a forging genius in the capital.

He had the strength of a Level Eight martial artist and had broken the record of 20 swords a month!

This forging speed was more than six times that of an ordinary Master Forger!

And Feng Ling was different from these Master Forgers.