24:'You Care'.(part-1)


Fate's Pov,

**Ahh* "Dang it!!.  Can't believe I lost her in her own house. why did I even agree to play this game !"I searched for her in the house for half an hour but I did not find her.

I  slam the door irritably how can I even lose her she's not a small thing, she is a walking human being. I go to the living room 'okay Fate think she is not inside maybe she...but the security won't let her go outside in this mind ..hmm garden right I didn't search there hopefully she will be there

I go to the garden but nope not a trace of her.  I look around to where can I find her now swimming pool right in the swimming pool area. Leaving the garden area, I walked towards the poolside and yes there she is putting his feet in the water she is looking at the sky. I sighed in relief Seeing her, a smile appeared on the corner of my lips. She looks so calm like an innocent child.No one will believe that a while ago I went around the house looking for her like a desperate individual.

I went to her and stood close to her "I found you Miss Kim " .she gave me her gummy smile and pat me beside her wanting me to sit as I did the same ."What are you doing here Miss Kim?".

She smiled at me and pointed to the sky "watching Stars".

*Smile* "that's good" Even in the darkness of this night she is like the lustre of Moonlight, how can someone's beauty be so intense. I was admiring her grace when she asked me "I thought you lost me" I glance at her "I can never lose you miss Kim I always end up discovering you " I said sincerely she chukled. Her Cheeks turned slightly red 'cute'.  it is true after all I always find myself in front of her

For a few moments, we didn't say anything just watched the stars. We can't be here for too long. I sighed and sat up, "Miss Kim let's go inside it's late you need to sleep we have work remember, let's go." 

"But I don't want to" she pouts .=_=' please don't give that look,  I'm already battling my inner self

"Miss Kim you have to come on" she huffs and crosses her arm "fine..but wifey take me to my room" =_= 'why in her every drunken condition she asked me to carry her I know I'm a few inches taller than her but still....there no way I can win this  augment with her for this'

"Okay". Just take her to her room and tell her to change her clothes then sleep yes that's right it won't be too hard Fate you can do it!'

I pick her up  she smiles "Let's go!"

We get inside and enter her room, I put her down from my embrace"Miss Kim now please change your clothes and go to sleep okay if you need anything you can call me, " I said and got out of her room.

Well, that was easy like really easy the more I know the clingy cat never likes to be alone but this time she didn't protest she just nod but whatever she is in her room that's relief 'i need to change my clothes.

I go to my room to change into my Pajamas I was about to button my shirt when I heard a banging sound 'see that's what I thought.'

I ran to the door and open it. The idol looks at me closely her breath reaches my face she is trying to find out if it's someone else or not "Wifey?"! She questioned I sighed"yes Miss Kim what is it now?". She didn't change clothes 'why did she take the clothes off ?'. Just like she can hear my thoughts and say "I need help!." It's not a request.

"Oh? okay about what ?" I asked confusedly

"This," she said pointing at her dress

"Eh?' pardon what you want me to do then ?"

"Open iT"  oh right.

Wait.. what?!!O_o'Is she want me to die of heart attacks!'

'Relax Fate be cool don't be suspicious! don't be suspicious just behave normally'

**gulp** **Ahmm** " o-'Okay"



"Then where?" I ask she hums in reply and said "My rOom"

'For the name of sweet God!, what a delightful night I have today!' =_=

**Agh 'fine '

"Okay let's go I will follow you"

I'm having a bad feeling about this '

As we get inside she stops and turns to me 'Now let's just get this done

"Miss Kim please turn around" she did 'okay that's easy now just pull down the zipper and leave the room '.

I slowly reach out to the zipper of her dress .my hands are trembling 'why I'm so nervous we both are girls for God's sake!'.I close my eyes and pull down the zipper as fast as I can. I step back from her and turn around "Miss Kim now you can change ".I can hear the clothes taking off her body.

"Turn around," she ordered and I did .she is wearing her white CHANEL' print sweatshirt and some comfy pants .'now it's time to run Fate!'.

I cleared my throat as she looks at me intensely which I always find intimidating. "Miss Kim i-Im g-gonna go n-now!'' I was about to pass the door but a strong force grabbed my hand before my brain could process what was going on I'm already in the Idols bed and the owner who is sitting on top of my stomach. Her eyes were darker was it because of anger or...' Hunger' .seeing her like that can scare the bejesus out of me. I tried to move my arms but the way she is grabbing my right hand there was no way I can escape from this easily. I try again and this time she grabbed both of my wrists and pinned them above my head.'Oh, God how can she be this strong!'

"M..-Miss k-Kim?!'' I tried to talk but she place her middle finger on my lips shushing me from unwanted talking. My breath hitched when her middle finger played with my bottom lips caressing them slowly." you didn't think I let you go just like that. did you? wifey" .her face was an inch away from me her Alcohol mix breath hit my lips. I close my eyes tightly. she gently removed her fingers from my lips and trance them down to my neck 'shoot! I forget to button my shirt properly'!.

