6: Move in with The IDOL

Fate's POV,


I can't sleep,

when I was at the child care I used to wake up in the middle of the night coz of my nightmares Miss Sera used to read me storybooks.

Miss Sera Lee was Jerry's aunt and the owner of the care center.

After spending my 3 years in child care and foster homes I never get adopted so yeah I always spend time with her Jerry, and Joey, Joey was her adopted child.

Miss Sera knew I don't want to be adopted afterall my experiences with my parents were worse.

so she sings an agreement with the authority about taking care of me, she can't adopt me but that doesn't mean she didn't accept me.

whenever I need her she was there.

Miss Sera was not like my mother, my mother she's someone who breaks her promise, but Miss Sera never breaks her words.


I was close to my mother when I was a kid.

I remember how my mother sing me songs read me storybooks and play with me, but as I said whenever I thought something is permanent for me it faded away so did my mother.

when I was 6 years old mom told Me she was going to buy something good for me as a kid I was happy, I wanted to go with her but she said, she Will come back just in a few minutes.

I believe in her and wait, and oh I never knew how minutes turn into hours, day turn into evening

I was still waiting for her at our front door, but she never came

there was another person who came "Fate Adierson your mother left you just forget about her before you get the punishment for being outside " father said.

he was angry because mom left him I can't blame her.

it was his fault that she was gone.

A few days later some police officers came to say that my mother is dead and I learn the truth about why she didn't keep her promise.

The next thing I know my Father starts his punishment sections with me.

Now about Miss Sera

Miss Sera can't have children cause of some medical issues, after her husband Charlie's death she never thought about marriage. she spends her days with her children, us, and her work .she was a hardworking and Brave woman, and I always wishes to be like her.

At the apartment,

8:00 am,

Amy called this morning and she said that I can go to Jennie's house around 2:00 pm, that's good, I can finish my work first.

" did you pack your things? " Jerry asked holding her jacket

"Yes "

"Do you want me to drop you off "?

"Naah!, it's fine after work I will just come and get my things "

"Alright then "

"Joey, you didn't have class today right?"

"Yes, so I'm just finishing some of my artwork" Joey answered sitting on the stool. she is always serious when it comes to her art and sketches and I'm proud of her seeing her happy not like...Her sister, who doesn't even have table manners

"Hey, why are you looking at me like that ?" Jerry glared at me

she's a dramatic person. Lord help that man who would get married to her

" *Smirk* nothing just eat your breakfast".

"Okay weirdo," she snorts



"Here's your coffee miss"

"Thank you"

"You're welcome, ma'am"

"I see you like working in here Fate"

" Miss Cane!"

"Yes, I was here for the meeting with Amy she likes our menu and wants our food in the upcoming programming work" Miss Cane said with a warm smile,

"That's great Miss.." I clear my throat maybe I can ask her about early leave ''can I leave today after our break time I have some work and I ---"

"It's fine Fate Amy already told me you're doing her work today so yeah your free ".

"Oh i- right miss Cane yes, I will see you tomorrow then"

"Yes Fate, " Miss Cane said as I leave to find Jerry.

it didn't take a while to find Jerry around the corridor "Yo! I'm going to the apartment now "

"Do you want me to come with you too?"

"No, it's fine "

"Well good then see ya, take care, and call me okay"

"Yes! sir " I waved my hands


As the elevator was full I have to take the stairs to get down to the parking

"Fate ?"

The abrupt call of my name causes me to frown I look behind to meet "Mina " with her car,

"Hey, it's you I thought maybe I'm mistaken, " Mina let out with a happy face. how can someone be always happy

*Smile* "Hello Mina "

She gets off her car "Are you going to Jennie unnie House come let me drive you"

"Oh it's fine I can manage afterall i'---"

wait did I hear that clearly, she said Jennie unnie House right, she knows!

but how she knows?


"Fate you there? hey, your okay, ?"Mina asked shaking me lightly. of course, I'm not okay how the freaking hell she knows.

Miss Jennie Amy they, they would kill me and the agreement that's...how I --

"Fate "Mina called again

"Y-YES " I replied shortly

"I know, don't worry Amy told me about that, she asked me to keep my eyes on you too" Mina laughs.

eyes on me

"Amy told you everything ?"

"Yes Amy and I were kinds of cousins so it's fine for us to share secrets, don't worry it's just me who knows about that, so you're going to Jennie unnie House ?"

Cousins, maybe I know Amy didn't tell her .she probably blackmail her. sibling things

"Oh right no I'm going to my apartment to get my things first "

"Okay let's go let me drive you"

"It's okay I can manage "

"No your coming, I thought you were my friend ?" Mina mumbled in a sad tone

"I'm your friend Minari, fine if that's what you want "I explain as she smiles


"Ah yes, you don't want me to call you that?"

"Naah! it's fine " that was a quick answer

"Come get in the car "

At the Apartment,

"Come make yourself at home, do want some drinks or coffee will be fine "?

"It's okay Fate don't bother you can pack your things and i'---"

"Sister " Joey called her eyes wide open as she saw Mina beside me

" Mina San! Oh my God! am I dreaming again ?"

Again seriously how many times she dreams about her?

"Noo Joey she is Mina, Mina, she's Joey, my sister"

"Oh hey Joey"

Joey looks at Mina admirably "H--hello, can you give me your autograph? "

"Sure "

"Would you like to drink something Miss San "?

