In Surprised

Oxy entered the darkness below very carefully. Then finally, her sneakers touched the floor.

She looked up and saw the heads of her two friends forming black shadows from her view in here.

"Is it clear, Oxy?" Hydro's voice echoed from up there.

"Yes!" Oxy exclaimed, answering.

"What do you see there?" Hydro asked.

Oxy looked around while shining her flashlight.

"Some stuff," Oxy answered. "I think everything is safe here. You can come down!'

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah!" Oxy replied. "This looks like a lab room." She told.

Then her two friends moved down, while Oxy went around to observe her surroundings more. She found a switch, a source of electricity. She press the switch then the lights turned on.

"Great," Hydro who was still midway from the stairs commented when the lights turn on.

Selena arrived first then followed by Hydro.