Bloody Battle

[The Life-Taking Ground Spikes you forged has been completed. Your Illusory Movement Technique has increased by 5 points.]

Dense notifications popped up, and a movement technique appeared in Feng Ling's mind, advancing at an extremely fast speed.

These Ground Spikess were set up by Feng Ling when he was carrying out the "Small Courtyard Plan". Back then, it was a last-minute idea, but he never expected that he would really use them one day.

The Life-Taking Ground Spikes did not stop the demon beasts. They did not care about the lives of other demon beasts at all. They only charged forward.

'Ground spikes ahead?'

Charge! Charge!

'There are bodies of their kind up ahead?'

'Step over it!'

Amidst the dense notifications, a demon beast finally stepped on the corpses of its kind and arrived 500 meters outside the courtyard.

And Feng Ling spat out a second word. "Rise!"

The Life-Taking Ground Spike was set up in units of 500 meters and 10 meters.

As for the attack method, it was "Gopher Style".

After a wave of attacks, the ground spikes would reenter the ground and then rise again to attack.

Previous Cycles.

500 meters away from the small courtyard was the second set of ground spikes.

Another wave of dense notifications came. The progress of the Illusory Movement Technique from entry level to initial success was terrifying.

However, Feng Ling could no longer care about the hint. He held the Enlightened Sword and the Six-Faced Han Sword and directly jumped onto the wall. At the same time, he said to Xiao Shan, "I'll take the east and you take the west. Be careful!"


Xiao Shan acknowledged the order in a deep voice. He took a deep breath, brought out the Bull Slaying Knife and the Pig Slaughtering Knife. He also jumped onto the wall and prepared to clean up the stragglers.

No matter how strong the ground spikes were, they could not withstand the number of demon beasts.

At the first wave of ground spikes, the corpses of the demon beasts had already paved a path again.

Feng Ling adjusted her breathing and stared straight at the beasts in front of her.

"Nine Rings, Sky Crossbow, attack cover!"


The order was given and the crossbows on the wall began to charge.

On the other side, Xiao Shan only heard the sound of the wind. A crossbow bolt had already passed by him and shot towards a black panther in front.

[You have completed the killing of the Sky Crossbow you forged. You have obtained the divine power "Thousands Of Miles In A Flash".]

[The Sky Crossbow you forged has been successfully killed. Your divine power, "Thousands Of Miles In A Flash", has been enhanced by 5 points.]

[The Sky Crossbow you forged has been successfully killed. Your divine power, "Thousands Of Miles In A Flash", has been enhanced by 5 points.]

A notification popped up, and a divine power appeared in Feng Ling's mind.

At this moment, another wave of notifications also came.

Feng Ling knew that, elsewhere, more fighting had begun.

The weapons he forged had already begun to give feedback in all aspects.

Feeling the increase in the spiritual power in his body and the improvement of his various cultivation techniques and divine powers, Feng Ling could not help but feel excited.

The bronze cauldron appeared on his body, and the fifth cauldron was already extremely condensed.

The sixth cauldron had already taken shape from the inside out.

The Nine Cauldrons Realm was a comprehensive defense for the body.

The sixth cauldron, also known as the Cauldron of Bones, greatly strengthened the defense of the bones.


He shouted, and a purple light flashed in his eyes.

Spirit Concentration Technique, Eastern Purple Qi Technique!

An invisible wave spread out in front of them. The few demon beasts at the front suddenly froze, and a trace of confusion and fear flashed across their eyes.

Feng Ling took a step forward. The Illusion Movement Technique allowed him to leave no trace. His hand raised and the sword fell. The Bright Heart Sword and the Six-Faced Han Sword had already been harvested.

The effect of the Eastern Purple Qi Technique was even better than he had expected.

"Die, human!"

A loud shout suddenly sounded. A figure with a human body and a tiger head jumped out from behind. The sharp tiger claws flashed with a sharp cold light under the moonlight.

It spoke human language and was a ranked demon!

"You overestimate yourself!"

Feng Ling snorted coldly, and his figure suddenly disappeared. When he appeared again, he was actually behind the tiger demon.

Mystical Power - Thousands Of Miles In A Flash!

The Six-Faced Han Sword slashed down from the sky. The tiger head separated from its body and rolled several meters away.

The tiger's eyes were still filled with killing intent, but in the next moment, it was crushed by the demon beasts behind it and mixed with the corpse blood on the ground.

[You have completed the killing of the Six-Faced Han Sword you forged. Your Eastern Purple Qi Technique has improved by 10 points.]

At this moment, the ranked demon was no different from those muddle-headed demon beasts.

Feng Ling's strength made the hearts of the few ranked demons behind tremble, but then an even stronger killing intent erupted.

This human must die!

However, Feng Ling's killing intent was even stronger.

His divine power instantly traveled a thousand miles with the Pig Slaughtering Knife Technique. After shuttling through a few demon beasts, another three ranked demons died on the spot.

"Human, how dare you!!!"

The remaining three demons were furious. They had already reached Level Eight and could now transform into human form.

With a loud shout, the two demons were about to surround Feng Ling.

However, at this moment, a horn sounded and entered their ears.

The three great demons looked at each other and suppressed their killing intent. They did not attack again and turned around to return.

Feng Ling originally wanted to stop him, but the demon beasts beside him seemed to have received some instructions and pounced over desperately, blocking his path.

More importantly, there were too few Sky Crossbow after all. Some demon beasts had already broken through the defense line and began to attack the courtyard wall.

Feng Ling had no choice but to turn around and deal with it.

Two hours later, Feng Ling was furious when he saw that the courtyard wall had still collapsed.

Xiao Shan, who was leaning against the corner of the wall and did not want to move, had mixed feelings.

He did not expect to survive against such a number of beasts.

At this moment, the blood of the demon beasts in front of him had already dyed the ground red. The corpses were spread on the ground, even blocking his vision.

'A thousand? Ten thousand?'

Xiao Shan did not know.

By the end of the fight, he was numb.

His physical strength was exhausted, and his vital energy was dry. Only his desire to survive was supporting the long saber that he was brandishing.

Now look, what a miracle.

However, the greatest miracle was still the young man beside him.

Because in the end, it was a complete one-sided massacre.

Feng Ling was extremely angry and pained.

The renovation of the small courtyard had taken him six to seven years and carried countless of his efforts.

However, other than the house in the middle that was intact, the rest had already turned into ruins.

Even his forging room no longer existed under the impact of the demon beasts.

"What's going on? Why are all those demon beasts rushing towards this place?"

"Did someone give the order from behind, or is there something wrong with the place itself?"

"It seems that from the beginning, the beasts will also find their way here…"

Feng Ling was deeply puzzled, guessing the few possibilities that existed.


The bell rang. Someone had sent a video call.

Feng Ling took out his phone and saw that it was Duan Changde.

Feng Ling couldn't think why he was calling him out of the blue, but he answered anyway.

The video call connected. On the other side, Duan Changde was visibly relieved to see Feng Ling.

"Feng Ling, is everything okay on your side?"

Feng Ling looked around at the mountain of demon beast corpses and shook his head. "It's not a big deal, but there's indeed some trouble."

As he spoke, he turned the camera around and the tragic scene entered Duan Changde's eyes.