The Explanation

Oxy sat between Selena and Hydro in that laboratory. Mr. Dome sat in a single chair, in front of them.

"Will he tell us the truth?" Hydro whispered to Oxy and Selena.

"I'm not sure," Selena said. "Let's see what he wants."

"Let's threaten him," Oxy suggested.

"Example?" Hydro asked, nervous every time he heard Oxy's plans.

"Let's say we can open the gate," Oxy said.

"Hey, don't be stupid," Hydro said, objecting.

"But it's a great idea," Selena agreed. "He knows if Hydro is the smart boy."

"What if he doesn't care?" Hydro asked. "He will underestimate us even more."

"Just let him be like that," Selena said confidently.

"Well, where are we going to start?" Oxy asked Mr. Dome after their meeting was over.

Mr. Dome didn't answer right away. He just watched the three of them with his tired eyes.

"Whatever you already know here." Mr. Dome replied.

"We read some drafts from a man named Dr. Erwin."