18: Trip And Ships


J.H.K Building

CEO Office

10:00 Pm,

Jennie's pov,

"Im sorry to bother you at this hour Miss but the 12th master said it's really important "

"It's fine Mr Hanson Is there anything I have to sign ?"

"No Miss "I nod. "Miss your looking tensed is there anything bothering you ?" Mr Hanson asked worriedly

I exhale deeply letting my head fall behind my chair and look outside the glass windows the night is already showing its beauty outside," Mr Hanson you know me from my childhood right ?"

"Yes Miss "

"Can you answer what I want ?"

"Well, Miss if you tell me precisely maybe I can answer "!

"Hmm you know for the past months there is something that is bothering me, something that I don't know how to deal with, something that I don't want to let go, something that I'm afraid to give anyone, I think I want it more than anything but still afraid to have it ... Now Mr Hanson tells me what I want ?"

Mr Hanson didn't answer he is thinking

"Do you like this thing Miss ?"

I like? I don't know! I should hate her! I should hate her from the bottom of my heart, right?

"I--' i don't know Mr Hanson !" Did I just Sutter?

"Miss it's not bad to expect what we feel sometimes. Just for once in a while let yourself go. It's not that bad to except about Love or Fellings ' "


"I will be leaving now Miss," Mr Hanson said Bowing

I don't know why he said that, it's not the first time I felt this type of emotion and he knows it.

Why I'm feeling this again...

**Sigh** 'Adierson you're messing my life now '



10:45 Pm,

** Ding**.

As I walk into my house guess what I found again Adierson waiting for me

"Hello Miss Kim," she said Bowing

"Huh' Adierson, what are you doing ?" I asked irritated about the fact that she wait for me just when I thought about avoiding this unwanted feeling, she is here in front of me.


just fucking Great

"I was hoping we could have dinner together ?"

Dinner seriously

"Dinner? "

"Y- yes I thought .. just if you want to have dinner ?" She asked nervously

Oh right I have some effect on her **smirk** let's see Adierson how much can you take

**Chukled ** "Adierson did you think I would have dinner with you, we are not friends remember " lies little do I know last night was something that both of us felt but now I can't let her know the truth.

"I--' just thought--' i interrupt her

"You thought! listen to me Adierson im not your friend and if you think after last night something will change between us your wrong your still the loser mess for me. Who causes me trouble !" I storm to my room

It was true that I didn't eat dinner today. I didn't get enough time for dinner and as Jeremy is busy with the group I don't have anyone to company me.




I change my clothes ware something comfortable **sigh** ' let's just sleep today '




1:00 Am,

"Mr Hanson I wanna go to the park today"

"But Miss it's not safe "

"No, I want to go parK "

"Honey what's wrong," momma asked me

"Momma I wanna go park but he isn't taking me "!

**Chukled ** "Honey if you want to go you have to promise to come back home early "

"I promise can I go now "!

"Of course, Mr Hanson take care of her " Momma instructed Mr Hanson they're worried for nothing afterall I can take care of myself.

"Okay Madam "

Finally, im going to the park can't wait to make new friends many Friends, No Not many friends Just one and only, and the friend will be MINE.

I smile at the thought

"You look really happy Miss "

"Im " showing my gummy smile I said to Mr Hanson

There are so many kids playing around laughing sliding having fun on the swings it's nice but there is a lot I don't want so many people in here.

I look at my surroundings and found something that caught my eyes

A little girl holding her Sketchbook on her lap left hand full of crayons. I was watching her curiously but someone block my view huh'

I don't know what that kid said to her but she didn't respond she didn't make any movement after the kid leaves with his friends, and she starts continues colouring again.





"Mr Hanson I'm gonna go now don't come near me " I warned. He knows very well maybe I'm the sweetest little Heirs of the Hang Kim family but no one would like when I get Angry.

"Ok Miss "

I get out of the car Mr Hanson opens the door. I wanted to go to the girl but stop 'hmm she won't talk I have to do something that will make her talk to me '

The flowers right

I stood in front of the beautiful Dandelions they are so pretty I hope they fulfil my wish too **smirk** I start tearing them one by one.

It doesn't take a few hours just a few seconds and I hear "Hey?"

