Star Night Party (3)

Argen seemed to know not to make Oxy more nervous. He didn't take Oxy to the dance floor. They just danced by the window.

Their dance was a mess. When Oxy stepped on Argen's feet, she immediately released herself from Argen's hands, taking a few steps back.

"Sorry!" She cried panic.

Argen tried to hold back his laughter. And he was still handsome to look. His eyes gleamed in the dim light of the lights. Her curly hair didn't make it smooth, sticking out like cabbage.

"Fortunately I didn't step on your foot," said Argen, wiping the tears at the corners of his eyes. Still laughed a little.

"Come on, I'll show you something fun." Argen suddenly grabbed Oxy's hand.

Oxy couldn't resist when Argen pulled her.

"Where are we going?" Oxy asked when they had exited the ballroom.

Argen lead Oxy to walk through a dark alley, but she could still see Argen's smile.

"Just follow!" Argen replied, his voice sounding cheerful.

Oxy wasn't sure the boy was the guy she liked from afar. Argen was too carefree tonight, looking like a kid playing a fun game. Whereas in Oxy's imagination, Argen was a calm boy.

But of course, not everything she imagined about Argen, she still wouldn't be able to know the real Argen.

She had also known some facts about Argen. Argen was an adopted child. Argen had certain diseases. And Argen could act like a child, as in this moment, pulling her up the stairs.

Their footsteps quickened, half running up the stairs. Argen laughed, Oxy was also laughing. Their footsteps and laughter pierced the silence of the building, leaving the hall farther and farther until the sound of the music could no longer be heard.

Argen took Oxy up to the roof of the building. Then Argen let her hand.

They both caught their breath, exhausted from running.

"What's the fun of..." Argen straightened himself, trying to control his breath. "...If we don't see the star of this special night?"

Oxy widened her eyes at Argen who was hit by the moonlight. His curly hair turned silver as if absorbing all the moonlight.

"Look, Oxy Jane," Argen stepped back with his arms outstretched, then he looked up.

Oxy followed Argen. She looked up and saw the stars in the sky, shining very brightly. Not only white light but there were also even blue and red lights. Oxy had never noticed the sky as beautiful as this during Star Night.

"It's beautiful," murmured Oxy.

"Of course," Argen said. "We have distracted from the sky that we should have enjoyed." Argen walked to the edge of the building, he propped his elbows on the roof railing. "We don't need a party, we need the stars."

Oxy stepped closer to Argen, then stood next to him. She was still staring in amazement at the sky above them.

"The clusters will disappear soon," said Argen.

"What does it mean?"

"Star Night only occurs for about an hour when the stars move low towards our earth and are visible from the position of the Skeleta sky. That's when the sky looks full of stars of various colors."

"I don't know it's gonna be so amazing," Oxy said, amazed.

"It's very difficult to determine when Star Night can be seen. We just happened to get it. Sometimes it can be later than midnight. Sometimes it can be sooner. It depends on the rotation of our galaxy and the stars." Argen explained.

"We're lucky to see them tonight. Looks like you're my lucky card, Oxy Jane."

Oxy's face reddened. She was sure it was exactly as red as a tomato because she felt her face heat up. Luckily her face was covered in shadows.

"Look, the clusters have faded. They've drifted away." Argen said. "We were almost late."

Oxy nodded and felt a bit sad. She wanted to see that beautiful sky very longer.

For a few minutes, they just stood silently watching the sky. Oxy felt her neck hurt. And she felt sad when the stars that emitted blue and red began to fade away. The clusters disappeared in the following minutes.

"Do you think there is another life in outer space?" Argen suddenly asked.

Oxy turned her head. She only caught one side of Argen's face. She could see Argen's jawline had become shaped perfectly.

Argen suddenly chuckled, he turned to Oxy. "My question is ridiculous, isn't it?"

"No," said Oxy. "Scientists think about that too. They suspect the impossible, and conduct experiments and research to find out if there is life other than Earth."

"Honestly, the thought is so stupid," said Argen, laughing again. "What do you think if there have any special doors leading us to a different world?"

Oxy blinked. The question made her remember Cerebra. Her mouth was itching to tell about the existence of a dimension she found about. But of course, Argen would find it ridiculous if she told him. So, she stopped herself to reveal the dimension.

"What would you do if you found a door to a different world?" Asked Oxy.

