Fate's pov,
"You didn't tell me yesterday you were working in the J.H.K building?".I asked Jerry as she was getting ready for work and I was going to meet with Amy.
Jerry told me that the place where Miss Cane sends everyone is the J.H.K. building. They were working in the cafeteria. Miss Cane said I can go with them now coz I have my ID
"You never asked me smartass"!. seriously this woman.
"Yes okay, I'm gonna call you later".
J.H.K Building,
"Are you kidding me this is huge?" I said looking at the building damm it's really big, on the top there is a 'JHK Entertainment' written in italics word. now I know why Miss Cane said everyone will love working here.
"Okay so I will go to the cafeteria now, and you will go to the office, or do you want me to come with you, I mean... I can if you want and I will get a chance to see the office and the manager too".
"No I can manage I just need to give the card to her secretary and she will help me, you can go and do your job ".
"Well your loss, btw all the best". Jerry waves her hand
Trainee Department.
God how far is her office I have been in here like 30 minutes now I think I'm lost it's not like I see people in here it's too early for everyone to come
when I thought about going back to Jerry luckily I found someone who can help me.
"Excuse me, sir," I said
"Yes," a girl asked ohh it's a girl I thought it was a man .she has boxes in her hand she works here.
"Can you please tell me where Miss Amy Halton's office is"?
"Yes, but first let me get these boxes".
"Oh I can help you, here let me help"
"No no, it's fine"
"Oh come it's okay "
"But it's-'. "
I didn't let her finish as I get the boxes "Let's get going just tell us where we have to put it"
"There you go," I said putting the last box. this is where all the artists get their costumes.
"Thank you really, but you don't have to do that, now let's go to Miss Halton's office".
"After you ma'am"
"You can call me Jessie that's my name "
"Ohh, my name is Fate "
"That's a pretty name"
"Thank you"
" After you Jessie," I said Jessie, chuckled.
"Do you work in the cafeteria I didn't see you yesterday ?" As we're heading towards the office I tell her I'm working in the cafeteria with the other workers.
"Yes I work, but my ID got missing yesterday so now I'm here ". I explain to Jessie as she and I stood in front of Miss manager's office.
"Well now we're here then I will see you later Fate".
"Yes of course see ya"
**Knock knock** I wait
"Come in," a voice said
"Miss Halton you gave me your card yesterday so I'm here and I-" not even bothering to look up she cut me off by saying "yes Fate come to sit". Seriously even in the morning, she's still looking marvelous.
Awkward if that's how you can say I'm in now. after like half an hour she closed her laptop.
"So Fate do you know why you are here?" She asked
"No "
"Well, then there are a lot of things we need to talk Fate". I don't know where this is going but I can assure you this is not Good.
2days earlier.
Jennie's pov,
**Beep Beep Beep.
Shutting the alarm I woke up, my head why it's hurting so much dang it!
right last night I drink too much I was really sad that Jeremy and I can't have our free weekends
Jeremy my boyfriend for 2years now he's in a boy band called Swan, I hope we can spend our anniversary together this year though, god hangovers are the worst, I don't wanna get out right now. I love my bed ..but wait why it's smelling different I don't use anything
do I..?
After waking up and finishing my morning routine, get my coffee why do I'm feeling like something is not good, hmm whatever
"Jennie fucking Hang Kim open the fucking door before I break it".. Amy?
seriously what's wrong with her today
"Heyy ! good morning to you too, how are you doing ".I said with sarcasm.
"Seriously are you fucking asking me how I'm doing after what you did last night,damm it Jennie what the freaking hell is this shit"?Amy asked throwing the newspaper on the table
"Amy Halton will you please stop shouting my head freaking hurts already and what do you mean by what I did last night, I know I get drunk but look I'm here in front of you, so Relax will ya!"
"Relax! how can I relax after what you did!"
As pick it up I see the headlines "The Flawless leader Miss Jennie Hang Kim finally spotted at the marriage registration office with her better half last night ". With a photo attached to me and the other one I can't see the face but it looks like a girl, Better half wait what!
"Okay, so what it's just rumored is not like everyone going to believe it"?
"How can you say that Jennie do you know if they publish the article your career the members of the group all the hard work we have done will just end, I have to threaten them not to publish the articles ".Amy explain.
"Your right I'm sorry, what we do now any ideas?"
"First we have to find who was this girl if she's some wired fan of yours then we have a lot of trouble to deal with, second get ready your late for the interview with the tv station".
**Ring .. Ring ...
"Yeah right anything else you find the girl, okay thank you " I heard Amy say before ending the call.
"Hey, I'm ready what were you talking about "?
"Nothing much I just asked the secretary if they saw the girl last night or anything else, after all, we have to find her, it's really hard to find someone in here when you don't even see Them properly''.
"I don't think it would be so hard ".
"Really and how to know that?"
"Here," I said showing her the ID of Fate Adierson,
Fate I think I heard the name before but whatever.
"Okay, it's great now we can find her there's a number of the place also".
At the studio,
"So it's there something you want to tell your fan, Miss Kim, they love the Flawless songs". The interview said.
"Yes, I would like to tell them to keep listening to us and be safe don't be so Hard on yourself give yourself time thank you."
"Well, that was the last question for tonight ladies thank you for coming here and giving your time ".
"Thank you for having us".
On the way home,
"So did you find anything Amy, about this Fate Adierson " we were going back to my house Amy was doping me off.