"You're Hurting them !" She's cute just like a perfect friend how I WANT

I turn around and looked at her

"Hurting who?" I asked innocently

She pointed her index finger at the flowers "ThEm !" Oh right Them

"Huh' But I want them they are beautiful "

"If You want them then you should take care of them first "

"Is that what you want "?

"Y--yes " she Sutter Cute'

"Hmm okay, but will you help me ?"

"Me ?"

"Yes, do you think I asked anyone else ?"

"N-no !"

"Then will you help me...Please "

"Ok "

"Thank you ..hmm your name ?"

"Fate "


My Fate

"Fate ?"

"You ?" Me oh right I can't tell her my real name if she's my Fate then I'm her Destiny

"I'm Destiny "

" Do you want to play with me Fate ?" I asked hoping she would say yes I want her to be my friend I will make sure she becomes my friend.

"I--' NO "



"Because they don't like it," she said showing me that kid who was talking to her when she was colouring

"Who's that kid?" I asked looking at the Fat kid who was laughing at her when she was colouring.

"Yes "

Don't worry they won't be a problem again

"Close your eyes Fate " I order

She followed, Good

I go to Mr Hanson he gets off the car "'Miss?"

"Mr Hanson I want this park clear now and that kid I don't want them to come here again "

"B-but Miss? Why? "

"Mr Hanson, didn't you hear what I said ?"

**Glup** " yes Miss I will do it "

"Do it quickly I don't want to keep my friend waiting "

A few moments later the park was clear except for one person who there

"NO, I Won't Go !" Gosh this stupid fat head

"Hey! " I yell


"Do you want to hear a story?" I asked


"Yes so.. once upon a time a boy didn't follow an order and then he got a punishment a punishment of  hunger and ..." I pause

**Glup** "then what happened "

"He starts eating his favourite food and he eats and eats but he was still hungry. He didn't stop when he couldn't find food he starts eating things, things whatever he see. Do you know how he fulfilled his hunger at last?"

The kid glup and asked "H-how?"

"He then eats himself he starts with his arms and then his precious legs and then... He fulfils his hunger "

He looks at me in horror **AAAaa MOMmmm***

He runs screaming

**Smirk** that's right be gone

I go to Fate and told her to open her eyes

"No one will disturb us now "

**Smile** "let's go" she holds my hands

I looked at our hands it's perfect just like made to be fit with each other

**smile** "let's go Fate "

"Are you Happy ?" I ask

"I have never been this happy " don't worry I will make sure you be happy from now on

"That means I make you happy ?"

"Yes "

"Then I can take of you too?"


"Yes, you said if I like them I should take care of them! I like you too, you are my first friend in this Town so, I want to take care of you "




Only 'MINE'

**Smile** "I'm your friend ?"

"Yes you are, you don't want that ?'' I pout

"N-no I want "!

"Then from now on Destiny promises to take care of you "  'Always'

She takes my hands and locks our pinkey figures together " I Fate promise to be yours always "

**Smile** "I promise to be 'YOurs ' too"

"I have to go home " I promise mom I will be home early

"But I will come tomorrow " 

"I - can't come Tomorrow !"

"Why? "

"Tommy will be here "

Tommy so that was his name

**smirk**"Don't worry they won't be here, it will be just me and You "

"Really ?"


"Then I will come to play with you "

"Thank you for being my friend I will see you tomorrow Fate bye " I wave my hands

"You too Destiny I will see you tomorrow bye take care of yourself "



"Did you make new friends Honey "

"Yes momma and she's MINE"

". That's good take care of her okay"!

"I know  Momma I will "



Kim House,

9:00 Am.

Today is the day when everyone will leave for the trip and I don't if I should go

After last night's dream, I can't stop thinking about her. Adierson didn't make breakfast today did she give up? Was I go that far last night?

'God! why even I'm thinking about it it's like I should care she's just Adierson I shouldn't care if she didn't cook for me '

'But you like her the food she makes ' shut its mind!

Ring ...Ring ...

It will be the 4th time Amy called.

"Annyeonghaseyo "

"JENNIE WHAT'S wrong with you it's getting late come on "!

