5: Getting into the agreement

!Fate's pov,

"It's good that you're here Jennie," Amy said

Jennie Hang Kim my one-night wife is in front of me, I may be seen here on the tv or in real life when I was drugged but now I know why Joey was saying she's the goddess, her perfect brown eyes which remind me of someone, her hair falling on shoulder her lips that can make anyone craving for it just for its taste, her collarbone her chest...

Fate stop it what are you doing you, pervert woman

God even if 'Fallen Angles' are real I won't be shocked if she's one of them

I don't know why I can't move from my place it's like I'm hypothesized by her, the smirk on her face is visible but she's not bothered to take her eyes off me, she's pleased to see me here.

"Yo! Jennie?" Amy again tries to call her but do you think she would bother to look NO way she's examining me, on the other hand, I'm feeling exposed in front of her.

why does it feel like she knows everything about me right now just by watching me?

She slowly moves towards me carefully like a hunter finds his prey. I think I might faint right now 'get a grip on yourself Fate' .she's still smirking .why she is smirking?

she stop in front of me took my hand she handed me something, what was this electric sensation?

I shook my head I shouldn't think like this, looking down at my hand I see a "wedding ring ".

"Yes your cheapest wedding ring my one-night wife, " Jennie said with a smirk. Her eyes shift to Amy "do you think I would ever marry someone like her it's her fault she's the one who made the mistake so you should just blame her for it don't you think Amy!".

Huh? I know maybe I'm the one who ask her to marry me but it was both of us I didn't force her into it, did I?


"Okay okay, whatever, now just sit down," Amy said pointing at the couch in front of me.

"I hope Fate you know why you are here as if you already know what happened that night, the marriage thing shouldn't have happened in the first place but we can't change it now, but if you guys get divorce everything will be back in right place".

divorce? first' i never thought about getting married and then when I get married I get divorced the next day, wow congratulations Fate.

I'm not shocked though somewhere I know this will happen

"Okay did you bring the papers"?The Idol asked, she wants to get a divorce soon as possible.

"Yes, here" Amy takes the papers to place in front of me ." Fate you sing here, and Jennie you here".

Jennie sings the papers so do i.

"Okay, now there's a condition ".wait condition.

"For filling this divorce agreement you guys have to stay together for one year, after that both of you can go your way ".

I didn't expect this,

this is bad



"Is this some kind of joke Amy " Jennie is angry, not angry. furious.

"Look I'm just trying to help you as you know the marriage thing is not for you now all the people whose with you .your group, this company everyone in this mess too".Amy explain.

She's right I know it's bad for me, staying with someone, someone who is a stranger. my nightmares will get worse after this I can feel it, but I guess just one year can do any damage .can it?

"Fate? Are you okay with staying with Jennie for one year? Amy asked

"Ok," I said softly looking at my shoes

"God! Fine whatever, I have work so I'm leaving," Jennie said before going out. leaving me and Amy

"Fate," Amy's gentle tone toon my attention "I know this is too much for you but if-'

"It's fine, just one year after all, but what if her bandmates ask why I'm staying in her house with her or anyone else?"

"Don't worry I will tell them you are her assistant that's why you're with her."

"Okay, and one more thing I can work in the cafe right ?"

"Yes you can do all your work but yeah you can't tell anyone about this marriage or the agreement if you tell anyone there will be issues ''

"Okay I understand, I'm gonna go then, thank you, Miss Amy,"

"Yes Fate you should pack your things too, You will start living in her house from tomorrow," Amy said with a smile.

Hope for the best. staying with her can't be that bad.

Leaving Amy's office I'm on my way to the cafeteria the need to start working it's 11:00 already.

"Hey stranger "

"Hey Jessie" she's holding some dresses now and it's a lot why doesn't she get any help?

"Do you need help with that"?I looked at the dresses and asked.

"No, it's fine,"

"hmm, I got ya" taking some of the clothes I followed her "So where are we going ?"

"You don't have to do that every time Fate, I can manage and we have to go to the costume section "

"It's fine afterall you helped me first".

"Wow..there are far fewer clothes in here "!

"Yes, I know ".

"So did you talk to Amy ?" Jessie asked

"Yeah I did "

"That's good, so are you going to the cafeteria now "?

"Ah yes, I'm-'

before I could answer a voice interrupted me "Jessie unnie you brought our dresses".


"Mina San, yes here have a look". Jessie said.

"Who is she ? is she working with us too?"A girl with red hair asks followed by the other three girls, Who are these people?

" Everyone this is Fate and Fate they're 'The Flawless' " off course they're, in just one day I met the most popular IDOLs, Joey won't believe it.

"Hello everyone," I bowed.

"She's cute," the red-haired girl said as I blushed I'm not good at getting compliments.

"Hi Fate I'm Lily Deep but call me Lily, " the vocal goodness

"Hello, Fate I'm Ruth Collins just call me Ru" the professional I guess.

" I'm Hana ." the dancer

"Hey, cutie I'm Mina San you can call me Mina, " Mina said with a smile she's a doll most adorable one.

I was about to hold her hand for a hand Shake but she hugs me.

"Well hello Miss Mina- '* owwof* "

I hug her back I'm really bad at hugging people around me I'm not comfortable with touching.

"Mina San you making her uncomfortable " Miss Lily said, but Miss Mina still holding me she looks like a huggable person.

"Mina San let her go now your making us late " Both of us flinch I already know who it is, non-other than Jennie Hang Kim, and she's not looking pleased.

