The prologue


I woke up as it my dreams were nightmare, i sit and look around me a white ceiling and tiled place also there's a tool used for patients. My eyes look at the window, i can't see very well in window since it's raining so hard. Since when i get so skinny as if i didn't eat for a whole two months.

A nurse came in and she's surprise as she see me, im confused what's happening? She check my pulse and check the date.

"Umm where am i?"

She immediately leaves and a minute pass, a doctor came in bringing a document note paper.

"Mr. Rellosa as you get hit by a truck saving your friend, unfortunately you've been comatose for one year an exact one year and so let me call your parents to inform them, i take my leave my now"

What!?? Comatose? That can't be that's absurd it feel so real even the pain i felt and yet it was a dream!?? How... How can that be a dream, so all this time i was laying in bed and dreaming. I don't want to believe it this must be the watcher deceiving me by illusion.

"Fuck you watchers, you think you can fool me?!! Remember im the best illusionist. Hey stop this now face me coward watchers, let's fight, You guys really think you can fool me by my own technique what a joke"

"Enough!!! Stop this now and face me!!!"

An hour pass cursing and cursing i hear loud steps running through hallways and came in to my room, my mother held me firmly as she shed a tears.

"My son are okay now?

"Huh!! Don't touch me!! You watchers don't even bring my mother here and how you guys know about my background?!!!"

She look at me with pitiful eyes and can't believe what i've said, the doctor bring a picture with my brain and show it to us.

"Ma'am your son might lucid dream while he's comatose and as you can see some of his left part brain are slightly damage so it means they have a slightly changes about his memory"

"What you think of i am?? Huh!! You think i have schizophrenia?!!"

"Jeremy enough! You're tired so get some rest for now"

The doctor and my mother talk outside, im not delusional right? Then how? I feel like deluding myself as this continues no maybe my soul was transported in another then i need to go back to finish my plan wait!! As i talking to myself if i should believe that this is reality not a dream.

My mother came in and the doctor as well, my mother expression seems relieved.

"You can recover for a month to discharged here in hospital so you can socialize and interact with others"

What!! A month of recovery then socialize with others so this is reality. I just sit with emotionless face and zoning out, if this is reality then i need to accept it right?.

I eat a lot of full nutrient foods and train to walk and exercise to move my body properly. After a month passed i recover and soon get home to rest.

The friend i save didn't even visit me after waking up in coma, the trust i gave was nothing for him. I wish i didn't save him so now im Grade 12.

I look at calendar and it's a week before the start of school class, my mother message me so i took out my phone from my pocket.

*You're going to school in next week because i already enrolled you so go get some rest*

It seems my mother has been working so hard to pay up the bill charge, i wonder where's my sisters i hope they're okay.

As the day of starting class my mother sends me a message and wire me a 500 Pesos. But i still wondering where's my sisters so reply to ask her.

*Ma, where's my two sisters?"

*They are in dubai studying of islam and an exchange students also if the money i use to pay your bill charge is from your friend*

My friend? I thought he leave me, i was wrong for judging him but i wish i can talk to him someday and tell my stories.

I was inside the campus a lot of students walking wearing a black uniform along with neck tie and black pants, black skirt, sock that so long.

I know my room since my mother told me earlier what section i am so i find my section and my eyes were caught of glimpse of a girl who look like my very dear love, the chosen here in my dream. Her appearance in my dream are still same in reality a blonde hair, blue eyes, white pearl and smooth skin.

I saw her getting inside of the room same with my section so run to the room and they look at me as i pant in exhaustion from running, i sit at the back so i can see her but it made me more surprise when a girl came in who look like Capuz. I stare both of them and one of them caught me staring at them so a girl look like my very dear love approach me and ask.

"You've been straing at us you creep"

Her voice is same so what if my dreams were true because they're here so i grab my pen in bag to stab my hand and pick out to heal myself.

"Hey what re you doing? Are you out your mind"

She hold my hand and shout to get the first aid kit.


"What are you a delusional? Stop thinking you hav-"

My hand heal and as if the time runs backwards, she couldn't believe what she saw so she grab my hand to feel it and check then a teacher cames in so they seat to their chairs and shw kept glancing at me for whole first period...