"Hmm," Argen looked thoughtful. Then he shrugged. "If there is a door like that, I'll check it out first. If it's more comfortable and peaceful there, I'll move there."

"Is this world uncomfortable for you?" Asked Oxy, surprised by his answer.

Argen suddenly looked at Oxy. His clear blue eyes seemed to lock Oxy's gaze, making Oxy's heart flutter.

"There are many secrets in this world, Oxy," said Argen.

Oxy frowned, looking confused.

"Please forgive me if I did something wrong to you."

"What do you mean?" Asked Oxy, confused. "You are not doing something wrong."

Argen sighed. "I think it's already too late," he still said something that Oxy couldn't understand. "I keep thinking... when should I stop?"

"Argen, I don't understand what you mean." Oxy started to worry.

The longer she faced Argen, the more difficult it was for her to know Argen. Something was not right about him.

Argen moved slowly towards Oxy. He reached out Oxy's arm, gripping it tightly.

"Argen... What the..." Oxy tried to pull her arm away.

"Why you didn't do anything?" asked Argen, still gripping Oxy's arm.

"You can't use your ability."

"My... ability?" Oxy asked confusedly.

Argen's grip on Oxy's arm grew rough. And those clear blue eyes no longer felt warm, they were looking sharp and frightening now.

"You're not using your abilities, Oxy Jane. It's interesting to see you did that teleport thing..."

"W-what?" Oxy widened her eyes.

When did Argen find out?

"Yes, I saw it. Do you remember our first meeting? You caught my attention, you were still at school when everyone had gone home panicking about the brain fog. No wonder Mr . Dome chose this school. You are the one he was monitoring. I really can't figure out what his mission was."

"You..." Oxy was too shocked to understand.

Argen knew her teleportation ability. And Argen was watching Mr. Dome all of this time?

No wonder Oxy often met with Argen after that day. She even met Argen after she found the flash drive in the principal's office. What was Argen doing in the hallway? She didn't even ask.

"That math teacher was stupid. He didn't know if you took the flash drive first. But I was really lucky to run into you. Oh, yes. I saw you suddenly appear with your teleportation ability. You don't suspect me at all, do you?"

"Back then... you... were also looking for the Flash drive...?" Oxy was more confused.

"Yes," Argen admitted it. "I was wondering how I got it from you. Then I had that chance to go inside your room."

"You... You pretended to be sick just to take that thing from me?!" Oxy couldn't believe all these things.

Argen... Argen had tricked her on a lot of things.

"It can't be helped, that's what I have to do. Mr. Dome did his initiation. We must stop him."

"Let go!" Oxy exclaimed, trying to pull her arm away.

"Try it," Argen challenged her. "Use your ability in front of me. Just teleport. I want to see it."

Oxy blinked in confusion. She never used her power in front of people. And she couldn't concentrate at the moment.

Oxy felt so angry and broken now. Argen took advantage of her all of this time.

"You can't?" Argen smiled seeing the despair on Oxy's face.

"You should try hard. The world is cruel, Oxy. They're not as good as you think just like the stars above us. Especially for kids like us. They created us for their weapon. We're just their lost weapon!"

"Who are they? Who are the people you talk about?" Oxy struggled then Argen pushed her back.

Oxy's back hit the guardrail behind her. Argen's still gripped her upper arm. One hand propped up on the railing behind Oxy. Argen was only an inch away from her.

Oxy's breath hitched with panic and fear. Meanwhile, Argen looked so calm with icy eyes. Oxy was unable to recognize who this person was in front of her anymore.

"You got me a lot of gold points. You are INDEED my lucky card, Oxy." Argen whispered to her.

Suddenly Oxy felt dizzy, also her body felt limp.

"I could get Mr. Dome. Then his daughter. You. And that boy from another island."

"You... what do you want with... them...?" Oxy tried to stay sober.

Argen brought his face closer to Oxy.

"It's all right, Oxy Jane," Argen whispered, his breath felt soft against Oxy's cold skin.

"You'll understand soon. Let's see what we can do to fix this messy world."

Argen's voice seemed to sound far away in Oxy's ears.

Oxy could no longer hold back her consciousness. Her vision darkened. She slumped down and felt Argen grab her body.

Argen was whispering in her ear again until she could feel the touch of Argen's lips at her ear, but she couldn't catch any of the words.[]