"Ohh sorry, Fate I like to hug cute people,"

"It's fine Miss Mina San "

"Hey don't call me Miss I'm an old lady or something, " Miss Mina said everyone in this building doesn't like to get addressed as Miss, as Mina explains everyone laughed she's adorable.

"Oh okay Mina, is it okay to call you that "

"Yes of course you're my friend now you can call me that "real friend just like that was first, she's really cute.

"Ok Mina "

"If the chit-chat is over can we go back to work now, everyone moves your legs ..NOW DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT"!.God whys she's so angry

whatever I need to go back to work too.

"Well okay see you later everyone, have a good day," I said before leaving towards the door, Miss Kim is shooting daggers at me, seriously what I did this time?

At the cafeteria,

"So did you talk to her, " Jerry asked. were now at hour break time


"Well, what she said.. "

"She said I have to move in with Miss Kim for one year after that the divorce will be done"..as I explain Jerry starts choking on her food, seriously Jesus what's wrong with this girl.

"Here drink water, you okay?" I pat her back

"*Cough* "wait WHAT....what do you mean by that Fate Adierson what the fuck I thought you said it was just talking shit! where that even came from, your not doing it I won't Allow you .young lady ."

Lord this dramatic woman, can't blame her though she knows how worst my nightmares can get if I stay in an unknown place.in child care, I always got unconscious almost every night coz of my nightmares, but still, it was not for me I make a mistake this time because of Me there was a girl who also gets into this mess with me.

"Jerry look i'---" she didn't even let me finish " oh no no you listen I'm not letting you hurt yourself just for some IDOLs and shit"

"Jerry," I called her softly this time. she didn't say anything so I continue "I know you're worried but look it's going to be fine, and it can help me to forget my nightmares most importantly I need to fix the mess I create, so please help me and be by my side just like you always do, I need my Fairy godmother my best friend Jerry Lee".

Jerry knows I'm serious there are only a few times when I use her full name just to prove that I'm serious, she's thinking.

"Fine but promise me if your nightmares get worse you will come back home " see I knew

"Of course, come on give me a hug now".

"Oh no you, get off...damm woman"

Both of us start laughing

I love her

At the apartment,

"Joey, you think you will be okay ?'' I ask this will be 15times I know, but I'm just worried about her

"Sista it's fine im 20 already don't worry I will be fine ".

"She's right Fate stop worrying too much, we will be fine and you should start packing your things already ."

"Seriously Jerry you're saying like you two won't do anything wrong, the last time I leave you two together, you were almost killing each other and burned the house almost ". That was probably just one time but still...

"Fine fine whatever you say". Jerry said

"But we are not kidding anymore, don't forget I'm 1 year older than you, we will take care of each other .'' I'm still not convinced but okay ..let's just believe they will be fine

"Do you need any help? we can help you with your things " Joey asked

"It's fine, you two go to sleep now it's already getting late".

Things I don't have many things to pack just my clothes and my books and most important my music box.

Well, I will pack them tomorrow for now let's just sleep peacefully for a few hours.

1:00 Am,

"Are you leaving tomorrow?" I ask in a sad tone

"Ye Daddy said we have to leave this Town " the brown eyes girl replied

Again, Always this happens, whenever I thought I finally have something just for me, the next moment it fades away.

"That means we will never see each other again?"

"NO... I won't let that happen " she said,

"Then how we will be together? , you promised me, you will be with me forever, you break your promise "?I asked sadly

"No I won't break my promise, Fate I'm your Destiny, I'm destined to be yours only. I will do anything to be with you Fate, and that's why I will marry you, and then you will be MINE forever and I will be YOURS only " she took my hand

"Marry, if I marry you we will be together forever ?" I ask

"Yes Fate, if you marry me we will be together forever we will stay together, so I'm asking you Will you marry me Fate ?" Marry

"But I'm young now so does that mean I have to wait until I turn 20?"

"It's fine Fate I can wait I'm 15 now and your 10 so that's mean we have to wait just for 10 years and then we will be married " 10years why...

"YES... Destiny I will marry you." I said with a smile


"Yes, I Fate gave you my words, no matter what happens I will wait for you and marry you only ".

"I promise you too".

"Tomorrow I'm leaving, so will you come to see me off ?"

"Yes, I will"

"Really ?"

"Yes I promise"

At home,

"You're going somewhere Fate" I was startled by his voice, but tried not to show it

"Yes sir, my friend is leaving today I'm going to see her off"

"Ohh your friend the one who gave you the music box, You became so brave when you endured so much pain for that friend huh' Fate "? He asked he doesn't want me to go he won't let me go I know that, he's just testing me

"Yes father I will be back soon," I said before grabbing the door handle

"You think you can '' he said before grabbing me by the hair he threw me on the floor

I sank in pain "sir" my eyes went wide when I saw him grab his belt again...

My wounds never heal properly,

the buries get darker day by day...

his ugly smile Whenever he saw me in pain it became dreadful

It was his pleasure seeing me in pain

I never knew what a sadistic person is but I knew my father he was one of them

After my punishment, I would faint it always happens. I bearly remember anything but the last thing I know I always laying on the floor lifelessly

Sometimes we never get what we want or even the opposite of what we expect,

I promised her that I will see her off

I promised her that I will wait for her

I gave her my words that I will marry her,

but I never fulfill anything.

2:45 Am,

Getting out of my bed I found it 'my cheapest wedding ring ' that I gave to my one-night wife and she return it to me.

she was right though it's nothing compared to what she gave to me

looking at my fingers I see my wedding ring, I don't get time to take it off or go to the shop but I will take it off afterall it's all 'fake'.

My father was right about one thing I was just a stupid failure who can't even keep her word.