
For a moment they were silent thinking about the possibility.

"Maybe . . . it's just camouflage," Hydro said, continuing his guess. "What we see in this building is probably camouflage to your school."

"Okay, how to camouflage a building?" Selena asked cluelessly.

"I don't know either," Hydro shrugged his shoulder. "But that's the only thing that can answer how weird this place is."

"Weird?" Oxy repeated.

"Yes, the electricity only works in the canteen and the principal's office," said Hydro. "And have you found any other weird things?" he asked.

Because no one answered his question, Hydro continued. "Come on, I'll show you something." Then he stood up.

Oxy and Selena followed Hydro walking out of the cafeteria.

"What are you going to show us?" Selena asked Hydro, she was too curious to wait.

"We're going to the library," Hydro said. "You'll see some weird things inside that I found before. Well, come on."