"No don't bother, your an artist ?" Mina asks glancing at Joey's hands they were wrapped in colors

"Yes, I'm .would you like to look at my works?" Joey asks hopefully

"Sure," Mina said

"Okay then, I'm gonna get my things "

I get to my room and start packing my things there's not much just a few *sigh* hope everything goes well.

After having lunch, Mina said she was not hungry but still we force her to eat with us.

she explain that today they didn't have any work at the building they were just practicing some steps and Miss Jennie she's at her home.

"Be alright okay sister, and if you get a dream again just call me or come here okay," Joey said

she's worried about nightmares too. when we were at the Lee house my nightmares make me sob in tears Miss Sera always run to me just to hold me and Joey comfort me.

*Smile* "don't worry Joey I will be fine and don't fight with Jerry okay".

"Yes ma'am"

"Shal we go then?" Mina ask

"Yes "

I'm already missing them

"Is there anything Miss Kim likes Mina "?

I need to know what she likes or does not like I want her to hate me that much.

I know it's just one year but we get married right and divorced too, that doesn't mean we can't be friends...

"Yup there's a lot you should notes like she doesn't like mess hmm she's maybe giving a cold aura sometimes but trust me she's the sweetest person, and if she said she doesn't want to do it don't repeat it, she don't like too many questions "

I already guess that.

"Noted, anything else like her favorite food ?"

"She likes Korean food " pointed

" She loves her baby Kaya " Kaya I can take care of him.

"Her favorite flower is' Haycinth' " noted

"She doesn't drink alcohol her favorite drink is a healthy drink"

wait she doesn't drink but all these things happen because of her drink.

"Well and--'

"It's fine you don't have to tell me anything more I will take notes of everything you told me ".

"Of course and now we're here "


We arrived at a calm neighborhood the grand door held open by the security. I thought she lives in the hotel

Mina may be heard my inner voice

"yes that's her family Hotel but this is her home, lets go"

As we park the car we head inside. I carefully watch everything in the side garden and maybe there is a pool at the back but why are there no flowers in the garden

maybe she doesn't like gardening

Mina rang the doorbell after a few seconds the door opened. My eyes greeted Jennie Hang Kim in her gym clothes, it's afternoon why is she in her gym clothes?

I don't want to stare at her like some creep yet I didn't move shamelessly I'm staring at her body. This Is so Wrong.

My vision gets shattered by a voice

"Jennie unnie I'm here with Fate for helping her can we come in"

"Yes, Mina comes in " Miss Jennie said coldly

Did something happen?

We follow Miss Jennie, while she's walking I can see her back even though her back is gorgeous. seriously Fate stops it your not even attracted to girls.at least that's what I always thought.

"Here this will be your room " Miss Kim said

"Thank you " I mumbled I didn't dare to lookup

I can feel she's smirking, why does she always smirk at me like that?

"Fate this is my favorite room too whenever we have a sleepover I stay in this room" Mina explains happily

"You can help her Mina I'm going for a run"

"Yes unnie "

2hours later,

*Whoss* that was last

"Thanks, Minari for your help"

"Come on, we're friends so no formalities"

"Fate can I tell you a secret ?" Huh,


She sat on the bed "come" she patted beside her.

I sit

" You know I have a crush on someone "

"Really ?" I asked just to make sure I heard that right

"Well yes "

"That's mean you and Miss Kim you guys are '--"

"What now! Jesus Fate Jennie unnie is like a sister to me "

oh thank God

"Oh sorry I thought --never mind "

"Yup I have a crush on someone but it's not her, it's someone else,"

Taking her phone she showed me a photo of her crush "Lilly? " I inquired in confusion

"Yup, isn't she pretty," Mina asked looking lovingly at her crush photo of course it was not just an ordinary crush I can see the love in her eyes

*Smile* "yup she is Minari, did you tell her about your feelings ?"

"No, I mean it's almost like 5 years now that I have had a crush on her but should I?, I don't want her to make her uncomfortable"

"Mina San you should take your chance before it's too late "

"Your right maybe it can't be that bad afterall, right?"


*Hugs* " thanks, by the way, you are the first person after Amy who knows this." Okay so Amy knows it too that's good.

"I see you help her Mina " Mina let me go as she heard Miss Kim she's on her casual clothes still looking pretty.

how long she was there?

"Yes unnie," Mina said with a smile

"That's good, I make some Raman come let's eat it" looking at me she said

"Wow my favorite, thank you unnie"

Silence, should I say dead silence

I can feel Miss Jennie is looking at me intentionally but I can't dare to look back, she's just too imitating for me

"Do you like Raman Fate?"

*Cough * "I-i y-yes I like it " Miss Jennie looks like she's happy with the answer, that's a good sign.

After a few moments, Mina said bye to us and now it's just me and her

"We didn't talk wife" miss Jennie said a smudging grin on her lips

"Yes, Miss Jennie im'--"

"Miss Kim" she holds her hand out to halt my words "You will address me as Miss Kim like everyone else does, as you will be staying here from now on, WE need to discuss a few things, do I make myself clear ?." Miss Kim asked in an authoritative tone

I didn't answer


father's words why she reminded of him, it's not good, I don't want that

"Y-" I shutter

I try again with more confidence "yes Miss Kim"

"Good now where we,..hmm the rules so let's begin shall we ?"

I think staying with her will change something in my life I don't know what it is but I can feel it...

Looking at the floor I mumbled, "Yes, Miss Kim"...