"Yes, I talk to her boss Miss Cane and asked her if she would like to run her business more so I came up with the agreement, that her cafe menu will be served in our cafeteria, and her co-workers will start working from tomorrow ".
"Oh that's good and this Fate Adierson did you met her"
"No, but I will tomorrow, we are here ".
"Good night Jennie"
"Night Amy"
Back in my hotel room, I found something a pepar, not a pepar a document as I pick it up I see a marriage registration certificate huh, signed by Jennie Hang Kim and Fate Adierson.
I wonder how you look my one-night-mistaken wife, I don't remember anything but I know even if I don't remember her face one thing is for sure I'm the one who convince her to marry me, I don't know why I did that but I did.
I know I have a boyfriend and I'm happy with him then why did you marry this girl Jennie you're not gay ?, I ask myself but no answer came I don't know why I did it but it was just a one-night thing it meant nothing, that's it.
My thoughts were get interrupted by a call from Jeremy, "Hey baby" he said he seems happy.
"Hey Jeremy " yes I don't like to use those stupid pet names, I just hate it.
"Did you know what happened today you won't believe" no I don't t to know I just want to have some rest right now I guess he won't stop until he tells me everything, it's going to be a long night?
**Beep Beep Beep...
"God this alarm", switching off the alarm I went to the bathroom.
today we have a busy schedule. first of all, we have to go to the MV shooting we have to shoot the performance video too, and last but not on the list today Amy will talk to Fate Adierson, why do I always feel I have heard the name before? whatever it's not time for her
J.H.K Building,
"Okay everyone you did a great good job ".
"Thanks, Jennie, unnie ". Mina said she was the cutest in the group.
"Jennie, did you see the outfit ?"Hana asked,
"no why? what's wrong"
"It's nothing, we can't find so just got a little concern "
"Oh don't worry about that I ask Jessie to bring the outfits tomorrow she will take care of it".
"Guys did you hear there's a new menu in the cafeteria, " Lily said, yes, of course, there will be a new menu coz I'm the one who makes it happen
"I want to try something new, you guys are coming ?" Ruth asked everyone not in the mood though.
"You guys can go I have to talk to Amy about something, have fun everyone".
"Yes, leader," they said in unison before leaving.
"So Amy did you talk to her" I implore relaxing on the couch in Amy's office
"Yes I did and I think she's not your fan, she doesn't even know that you're the girl she's married to, she's cute btw ." Cute seriously
"Yeah yeah, what you said to her "?
"I asked her to come to my office tomorrow so you will find out, I already talk to the legal advice he gave me the divorce paper tomorrow two of you will sign it and all of this will be back in its place".Amy explain,
right then why I'm not happy,' coz you wanted her' my inner voice said naah that's not true, keep denying it again my inner voice said seriously will you shut up?
At Home,
Finally back to my house, it's nice to feel the bed finally Jeremy was at work today so he can't call me which means I can sleep peacefully but Fate Adierson is still in my mind I think I need to take the medicine now.
Well, let the sleep comes already.
1:00 Am,
"I can't believe you never heard this song "?. I find myself asking someone
"Yes Sir-' i mean my father he not really into mu music says it's bad for me so I should not listen to it. but my momma used to sing me lullabies ". She explains. what kind of father he is.
"Oh it's bad I thought when I will sing on the tv you will listen to it too," I said.
"If that is what you want then I will do it don't worry I will talk to father he wouldn't mind if I listen to 1 or 2 songs". Wow, now I'm happy.
"Then here have my music box until I sing on the TV and you can listen to my music box".I offer
"Really?.she asked her eyes sparkling with pure
excitement, she looks so adorable.
"Yes," I smiled wildly the joy of seeing her pleased couldn't be held back
"I will take care of it and protect it" she promised I know, you will
"I know, it's time for me to go but I will see you tomorrow okay". I need to go home it's late now mommy will get worried but I don't leave I want to spend more time with her playing talking, whatever she wants to do.
"By destiny," she said waving her little hands she looks cute so cute. I know I didn't tell her my real name cause mummy told me, I can't tell my real name to anyone even if it's my friend because we have to leave soon this Town, is not safe for me to be outside but, I am still here just to play with her little more.
"By Fate".
J.H.K building
I'm on my way to Amy's office, In the morning she call me and said this Fate Adierson is there and she wants to tell both of us something I want to see who this Fate Adierson was, not coz her name was the same but because I wanted to know why I make a move like marrying a stranger in just one night. This is not me that girl maybe know some black magic
When I cross the hall I found a familiar person "Hey, there Jessie did You get boxes"?
"Yes, a friend help me she's in Amy's office".
Oh, I think I know her.
**Knock knock.
"Come in, "Amy said
"Hey," I said. I can see someone's back she's facing Amy but soon when she feels my presence she turns around.
'You got to be Kidding me'
I never believed in utopian things but the moment when our eyes locked, Moments quietly lost sensation. my throat abruptly went dry as her awestruck stares gawking over me, it's not new. people love to worship beauty. but her eyes absorbed me. The thumping sound of my heartbeat against my chest feels like it wanted to come out of its source
Amy was saying something but do like I care. I am feeding my curiosity with this new face that somehow belongs to me. Her expression slowly changes to awestruck then shock.
I have this effect on you .huh..!
This is going to be a wonderful experience ...let's get into it
Shall we?
Fate Adierson...