16: "Your My Home "

Jennie's Pov,

"We are glad you guys joined us today thank you so much, everyone!! "

We bowed to the crowd

After getting back to our dressing rooms we Change our clothes

It's been 2 weeks since we are on tour.

There was never a single day I didn't think about her *sigh* what are you doing to me Adierson '

"Gosh I'm tired," Lily said

"Yup we are let's go and take some rest but first let's have dinner " Hana replied

"Yes let's go! Mina come on !"



On the phone call, the first question Jerry asked her Soulmate is

" Did you eat ?"

"Y-yes I did. Did you? Amy answer

" Good, and yes I did eat ."

A moment of silence washed over them, feeling they were only breathing hearts

Jerry bit her lips as she said " after the tour, I want to talk to you about something "

Amy scratched her neck nervously. She doesn't know what conversation Jerry wants to have

' did she regret kissing me? Or does she wants to end whatever we have? She asked to herself

" Something? Should I be worried ?"

*Chukled * "No you can relax it's just something that I always see .''

Hearing the answer Amy gets more worried

'see what she always sees '?

" O-okay if you say so, I trust you "

Jerry mummer "I know "

She sighed and continue " have you ever done that before ?"

Hoping it's her Soulmate's first time.

At first, Amy didn't know what was Jerry trying to imply, however she blushed as she realize Jerry was asking about the kiss

"I--' no, I haven't! It was my first. *Ahmm* Have you ?"

as she heard that Jerry felt butterflies in her stomach. It means it was both for the first time.

Amy never kisses anyone except her. It gives her satisfaction the thought of her soulmate getting touched by someone else can only bring her anger, but now when she knows it was her .she's happy

" That's good you will come after 2 weeks right ?"

"Yes, I will "! Amy said

"Well take some rest now it's already getting late, "

"Okay good night Jerry "

"Good night sweetheart" Jerry whisper seductively

Amy gulped" okay good night "

She ends the call Amy can feel her ears burning.

She felt the heat between her legs ' oh god! was her voice really that effective, I need sleep '

She turns off the lights in the room

On the other side, Jerry smiled she knows Amy will be a blushing mess from her voice

'can't wait to see you seogkin ' she said to herself


Jennie's pov,

Why can't I sleep?

*Sigh* I need to get away from here '


After having dinner with my group. I go to my room but I can't sleep, and the only reason is Adierson.

Am I missing here or something?

NO! I'm not Jennie your not missing her you just can't sleep Coz you didn't take your medicine! Yes, that's right my medicine. It's just my medicine not her.

I stand in front of the balcony of the hotel.

I need some fresh Air

The night it's felt so lonely the busy city lights explain the active life of the people.

I close my eyes, the wind kisses my cheeks.

The peacefulness didn't last long I hear faint footsteps " unnie"

"Mina "?

*Yawn *

"Jennie unnie it's late you should sleep ".

*Smile * "I know Mina I'm not sleepy but you should sleep. Come on go back to sleep "

"Unnie are you worried about her ?"

Huh' her? Who is she talking about?


"Oh come on unnie Fate? Are you worried about her "?




"Yes. I'm not worried about her !"

*Sigh* Mina stands beside me

"You know unnie Once in a while it's not bad to expect what we feel. "

How do I feel?

How do I feel when I think about Adierson?

"Mina I don't feel anything and im not worried "

She let out a tired sigh " okay Jennie unnie if you say so. But just you know I'm gonna call her "

Call ?  did I hear that right She's gonna call her now it's 3 Am already

"Well it's your phone you can do anything but just finish it quickly you need rest "I order

"Of course unnie "

Ring .. Ring...

Her phone is ringing but no one is picking up, of course, because she's sleeping now

*Smirk * "see Mina sleeping now Just cut the call and go to your room now "

After a few moments,  she answers call

Mina looks at me mischievously

This Little Devil

*Smirk * "Hey Fate "?

Oh, Mina stops it.

"Yes, it's Mee "!Mina said happily

"Well I don't know you tell me is everything okay? Are you okay?"

"Are you sure Fate you can tell me if anything is wrong?" Mina said looking at me

"Well okay then good night Fate sorry' if I wake you up"

I gave her a cold stare 'stop it, Mina, I know I love you as a little sister but don't get on my nerves now '

"Well, I--' yes that's the only reason "!

Yes that's right be a good girl and cut the Damm call

I don't what they are talking about but Mina looks at me smiling


"Yes everyone is fine just some working pressure Jennie unnie do you want to talk to Fate and ask her how she's doing "?

Wait! what?

" Come on unnie talk to her" Mina whispered

Not wasting any time I answer the call


"M-is Kim"? Her voice.

She didn't sleep properly? Why?

"Fate," I said gently

"H-how are you " she's shuttering.


*Smile * "I'm good did you eat "?

"No Miss Kim I wasn't hungry, did you eat ?"

Seriously Adierson.

"Why you didn't eat anything Fate "?

"I don't know " you don't know? It's that what you can say Adierson every time I ask you something?

why even do I care if you didn't eat Adierson ? Do you also care about me too?

*Sigh* for a few minutes we both didn't say anything. I don't want her to go now.


"good night Miss Kim," she said

That's right I shouldn't feel this it's all wrong thinking about her caring about her it's all wrong...

Then why I can't stop myself from getting worried about you Adierson?

