17: As It Was

J.H.K Building

Costume Room,

Fate's pov,

" fine if you say so, but still I will miss you though "

**Smile** "I know Jessie "

I help Jessie with some boxes.

the IDOLs are back from the tour and now everyone will leave for a trip.

I wanted to go too, but I don't want to leave Joey alone so I stayed and Jerry she didn't sign either

After my nightmare, Miss Kim treat my wounds and in the morning Jerry saw my scratching marks and Jesus! She wasn't mad

she was furious


" Jerry just trust me in this "!

"Fate I don't want to trust you anymore your hands are explaining what nightmare you have last night"

**Sigh** "Jerry I know I hurt myself again but don't you want to know who treat my wounds ?"

She demands "Who?"

"It was Miss Kim,s-she help me. You know Jerry I always tell you one day I will find my dreamcatcher. Miss Kim... "I pause

" Maybe She's my Dreamcatcher it's really strange how we are, how different our lives are but still she's the only person who takes my nightmares away "

Jerry looked at me confusedly

**Smile** " I want to understand Jerry why? , And how she becomes my Dreamcatcher. "

"Fate you are my best friend and my sister I don't want you to hurt yourself like that it breaks my heart the thought that I can't help you with your nightmares makes me angry about myself, but even if Miss Kim is your Dreamcatcher,**sigh** promise me if you saw him again in your nightmares you will come back with us and we will go back to our lives. Arasso ."

**Smile** I promise you, I will Jerry ".

Hope this will be good

                                 ~ ~


The cleaning work is finished now just help Carol with some making food and then.

"Hey, Fate "

Eh? Ari?


"Yo! I gotta news to tell ya"!

*Chukled ** "oh really what it is"?

"Amy said you can bring your sister too and you a jerry you guys have to come it's a rule ".

Huh' strange I didn't hear that.

But whatever if Joey can come then it's fine

"Sure thanks for telling me I will sign my name do you have that paper... ?"

Ari stops me "Oh don't worry your name is already in there you just tell your sister that she's coming too and we will leave tomorrow so pack your bags .okay! "

"Okay, Ari ."

Ari leave strange I didn't sign my name then how ...**sigh** whatever as long as I will be with my family everything is good

At the apartment

7:00 Pm,

"you pack your clothes and everything you need for the trip "? I asked Joey

"Yeah I did but where is Jerry I thought she will be home with you ?''

"She said she will eat dinner with Amy today so I'm here to give you Company !"

**Giggled** "oh Fate sista what would I do without you," Joey said.

We both laugh "you should be thank full then I'm your sista "

"Of course I am "

"Come on let me make dinner for you "

"What about you? "

"I-i will eat dinner in Kim House "

"Ohhh really is that soo " Joey tease

"Stop it Joey " I scold her

"Fine fine omma "

**Smile ** "yeah whatever !"



"So you're saying Miss Kim, she signs Fate's name ?" Jerry asked her lover

After work Amy decides to have dinner with Jerry.

Amy wanted to ask her about the thing that she always sees.

"Yes, she was really serious,"

"That's strange, does she always do this ?"

"No not really I never saw her as this " Amy said and I'm worried she said to herself

It was true it was her first time seeing her friend being this cold towards her.

"Do you think Miss Kim has a thing for Fate ?"

"W-what No DoNT think that Jennie she's not gay or bisexual she already has a boyfriend " She can't The Hang Kim Family would see this as a sin and Jennie being prideful would do something that everyone will regret

"I'm not saying she has to be gay to feel something for Fate! I'm just saying if she maybe likes her?"

"I don't think that Jennie she's .. Fate and Jennie they are different " even though Amy can feel a small bond between The Idol and her wife but still it's not good

**Sigh** "your right they are different !"

Jerry leaves the topic.

'i just hope Fate doesn't feel anything for Miss Kim, I can't see her in Pain ' Jerry thought

9:00 Pm,

After a few moments of finishing their dinner Amy opened her car door, Jerry smiled as she enters her car

"You said you want to tell me something yesterday ?" Amy asked

Jerry takes a deep breath and looks at Amy who was driving.

"Yes, I wanted to ask you ..**sigh** do you believe in the afterlife or reincarnation ?"

