Boring Chapter

"No i want to forget all of this i've been holding this guilt, selfishness and greed i know that im dreaming right now" Come on Idris wake up yourself and forget all about this i keep trying to woke up myself then i hear Klaus voice "Hey marc are you okay?" i open my eyes and klaus is in front of me then he said "It's already morning now and i think all of us had bad nightmare right?" i stand up and hear the grumble of my stomach so i said "Wait it's already morning i was just meditating here when i brought you guys here, damn my stomach wanted me to eat now" as i put my hand in my stomach,

After sometime we go to the expensive look restaurant and i saw Beckham, Freya eating so we sit in and take an order to eat while we're eating i ask them "Guys Freya told me there's illusion put on you guys but what it is about?" they look at me and Beckham answer "Well as i remember when we about to go to get orc leader's blood someone tries to mimick me then he also use illusion to fool us but you said we need to check and confirm who's the real and not" Freya continued Beckham's sentence "Then when you found out he transform himself to an assassin get brutally murdered us and that's all thing i remember" so i act to confusedly thinking then says to them "I think it's because of the hogoblin that hogoblin put illusion to us but luckily i manage to escape the illusion to save you guys but the thing is how can a hogoblin use illusion right?" as finish my sentence they look puzzle to each other and trying to believe what i said to them,

*Fucking dream i always tries to forget it but i always get dreaming of it, Don't let the past weaken you that's why i need to keep moving forward even i kill innocent lives and as for now i need to make sure that they won't get suspecting me and that Freya's body i want to taste her*...