A beautiful chance

While we drinking i suddenly remember why is there a chimera orc and who's that girl relatives??..

Because earlier when we kill the orc some guy says mostly monsters here are weak then why a chimera orc was in forest??

Welp im still weak and an escapee,,

Hey um.. im gonna sleep guys you know.. like tired..

Come on kiddo let's celebrate keep drinking..

Nahh im gonna sleep now..

I go to outside at the tavern, while i walk i notice that someone is following me so i ran to the gate and go to the forest to hide...

After that i climb to the tree, i saw a shadow of a man holding an axe and says where are you, don't make find you...

Fuck what is wrong with this guy, well mofo go ahead to find me everywhere im just gonna sleep here in tree trunk...

I woke up by loud noise of horse's i looked down and saw the royal knights finding me..

Ohhh come on man you gotta kidding me, i just wait till they gone, i go down and start running to go outside of this forest...

While i ran i hear some clashing swords so i ran towards to it, i see a knights protecting the a carriage..

The thing is who is the person inside of it??. Welp that's not my problem but they're fight is cool so im gonna watch..

As i watch all the knights even the driver of carriage was killed by bandits, so the remaining bandit's were two..

The two bandit's approach the carriage, but as i see the door of it is locked in the inside so they try to destroy it..

Hey come on open it and give us your gold,, hey I SAID OPEN YOU FUCKING NOBLES!!..

They still keep trying to destroy the door of carriage until it was broken..

Now now look who we have here a beautiful noble ahh a young noble girl is sure a tasty..

To be honest i don't see it clearly because im hiding in the brush and barely see the door of carriage,, I sighed and says to myself welp that's not my problem and I don't want to get involved with that..

When im about to get up i hear a familiar voice inside the carriage so i immediately ran toward to it and unsheath my sword to surprise attack the two bandit's..

I swung my sword to it's stomach and one of them dodge of it..

Arghh you motherfucker Mak kill him for me im about to die so get revenge for me..

Wheew that was pretty clean slice right?..

As i looked at the other guy bandit he's angry and says you..you i will avenge him im gonna kill yo-

Before he finish his word i immediately slice his lower mouth and says haah generic bad guys welp maybe he was shocked of what i did to his friend..

Idris learn swordmanship when he was 7 in his current word..