A beautiful chance 2

After what i did i look the inside, of carriage and saw the princess is trembling as i picture to her face...

She's happy to see me and reach out to my hand, says Thank you Mr. Royal knight...

Royal knight hahahhah, What a lucky the princess i saw before i kneel to his father and became a slave, she though me as a Royal knight because of this sword this is a chance to get my revenge, as i having thoughts when she said royal knight..

I grab her hair and suddenly kiss her lips with my tounge, she pushed me away to her and says How dare you to kiss a noble like me..

Noble shut your goddamn mouth princess Katherine do you think i am a one of those scumbags royal knights hahahhah you know you should obey me right?.

Who are you?? Then where did you get that empyrean sword?? And if you kill me do you think you can hide??

Me who am i? A fallen noble im Idris Vanguard Son, and where did i get this as i looked to my sword i killed one of them as i escape to your kingdom also im not hiding im just coincidentally walk here...

You how can you do this to a girl..

Equality Gender also i put some kind of curse like when you about to have a baby, the baby will born as sick as non-stop coughing and die at the age of 8...

What do you mean curse im protected by God of Light that mean i can't get curse while crying and saying those words...

You know what kind of curse i passed to you is called HIV and it's passed to passed illness that can't cure even if you pray to your God..

I grab her hands and climb at the horse to ride also says come on get up now you should be in front, we will go to your kingdom and negotiate to them..

After that we stopped at the village where i fight the wolves, and buy a foods because i haven't eaten since early of the morning...

Guys i know that HIV can be passed by having sex so Idris had a plan by saying that he curse the princess by HIV...

Info about the princess

Name: Katherine Ludgar

Age: 16

Hair Color: Brown

Eye's Color: Green

Body Shape: Bossom( Just search it if you don't know)

Breast size: G Cup