Through The Fog

Fog filled the air behind the gate thickly. Selena and Hydro accompanied Oxy to the front gate.

"Oxy, seriously, you don't have to do this," Selena said, worriedly.

"But I have to check," Oxy said. She had everything ready and didn't forget to bring the map. "While I'm away you can try to check whatever's in the lab," she told Hydro.

"I might be able to come with you," Selena said, "I'm so useless."

"Hey, don't say that. You just need time, and Hydro maybe needs you in here," Oxy said, patting Selena's arm. "I'll just check for a bit, and come back soon."

"Yeah, just trust Oxy, Sloth," Hydro said to Selena. "You stay here. You can help me with watching your father."

"Okay," Selena nodded in agreement.

"Well, go back inside," Oxy said to the two of them. "See you later."

Oxy was just as unprepared when she teleported. She had focused on herself and managed to move to the hospital she had been to before.