"AMY I'm not coming to stop calling me "

"What are you kidding come on Jennie don't behave like a child "

"I'm not behaving like a child for God shake I just don't wanna come "

"Oh, that means you don't want to see her sister ?" Amy asks in a teasing tone

Is she trying to get on my nerves now?


"Oh too bad she's looking close to her they look happy together everyone thought they are a couple causes their Surname is not the same and they are not real blood sisters. I won't be surprised if after this trip I found them in a closet--.. "

I cut the call

What the freaking hell is her problem

That freaking Adierson is married to me whatever relation she has with her non-blooded sister she won't cheat on me!


Damm it Jennie you are losing it!

I tap my fingers on the wooden table

I'm already losing my Shit!

'that Adierson if she does anything with that girl! She's dead meat! '



I go to my room to get my bags

'you better not do anything Adierson! '

'but you said you won't go to her why are you getting angry''? My mind asks again

I don't know and I Don't Fucking Care right now I just want to Find out if Adierson is doing anything or not?

She better not do anything wrong!



10:00 Am,

Damm this New Harrington traffic made me late!

I park my car and go to the Bus.

The Bus was about to move but stop as Jessie saw me "Miss Kim you're finally here "

"Yes I'm "

"Let me get your bags Miss Kim " Jessie holds my bags

I get onto the bus and saw her .she was looking outside huh' is she trying to find me?

"UNNie  You Here!" Mina screams happily making Adierson startled but soon she looks at me with a pleasant smile on her lips as her eyes met mine.

All the anxiety I was feeling was gone when I saw her **Smile ** 'so you were waiting for me Adierson '

"Yes Mina im here "

I went towards Adierson and sat behind her.

The Bus starts taking us to our destination

I get my headphones and start listening to my audiobook

This going to be a long ride



  After 3hours we reach  the destination

I get off the bus and stand with my group

An  old man in his 50s come with Amy he greeted us

"Thank you for coming to our Hotel everyone," He said Bowing

"Thank you for having us Mr Wilson," Amy said with a smile 

Mr Wilson came toward us and said " Hello! Everyone I'm Robert Wilson but you all can address me as Mr Wilson, I will assign you your rooms, you are going to be rooming with one of your friends ."

Friends? I look at Adierson,' will Adierson be my roommate ?' i hope my roommate is Adierson so we can have some bonding.

Wait ..what.. no not bonding I just want to mess with her 'yeah that's right just mess with her '

Mr Wilson holds some papers where our name is sung he starts eyeing them before he looks at me...

"Miss Kim your roommate will be  Miss Joey Lee "

Oh right, Joey Lee

Joey Lee!

Adierson's sister Joey Lee?



hell no!!

But before I could say anything someone yell "wHAt"!

Everyone and I as well  look at the person ' Adierson '

'God whys she's screaming, it should be me !'

"Yaah!, Fate you scared me !" Jerry said slapping Adierson arm

"Sorry! Sorry " Adierson apologies to everyone

She's right she scared me too. Well almost

"Miss Kim your okay with the right," Mr Wilson asks

"Y-yeah please continue "

"Well Okay and now Miss Fate Adierson your roommate will be  Miss Jerry Lee, Miss San your roommate will be Miss Depp...." 


After dinner, I go to my room Adierson's sister was drawing something but I didn't bother to look. I don't want to talk to her either

"Miss Kim ?"



She put her notebook aside "I know you don't like my sister but don't hurt her. She already has enough in her life, I know you probably hate her for this unwanted agreement and marriage thing but still, she doesn't deserve Hate  "  she goes to her bed and turns off the lights

Well, she knows about the whole thing?

'Of course, she knows Jennie she's her sister isn't she !'

But why does she say Adierson has enough in her life what's that means?

Whatever but the other word ' Hate '

'Do I even really Hate her ?, I'm trying my best to feel the hatred towards you Adierson, But do I?  '

I wish I could get my all  answers

Maybe my psychiatrist was right I'm a complected toxic manipulative arrogant person who doesn't know how to treat anyone.

But Adierson she's not just anyone. She's someone that I marry even if in a drunk State but still...

**Sigh** I should just let it be in our fate

I get on my bed and close my eyes

'Good night Adierson '