Escape (1)

Oxy woke up with a strong feeling of dizziness. She groaned in pain.


Oxy heard someone calling her name. She tried to focus but her eyes were still foggy. She had also tried to move but she couldn't move her body. And then, she just realized. She was tied. Someone had tied her to the bed.

She could only move her neck. She turned to the left and saw a girl with white hair lying on the bed next to her, also with a body tied to the bed.

"Se...Selena...?" Oxy called the girl. But Selena did not respond.

"Selena!" Oxy called again.

"It's no use..."

Oxy turned to the right. She found a fatty boy, his body also tied to the bed. Oxy had never met directly the boy but she recognized him at that moment. He was Hydro. The boy who lived on another island.

"Hydro? What..." Oxy felt very surprised to see him here.

"Yeah, it's me," said Hydro, tilting his face. "Never expected we will meet like this, huh? Tiding on the bed... Haha..." He grinned widely.