"Huh' that's what you see every time?" Amy asked confusedly

"I--will yes !"

**Chukled ** "No I don't and I don't think anyone will believe It " Amy laugh lightly

For a second Jerry doesn't respond to her she was confused 'that means the dream it was just me who have it

**Smile ** "I know I was just joking I thought it will make you think about me all the time "

Jerry laughs nervously, Amy's cheeks turn red it's not like she wasn't thinking about the girl she was feeling this new attachment with her every moment every second.

"I always think about you " Amy answered sincerely

Jerry turns by her side and looks at Amy.

She can feel her heart racing

"Me too"

They both stay silent



After a few minutes they arrived at the apartment "we are here " Amy said

"Right  I will see you tomorrow then "

"Y-es I--' if you don't mind I can pick you up ?"

**Smile ** "sure if you are not busy then we can go together," Jerry said heartily

"I would like that "


Kim House

Fate's pov,

10:00 Pm,

Gosh, I'm tired after helping Joey I leave.

today I was hoping to have dinner with Miss Kim


I open the door but She's not home **Sigh ** I thought she will be here but I was wrong maybe I can cook for

both of us **smile ** yes Fate let's do this

10:45 PM,

** Ding**.

She's home

"Hello Miss Kim," I said Bowing

"Huh' Adierson, what are you doing ?"

"I was hoping we could have dinner together ?"

"Dinner? "

"Y- yes I thought .. just if you want to have dinner ?" I asked.

I don't have exact words for the reason why I want to have dinner with her it is still unknown to me

I just know one thing I want to spend my time with her I want to know if she's my Dreamcatcher

**Chukled ** "Adierson did you think I would have dinner with you, we are not friends remember " she clarified

Why is she behaving like this I thought after last night we are not stranger

"I--' just thought--' she didn't let me finish

"You thought! listen to me Adierson I am not your friend and if you think after last night something will change between us you're wrong you're still the loser mess for me. Who causes me trouble !" She said before slamming her door

She's right I'm someone who causes her trouble.  after last night we are something but I was wrong we are just back on the same track


'was I that wrong? Was Jerry right ?'

The food I have to eat by myself now, I can't waste it.




1:00 Am,

I hold my crayons as I watch the other kids play.  I went to the cool shade of the tree. I start colouring the blank places of the  flowers that I draw yesterday

I don't like to come to the park but here it's the place where mom always takes me,  it always reminds me of her presence.

I was colouring peacefully when I heard a laugh

"Hey look it's the wired girl again !" The kid Tommy said to his friends

I don't like him he always makes fun of me it's not  like I'm bothering them .' I just do my thing why don't they leave me alone '

"Yeah, you don't talk "? **Laugh ** they start laughing again.

I didn't  answer 'just do your work Fate don't look at them '

"Hey! Tommy leaves her to let's go and play "

His other friend says annoyingly

Once they go I start colouring again I watch the flowers carefully as I colour them, but someone blocks my view eh?'

I tried to ignore the kid I don't want any trouble, but soon he start tearing the flowers I couldn't stand it anymore. "Hey?" I yell before I could think of anything I was already behind him.

"You're Hurting them !"

He turns to me and I see a girl. I mistake this girl for a boy 

"Hurting who?" She asked looking around

I pointed my index finger at the flowers "ThEm !"

"Huh' But I want them they are beautiful " she pouts

"If You want them then you should take care of them first " I explain hopefully with the thought that she will not hurt the flowers again.

"Is that what you want "

"Y--yes "

She looks at me for a second thought about something and then answers "Hmm okay but will you help me ?"

"Me ?" I said looking around

"Yes, do you think I asked anyone else ?"

"N-no !"

"Then will you help me? Please "

"Ok," I said happily

"Thank you ..hmm your name ?"

"Fate "

"Fate ?"

"You ?"

"I'm Destiny "


" Do you want to play with me Fate ?"

"I--' NO "


"Because they don't like it, " I said showing her Tommy and her friends

"Who's that kid?"

"Yes " I look at my hands

She touch my hands, usually, I flinch when anyone touches me but her hands  it was different warm  and soft.. "Close your eyes Fate " she command I followed

For a few minutes, I didn't hear Tommy and his friend's voices it was silence uh' what's happening '?

