Demon Beast Attack!!

With the continuous feedback of the "Equipment Strategy", his Pig Slaughtering Knife Technique and the Eastern Purple Qi Technique also improved.

This made him faster and faster. The saber light became brighter and the aura on his body stronger.

As another knife fell, a special notification popped up.

[The Pig Slaughtering Knife you forged has been completed. Your Pig Slaughtering Knife Technique has reached perfection. You have obtained five years of cultivation.]

As the notification sounded, an inexplicable spiritual power poured into Feng Ling's body, immediately filling up his spiritual power again.

Feng Ling did not slow down at all and sped up.

[The Pig Slaughtering Knife you forged has been completed. Your Pig Slaughtering Knife Technique has reached perfection. You have obtained a year of cultivation.]

[The Pig Slaughtering Knife you forged has been completed. Your Pig Slaughtering Knife Technique has reached perfection. You have obtained two days of cultivation.]

A series of notifications popped up, and the spiritual energy in Feng Ling's body became more and more abundant. His cultivation level was also increasing at a terrifying speed.

Finally, the notification stopped. The surroundings of the small courtyard were also filled with the corpses of demon beasts.

The sound of a car approached from afar at an extremely fast speed. The headlights were bright, completely illuminating the tragic scene on the ground.

With an urgent braking sound, Xiao Shan jumped out of the car, dumbfounded.

Feng Ling wiped the blood off her body and asked, "Why are you here?"

Xiao Shan came back to his senses and immediately explained, "The Peaceful Spirit Bureau has detected intense demon essence energy fluctuations around Mu Liang City. The deputy bureau is afraid that something will happen to you…"

"Cough, cough." At this point, he looked at the scene in front of him again with an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"The combat team has been sent out. I came to see if you needed help."

"Is the situation serious?" Feng Ling couldn't help asking.

"Very grim. According to the monitoring, there are at least ten places where unrest is possible."

[The Pig Slaughtering Knife you forged has been completed. Your Pig Slaughtering Knife Technique has reached perfection. You have obtained a year of cultivation.]

A notification suddenly popped up, followed by more than a dozen notifications.

Some came from the Pig Slaughtering Knife, from the Bull Slaying Knife, and some from the Six-Faced Han Sword.

"It's starting," Feng Ling said, looking into the distance. He knew that the battle had already begun!

"What?" Xiao Shan was stunned.

"Go help. Bring the Bull Slaying Knife."

"This…" Xiao Shan was a little tempted, but then he shook his head. "No, Master Feng, your safety is more important."

"You've seen my side. I still have the ability to protect myself… Wait, enter the courtyard." Feng Ling's expression changed. "Come in quickly."

Xiao Shan did not understand, but he still hurriedly followed.

"Nine Rings, activate the defense mode and enter Xiao Shan into the identification system. Prepare heavy firepower."

Feng Ling gave the order, and the Nine Rings indicator light that had already entered a state of rest quickly lit up. As it activated, the entire small courtyard began to undergo a series of changes.

"Round Heaven and Earth, activate!"

"Furnace charging program, activate!"

"Life-Taking Ground Spikes, prepare!"

"Sky Crossbow, prepare!"

Eight beams of light shot out from the four walls of the courtyard and converged above the small courtyard. The moment they met, a curtain of light followed the beams and flashed away.

Outside the courtyard wall, rows of spikes extended out from the wall, carrying blood grooves and barbs.

On the wall, a row of crossbows popped up, ready to fire.

Xiao Shan was dumbfounded. What was going on? Was this courtyard a war fortress?

However, before he could finish wondering, many chaotic auras entered his perception range.

Wait, this was the aura of a demon!

Xiao Shan's eyes widened. The aura of countless demons!

The auras of these demons varied in strength, but when gathered together, even a ranked martial artist like him felt his scalp tingle and his limbs turn cold.

However, he was still a member of the Peaceful Spirit Bureau's combat team. After a short shock, he immediately recovered.

"Master Feng, what do you need me to do?"

"Enter it into the identification system first." As Feng Ling spoke, Nine Rings had already arrived in front of Xiao Shan.

A ray of light shot out and scanned Xiao Shan from head to toe.

Nine Rings held out his hand in an "OK" gesture.

"I'll give you this Pig Slaughtering Knife. The battle might last for a long time." Feng Ling came out of the forging room and threw the Pig Slaughtering Knife to Xiao Shan.

"Can you contact the surrounding Peaceful Spirit Bureau battle group?" Feng Ling hadn't forgotten that there were still troops surrounding the perimeter.

"Yes!" Xiao Shan immediately replied.

"Tell them to retreat to the outermost area immediately and cover this area with firepower!"

In Feng Ling's perception, this wave of demons had the aura of a ranked demon.

And there were so many of them that it was hard to count.

Feng Ling found it hard to imagine where there was space to accommodate so many demons.

"Understood!" Xiao Shan did not hesitate and immediately contacted the battle team of the Peaceful Spirit Bureau.

He knew that it was difficult for unranked battle groups to be effective in situations that made Windrush so nervous.

"Nine Rings, turn on the surveillance!"

As soon as Feng Ling finished speaking, a loud bang sounded.

He looked into the distance and asked uncertainly, "Xiao Shan, that was…?"

"Firepower coverage!" Xiao Shan was also shocked. He explained, "Even though the Peaceful Spirit Bureau often works with the army, in most cases, in order to avoid causing too much shock and adverse effects, the army will only seal it off and let the supernatural experts of the Peaceful Spirit Bureau fight to resolve it."

Feng Ling understood. According to Xiao Shan, the number of demons in other places is also extremely terrifying. Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to attack so quickly."

He knew that after tonight, all kinds of demons and monsters might be on the stage.

And the original social order had to experience a huge shock.

However, this was already something for the future. What was in front of him now was a sea of demon beasts.

The demon beasts rushed forward and caused an earthquake. The snow was swept into snow waves and followed the beasts forward.

The loud sound made Xiao Shan feel like his heart was about to jump out.

It was not that Xiao Shan had never seen a big scene before. He was from the army, and before joining the Peaceful Spirit Bureau, he was also a true first-rate soldier king.

After becoming a ranked martial artist, he had even killed demons many times. He could be said to be knowledgeable.

But now, just looking at the scene in front of him made one's body turn cold.

Especially with the surveillance cameras looking down, it was like watching a fantasy movie.

He had no doubt that under the impact of the demons, this small courtyard would be no obstacle at all and would instantly become ruins.

Where did so many demons come from?

At the side, Feng Ling was also a little flustered, but his innate big heart and strength allowed him to remain calm.


A short order was issued. 1,000 meters away from the small courtyard, huge Ground Spikess suddenly appeared. The half-meter-long Ground Spikess instantly pierced through the bodies of countless demon beasts.

[The Life-Taking Ground Spikes you forged has completed the kill. You have obtained the movement technique 'Illusory Movement Technique'.]

[The Life-Taking Ground Spikes you forged has been completed. Your Illusory Movement Technique has increased by 5 points.]