I'm worried cause you're messing with my life with my decisions. Stop it Jennie you need to stop now

"good night Fate " I cut the call



"Here Mina your phone "

"Oh, thanks, unnie Did you talk to her ?'

" Yes "

"Then what's wrong "?

"It's nothing lets go it's late, we need to sleep '



It's been two weeks since our last talk after our little conversation I didn't give them any chance to Mina I don't want her to call Adierson we are here for work and because of her chit chat we can mess this up, I don't want that

Tomorrow we will leave for New Harrington I want this night to pass after we finished the concert I finish packing my stuff.

after this tour,  we have a vacation trip all the people who work for J.H.K need a real vacation they have been working so hard moreover, and we need a break too.

**Knock knock**

"Hey you, finish packing "?Amy asked

I know we will leave tomorrow but Amy and I .we are leaving today

"Yes, I did! You? "

"Okay then let's go "




9:00 pm,

Here ma'am let me hold this "Mr Hanson takes my bags

"Mr Hanson, you don't have to do that you know "

" I know young Mistress I  know," he said Bowing

Don't know how long it would take but can't wait to see Adierson's surprise face  tomorrow I know she's not home now because she thinks I will be back tomorrow so ..*sigh*

" You okay "? Amy asked

"Yeah I'm good just need some rest "


3:00 Am,

Finally, I'm home, and guess what  it's all neat and clean Adierson did a good job * smile *

I wonder if she's here too? I don't think so though! But if she's here then it's best.

I can give her my surprise visit

My questions get their answers when I heard the breaking sound of my expensive glass 'my glass that I brought from French last year

Huh' what it is? Confused I make my way into the kitchen and saw red swollen eyes Adierson! Is she crying?

I gap when I found blood on her hands they were oozing! Why?

"Adierson "? I asked as I take a step forward toward her

Her body becomes calm upon hearing my voice

The moment when our eyes met I found the emptiness in them 'what happened to you Fate' I wanted to ask her but...

She didn't reply she run to me


She pulled me closer I didn't expect this welcoming hug but I'm not complaining it's nice

I close my eyes and hug back pulling them closer to me more not wanting any distance between us

"you're here "? She whispers

" I'm Home" *smile * I close my eyes

' Your My Home ' Adierson



"Here let me treat your wounds,   I said to  Adierson,

I don't know why she scratches herself so much but for God's sake! it looks more than just fine to me

"It's fine Miss Kim you don't have to do that "!stubborn girl

I didn't hear whatever she said.

I grab her hands gently and put the ointment on it

"Are you going to tell me why you're in mess "?

"I-i ' n-o no " she starts breathing heavily. I can't force this topic to look sensitive for her

"Okay it's okay" I care hand

She didn't say anything except watch me with adoring eyes

*Smile **

"There you go, you did a good job Adierson Good girl "

She blushed "Thank Your Miss Kim for your help"

"I'm gonna take some sleep and you Be a Good girl and Take a rest, Arasso! Adierson ."

"But..-' Yes Miss Kim "



Managers Office

"Did everyone sign their name ?" Amy asked her assistant

I was in Amy's office we were discussing the trip I want everyone to come to the trip it would be best for them to have a vacation.

After that night with Adierson. I didn't talk to her and she didn't talk either however she still makes breakfast for me that I don't eat. we are just back on track nothing changed between us.

"everyone signs their name except Fate and Jerry " Ari explained

Just hearing Adierson didn't sing her name I lost my shit again and before I could stop I get up from my seat and asked "Why? Did she say why she's not  coming ?"

Both Amy and Ari give me a confused look

Oh God I react too early

Damm you Adierson!

"Ignore, please continue, "I said again

Amy sighed and asked her Assistant "Why? Did, they said say why they are not coming ?"

"Well Fate said she doesn't want her sister to be alone and Jerry said she can't come for the same reason so they didn't sign the papers "  Ari explains

sister did Adierson and Jerry have the same sister but their name is different?

I'm the only one who realized it and Amy? she's looking calm? She knew Fate and Jerry have same the sister. Do they belong to the same family?

'But why is their last name different?'

Why do I'm feeling like I get betrayed by Amy and Adierson

'Adierson you traitor!!"

'Jennie you're the one who told Adierson not to bother your life you never ask her about her Family Remember you idiot ' my inner voice said to myself

"Oh okay it's against the rules we can't take her sister so, it's fine gave me the papers"

As Ari left I get up again and take the papers from  Amy's hands and sign one name. Amy looked at me in confusion but do I care?

No, I do not!

I sign Adierson and give back the papers to Amy

" Here take it and give this to Jerry make sure she sings it!"

"Huh' but it's not how the rules work Jennie "?

" Amy Halton listen to me very Carefully Do what I said don't make me repeat. tell them their sister can come too, and they have to come it's not a request it's a rule "! 'My Rule'

''o- Okay Miss Kim "!

"I'm going to the practice room now  "

"Okay J-Jennie "


As I was leaving for to practice room.

I found Adierson holding Some boxes .*smile* she's helping Jessie again 'Such a hard-working Girl'

"Oh come on Fate you have to come to the trip too !"

Adierson chukled "I can't Jessie but maybe next time "!

Jerry pout " fine if you say so, but still I will miss you though "


'Don't worry Adierson you will come too'

I Will be sure of that