Time wielder 2

Well it's not like im insane but i change my personality to an insane person, Why? because when i was a kid i always dreamed about becoming an inventor so people will praise me, recognize me as a great man but i didn't get all of that..

But when i died to save my mom in incoming truck i was reincarnated in this world so i still stick my lifestyle in my previous life but i met a man who will change everything, I met him lying in ground and saying a lot if names i approached him and ask, Hey what are you doing here?. He look me in surprise and says ohhh I didn't notice you were there kiddo, well as you can see lying and waiting to die...

He is in armored suit and he's look is a person with a good life so i ask him, Why are you waiting to die old man instead continuing your life??. He laughed at me so i ask him again, Why are laughing is there funny words i say? he answer's Hahhaha kiddo wanna know why im blabbing about names?, it's because all of them are my friends, family, my lover but all of them are gone now so what should i do??, I've done everything i can but still. He is crying while saying those words so i says to him, Well life is harsh i know how feel, how because i lived once i saved my mom in incoming truck, He interrupt me and says Truck, what is truck?? i explained to him and continue i left them and reincarnated in this world, i grew up with new family, environment until there's a war between countries and my country was defeated they killed my Mother and Father in front of me by slicing their neck while begging to spare me i can't do anything to save them so i became a slave and i escape to them, as now here i am continuing my journey...

He laughed so hard and says, Damn i think we're same aren't we but i hope i can help you with that, well im gonna give you a Powerful power and i'll pass it to you, i look at him in confused and says, What power? no it's okay, he suddenly sit and hold my hands for seconds but i don't feel anything and he says, Well kiddo have a good life, also make sure to achieve your dreams and goals, he stand up and immediately slash my neck as i woke up i was in my room..