A few minutes later she told me to open my eyes as I did I saw the park was empty. I look around but found no one, except her

"No one will disturb us now," she said gently

A small smile appears on my lips "let's go" I hold her hands

She looked at our hands I thought she don't like when people hold her hands. I was about to let her hands go but she hold them a little tighter and smiled "let's go Fate "

We go to the swings. I love swings it's good

"Are you Happy ?" She asked curiously

I smiled at her "I've never been this happy " 'Until now

"That means I make you happy ?"

"Yes " I answered honestly

"Then I can take care of you too?"


"Yes, you said if I like them I should take care of them! I like you too, you are my first friend in this Town so, I want to take care of you "

A friend, Mom used to say I should make, I never had a friend maybe I can have one. For me, one is enough.

**Smile** "am I your friend ?"

"Yes you are, you don't want that ?'' she pouts

"N-no I want "!

"Then from now on, Destiny promises to take care of you "

I take her hands and lock our pinkey figures together " I Fate promise to be yours always "  I vowed

**Smile** "I promise to be 'YOurs ' too"

"I have to go home," she said sadly

"But I will come tomorrow," she said again

"I - can't come Tomorrow !"

"Why? " she asked. her brown eyes seem irritated by the explanation

'Father won't like it and Tommy I don't want him to laugh at me and my friend '

"Tommy will be here "

"Don't worry they won't be here, it will be just me and You "


"Yes," she assured.

"Then I will come to play with you " I will try my best to come to play

"Thank you for being my friend I will see you tomorrow Fate bye," she said waving her hands cheerfully

"You too Destiny I will see you tomorrow bye take care of yourself "



     2:00 Am,

I wake up from bed but not from my nightmare. I wake up from my dream a dream that I always want to live with.

I open the bag and take my precious treasure The Music Box  **smile **.

I switch it on it starts playing the sweetest melody that always clams me. I close my eyes letting my body fall onto the mattress again.




At the Apartment,

9:00 Am,

I come to the apartment early. I couldn't make Miss Kim's breakfast because my suppliers are finished and I need to buy them. After this trip, I have to go to the market.

"Joey be careful with your food " I scold Joey

After finishing my work I pack my few clothes and came to the apartment. we have to leave around 10 Joey and Jerry will go together.

We thought Jerry will go with Amy cause Amy told her that she will pick her up but.. sometimes things can't go as we plan.

"Right! Joey be careful and Fate eat your breakfast too "

"Yes yes Omma Jerry" Joey and I said in unison

**Chukled ** "you too seriously!"

J.H.K Building,

10:00 Am,

We arrived at the J.H.k Building and everyone seems busy. "Yaah Fate here!" Mina waves at us. I hold Joey's hand. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable around anyone here.

"Guys you go first I will be with Amy," Jerry said before leaving

" let's go, Joey "

"Let's go sista," Joey said happily


As we came in front of the idols Mina hugs me "I knew you will be here too, I m happy to see you guys here! "

**Smile** I return her hug " Im happy to see you happy Minari "

"Guys let's go Jessie said we are getting late " Lily said coldly

Eh? 'Did something Happen'

"Yeah right let's go," Mina said

We start walking towards our trip Bus.

Looking around I found knowing Faces but the only person was missing The Idol Miss Jennie Hang Kim.

'Is she not coming? I didn't see her in the morning either. Is she okay?'

God! why I'm getting worried it's not like I have the right to get worried about her.

I and Joey sat together.  I tried to look through the bus fence with hopeful eyes to see the leader of the most popular IDOLs but found not a trance of her

**Sigh** she won't come it's fine though I still have my family beside me.'Then why im feeling Empty'

I just thought this trip will bring us a little closer to being friends maybe...

The Bus start moving, but suddenly it stop 'what happened '

"UNNie!  You're Here!"

Unnie? I look up and met her eyes. there she is her deep brown cat eyes.

A small smile appear on my lips as I saw her

'Finally, she's here don't know if this trip will change anything between us but I will make sure to found if you're my Dreamcatcher Miss Jennie Hang  Kim '

I vow that