Time wielder 1

The king is shock from what i said.

What do you mean by that, you must be bluffing because you are in trouble and trying to trick me...

I give a big smile and says, bluffing? me bluffing? Hahahahha yeah go ahead kill me now do you think im lying, but im the only who took her first kiss, it's me Idri-...

The princess interrupt me before i finish my words and says Father the thing is He saved and took advantage to stole my first kiss also he passed some like curse to me by kissing...

The pope came in king's throne and says, Hmmm do you think the God of Light won't save her by the curse you pass to her..

God of Light pffft hahahahha, What a bullshit go ahead heal her make sure of it.

What a nihilism person you are it's a big sin not worshipping the God of Light..

Nahh i ain't nihilism I'm Muslim..

Muslim what is that? a demon worshipper?

I grab my sword and says make a way for me enlsave guards because if you don't something will bad about yo happen..

The king says you said that you put some curse to my daughter shall we find out what it is??

*Fuck fuck fuck what kind of excuses im gonna add up fuck im screwed, ohh wait*

Go ahead....

Hmmm *this slave bastard once the result showed up that my daughter hadn't a curse i will kill you in worst way*

Well call the saintess here and said to her that my daughter need to check up if she has a curse...

After that the saintess came and check the the princess, the saintess says she don't have any kind of curse also she's healthy...

The king Suddenly shouted GUARDS CAPTURE HIM RIGHT NOW!!

I unsheath my sword and says well done to myself now that i know what the saintess look even if she had veil on her now kill me im just acquiring an information to saintess and this is my 10293 time's that i die...

I stab myself and before im about to pass out i said RESET!! with a big smile...

After that i open my eyes and says to myself now all i need to do is make her my wife and give a birth to my child...

I have a time manipulation which is i can only use it to turning back to time if im about to die and controlling the time...

before they start the war i will the one who make them chaos so i will destroy their country and rule to them...

Saintess Appearance

Name: unknown

Face: She was in veil bruuh

Body Shape: Slender

Man idris has a good visioning to people's so that's why he already know what saintess look and he's good at guessing about to people like if the man is gay or not..