A beautiful chance 3

After i buy some foods im shocked that the princess is still riding in the horse..

Ohhh i thought you were gonna escape. here want some apple??..

Hmmp apple you say, you don't even know where they get that or if it's clean how can you eat it?.

Welp they say if tou want to die you're gonna survive if you want to live you'll get killed..

Also why am i gonna escape if you know what kind of disease is this?? and how can i cure this??

Yeah i know but didn't you hear what i said earlier i said HIV can't cure it's like a curse by passing to others even if you pray to your God of Light he will probably ignore you..

I climb to mount the horse and ride again..

Kingdom's Gate Guard Pov: Wait is that the princess but why is she riding in the horse?? also who is the person behind her.. GUARDS THE PRINCESS HAS ARRIVED...

Ahhh that gate guard is so annoyingly noisy should i slice his neck my Princess Katherine? as i touch to her..

A lot of knights show up in front gate and waiting to their Princess..

They rushed toward to us and see me they unsheath their swords says How dare you, You're just a slav-

Shut the fuck you guys should be grateful because i save her.

*Save me? you even put some like curse to me*

One of the guard try to swing his sword to me but the princess stop them,

Stop it, Let us in

But why your Majesty?

Ohh they call you Majesty before i become slave they call me Sir Idr-..

Before i finish my word the king also came to see his daughter..

Are you okay my daughter did this slave hurt you?

No father im okay he even give me a food..

Well well shall we talk about this inside because you know i've been sitting here since all of your knights get killed by bandits what a weak knights..

You how can go here even you are wanted??

I climb down and help the princess to climb down in horse also says look we have a negotiation s-

Father we should talk this inside not here..

*Why the fuck everyone stop's me before i finish to say my words??*

Okay my daughter and this slave will pay for what he did to you..

As we go to Royal Palace a lot of people looking at me with disgusting look.

We go the King's throne and the king sit's to his throne says come here my daughter immediately! also he shouted GUARDS!!..

I look at him and he's laughing also says you're one of the dumb person i've met..

The Guards came to me with their Spike weapon and pointed at me..

Welp go ahead kill me but princess as i said before is just a lie there's a cure for that so even if you kill me, the baby you will give birth is like you NOW!! hahhahahahah..