The Wind Rises

Feng Ling began to train his body at the age of eight and cultivated spiritual power at the age of ten.

It had been eight years.

But before this, he had always only treated demons and gods as myths and legends. He had never thought that these were real, let alone seeing them with his own eyes.

However, it had only been three months since the white fox blocked his way. Not only had he seen demons, but his hands were also stained with the blood of several demons.

According to Guo Dasen and the others, there were actually demon beasts appearing on a large scale in some places!

This development gave Feng Ling the feeling that someone had planned for a long time and finally started to take action this year.

Recalling the words of the three white foxes at the beginning, there had long been a great demon who transformed into a human and mixed in the human world.

Could it be that these were big demons?

Feng Ling shook his head, feeling that it was more than that.

The current situation was not actually caused by the big demons. Instead, these unranked demon beasts were more troublesome.

Their combat strength far exceeded that of ordinary people, and there were many of them. Some of them were even extremely intelligent.

The key was that more than one place had appeared. This undoubtedly stretched the battle line.

It also forced Peaceful Spirit Bureau to disperse its combat power.

"Also, the origin of these demon beasts are quite mysterious."

Feng Ling made a judgment on the current situation, and the sense of urgency intensified.

After bidding farewell to Guo Dasen's squad, Feng Ling returned to the courtyard and began to forge.

He had to increase his strength as soon as possible so that he could protect himself in the upcoming chaos.

At this moment, a meeting was about to begin at the headquarters of the Peaceful Spirit Bureau in the capital.

Apart from the big shots of the military, there were also the main person-in-charge of the other departments present. The person leading the meeting was the head of Peaceful Spirit Bureau's department, Xu Xianren.

Xu Xianren looked to be in his early sixties. His short gray hair did not look dispirited. Instead, he looked energetic.

His small eyes were bright and clear, as if they contained infinite wisdom.

Looking around, he spoke first.

"I'm sure everyone already has some guesses about why I invited everyone over today for this meeting. I won't beat around the bush and will get straight to the point."

"Yesterday, the chief got a few people over, including me, to hold a small meeting and sign a document. This document is the main topic of our meeting today."

"There are three themes: the treatment of abnormal creatures; the direction of development of supernatural beings; and the guidance of the people's attitudes."

"Next, let me say what I think…"

On the fourth day of the lunar winter month, heavy snow fell.

The sky was extremely gloomy. The sun had not appeared for the entire day, and the wind was raging. Even though the temperature showed that it was 4 degrees Celsius, it felt like sub-zero.

Feng Ling wasn't too affected.

Ever since he cultivated spiritual power, his adaptability to the environment had greatly increased.

Not only could he endure the high temperature of the forge, but he could also only wear a sweater in this cold wind.

But he didn't look too good.

He'd had a bad feeling since the morning.

He knew very well that this was not his imagination. It was a sense of danger after his soul became stronger.

Another blast of cold air. Feng Ling looked up at the darkening sky.

There, crystals began to fall.

It started to snow.

"Master Feng, aren't you cold wearing this?" Xiao Shan was wearing a down jacket and rubbing his hands. He didn't look like a Level Nine expert at all.

Even though the physique of a Level Nine expert was also very strong, it was not to the extent of being immune to heat and cold.

"It's alright. What time is it? Go home early today." Feng Ling looked away.

"Uh, 4:55pm. Five minutes left." Xiao Shan glanced at his watch and said, "From the looks of it, there's going to be a heavy snowfall. The weather forecast didn't say it would snow today."

"Didn't the weather forecast forecasted the other way round?"

Xiao Shan laughed. "Indeed. I remember that when I was young, everyone said that the if the forecast said it would rain, it would definitely be a sunny day, and be prepared with an umbrella if the forecast was sunny."

"Alright, get off work. It won't be easy to walk when the snow gets heavy later," Feng Ling urged.

"Uh, alright, I'll leave then." Xiao Shan did not insist on not leaving. After spending more than a month together, he also understood Feng Ling's personality.

This was a very easygoing young man. He did not have the airs of a Master Forger. He did not have the arrogance of a young man. He only had the enthusiasm for forging and the seriousness of doing things.

"Be careful on the road. Also… Well, let's tell Chief Chen. It's best to strengthen our defenses tonight. I keep feeling that something bad is about to happen."

Xiao Shan immediately became serious. "Master Feng, did you sense something?"

"Maybe I've been a little overworked recently, but I think it's better to be cautious."

"Understood!" Xiao Shan nodded solemnly. "I'll report to Chief Chen… Uh, do you need me to stay…"

"No, go back. Take care of yourself." Feng Ling waved his hand and refused.

"All right then. Call me if you need anything, Master Feng."

After watching Xiao Shan leave, Feng Ling ate a simple meal and sat at the door, waiting quietly.

He wasn't shooting blindly, but as the sky grew darker, his uneasiness grew stronger.

At some point, the snow and wind stopped.

The clouds parted and the moon hung high.

The cold moonlight shone on the snow, making the land seem bright in the night.

In this silence, Feng Ling suddenly opened her eyes and placed her hand on the Bull Slaying Knife beside her.

Pairs of green eyes quietly appeared on the snow.

The roar echoed in the cool wind, sending a message.

In the snow, the lonely courtyard was already surrounded.

The pack of hungry wolves, the burly and terrifying black bears, the wild boars with bloodshot eyes, the pheasants flapping their wings… These animals at all ends of the food chain appeared "peacefully" outside the courtyard tonight.

Because now they had a common goal.

Feng Ling could already hear the roars and roars of those demon beasts.

He could also smell the stench on these animals.

"I can't let you guys dirty my yard."

Feng Ling muttered. He had already taken a step forward and arrived on the courtyard wall.

When the target appeared, the demon beasts outside the courtyard instantly went crazy. A few pheasants actually flapped their wings and flew towards Feng Ling.

It was funny and comical, but it was filled with indescribable madness!

Facing these demon beasts that had some intelligence but could not speak, Feng Ling naturally did not expect to obtain any useful information from them.

The sword flashed coldly under the moonlight, and two notifications immediately popped up.

[The Pig Slaughtering Knife you forged has completed the kill. Your Pig Slaughtering Knife Technique has improved by 5 points.]

[The Six-Faced Han Sword you forged has been successfully killed. Your Eastern Purple Qi Technique has improved by 5 points.]

Blood splattered, stimulating the demon beasts below and arousing Feng Ling's killing intent.

The current Feng Ling was no longer as young as before.

Whether it was his battle with Bai Yi and the Yama, or his training in the Blood-Robe World, he had not only obtained combat skills, but also a more precious combat consciousness.