
"They haven't contact us for three months Archbishop Paolo!! We should send scout to check what happened to them"

A man raises wearing a white long sleeves with a cross design raises his voice to suggest an important matter to Archbishop.

"I know your worrying Inquisitor Xerves but what if I-"

A man with white cloak rushes open the door and interrupt the meeting of priests.

"Archbishop Bartholome has arrived with important letter from Saintess"

Archbishop Bartholome came in and sit beside with another priest, he hands out a letter and put down in tables of everyone.

"The handwriting is quite good since the Captain of holy knights, Marc, write this letter because the Saintess fell ill and needed to rest and she learned everything methods and technique of healing"

Everyone let a sigh, they are all relieved most of them are priest, four Archbishops and 4 Inquisitors.

"Send a letter to them, to go back and we'll have a celebration"

Archbishop Paolo suggest to without thinking about the Saintess condition and some of priest are disagree with his suggestion.

"The Saintess condition is not good as what written here Archbishop Paolo if they go back here the Saintess condition might worse remember she is our only healer that capable of reviving a dead"

"Yes Archbishop Vonte im just happy that the god of light send someone like her"

"Yes if its not for her-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt the meeting! The king ordered to summon Archbishop Vonte and Paolo in palace"

The two Archbishops immediately go to palace and the meeting was held, and they all go back to their work as the meeting interrupt by the king...

"As the god of light i hereby to kill this wicked witch that have been roaming freely in this land now burn her at stake"

The people watch to someone lit a fire, they watch the woman died burning alive as Inquisitor Xerves ordered to.

'I can't wait to Saintess i want to taste her bod- no that'll be a sin for the god of life but what if i take responsibility for our child as i rape her then-'

"Hello there Inquisitor Xerves, it seems the god of light didn't forgave her"

He look at me with full of suspicious, his eyes were telling me he want to let out his sexual desire, he clear his throat and face me.

"How can the god of life forgave her if she contract with demons to learn black magic and live as a wicked witch"

"Then how can you tell if she's really contracts with the demon?" What if she's non believer"

"Non believer or not as long as they disobey the command of the god of light then their still alive"

"What if the kind or one of the royal family contracts with the demon then what will you do?"

He didn't answer me and walk out as i agitate him.

Trying to rape the Saintess my ass, she's only mine and no one can have her....

The Saintess condition is slightly better, so i always cook for her and check her condition everytime.

"Are you not getting tired taking care of me?"

"I will not stop taking care of you as long im with you"

She laughs as she drink a water, she haven't take a shower since she fell ill and she seems somewhat happy with me.

"Marc do you have feelings for me?"

It stopped me with a sudden question the Saintess is asking if i have feelings for her what if.. if she rejected me then- no no i need to confess even if she didn't like me back.

"Yes i have feelings for you"

Fuck now what!? What is this why my heart beating so fast, shit..shit this is because my feelings are coming back-

"Is that so, i've been seeing a lot of people want me because of my power and body but you have sincere heart so, im happy because i have feelings for you as well"

What im not ready for this- no this is my plan to get her and have a family with her- no fuck why...why..why is am i being like this i shouldn't feel any emotions and be alive. Im flustered to answer her. Im a sadistic and pyscho sociopath but why am like this, my emotions are making me feel alive, my emotions wants a love and happiness. Im so cringe-.

"Are you okay marc? Did i surprise you?"

I nod and leave to unwind this feeling.