I open my eyes and look at her pleadingly, but she stops. I thought this is it but she moved her face close to my left. Blew on my ear and said "DonT Go" a shiver runs through me. her voice sounds shattered 'what happened to you Miss Kim '' "Okay" I whisper. Her head rested on my neck.

For a few minutes when she didn't move I tried to call her "Miss Kim?" But no answer came I tried again "Miss Kim?".I felt her grip lose from my wrists 'Eh?'. I move my hands and tap on her back " Miss Kim?".I hear a faint snoring sound 'she falls asleep, on Me!! How im supposed to get away Now!'. Soon enough I hear a weeping sound 'huh?'.

"Miss Kim ?" She didn't say anything. I set my right hand on Miss Kim's head patting it trying hard to ease whatever emotion the idol is feeling. I use the other one to push myself to sit while my right hand is still supporting the idol. Now, I was sitting with the idol on my lap I caressed her back "shh.it's okay let it all out" I gently said.

When she calms down I lay her on the bed "sleep well Miss Kim ". 'should I leave? But what if .. she needs something?' hmm I look around ..right at her reading chair. I go to her reading chair that she has in her and sit watching her carefully. I wonder what made the idol so vulnerable. I never saw her like this and I don't want it again it feels bad seeing her like that hopefully, she will be better in the morning.




6:00 Am,

I wake up in Miss Kim's room and I fall asleep on her reading chair 'God! My back hurts so much!'. Miss Kim is still sleeping peacefully. I peek at her she's curled up in bed squishing the blanket. her sleep was disturbed by the sun's rays hitting through the window of her room. Her eyebrows furrowed with her closed eyes '. I got up from my chair and close the curtains **smile**'Now you can sleep'.




"Fate?" The idol called entering the kitchen ." Miss Kim good morning " I smiled at her.

She rubbed her head and said "God Adierson my head is killing me Now " of course it will after what you did last night. I wonder if she remembers

**Ahmm "well if you want to feel good then here drink this " I give her the cup. Miss Kim takes a sip and scoffed at the taste 'it's a Little bitter'. "Gah.! Adierson what is it?" She asked smelling the juice. I can't help but chukled "Miss Kim it's lemon juice ". 

"Then why it isn't sweet?" She pouts. I smile "Miss Kim it is sweet you have to drink it or the Hangover will get worse you have work today don't forget". She didn't say anything as she drink it.

After having breakfast with the idol I get ready to leave but Miss Kim stops me "Adierson?" I turn around "yes Miss Kim ?". She scratched ch the back of her neck 'is she nervous' "did I do something last night like said something means or throw up ?". Nope more like throwing yourself on me.

**smile** "No Miss Kim ". She sighed "well that's good to hear let's go I will drive ya".

"It's okay Miss Kim I will just take the Bus"

"Fate I'm driving you to go outside and wait for me like a good girl ". I don't know whenever she Praises me it makes me blush.

"Okay" as I said she smrik.


The driveway was silent no traffic at New Harrington today good for us .when we arrived in front of the building miss Kim Said "we can't go together inside"  I smile I know I will see you after work, Miss Kim ". She looks at me like she wants to say something but stops herself "okay" I nod and get out of the car.



J.H.K. Building,


"Hey guys," I said to My crow workers. Carol smiled "Yo! Fate" I smiled back strange I didn't get welcome by Miss grumpy pants today I wonder where she is "Carol where is Jerry?". We go into the kitchen " Miss Cane said she needs someone at the Café and as you aren't here so Jerry said she can assist".thats good to hear Jerry is helping her. "Oh okay"

After we finish making the orders I heard a familiar voice "Hey!Fate!" Jessie said entering the cafeteria "good morning Jessie". Jessie stood in front of me.

" coffee, ?" I asked she shook her head." well okay then miss Jessie how can I help you?" I asked again. Jessie looks around and asks "are you busy I need your help".

I smile " no Jessie im not what is it?"

"Can you help with the costumes?"


Jessie cheerfully claps her hands "well let's go!" .'Eh?


Costume Department,

"I'm not here just for costumes am I, Jessie?" I ask curiously. Jessie looks at me nervously "yes I want to ask you something " she scratched her neck I chuckle "okay what is it?".Jessie cleared her throat" I wanted to ask you what flowers Carol like actually?".I can't help but laughs "oh God Jessie you should see your face I thought it was something serious!". Jessie scoffs " Oh come on it is important! At last for me!".

I grin "okay okay so. umm Carol loves white Roses and if you planning to take her on a date then don't go to expensive restaurants she doesn't like it she likes more casual places and she's obsessed with pizzas". Jessie laughs " I will take a note for all of it".

"Now can we get back to work," I said, "sure madame!" We both laughs




"So Fate what you say?" Jessie asked.

After collecting the Costumes we were at the dressing area as after a few days the Idols will have a collaboration announcement with the 'Velvets' so Jessie exchanged all the costumes with the new ones and I help her. Helping Jessie is fun always come to know new things about everyone I came to know this when Miss Kim was a trainee in J.H.K's company she and Hana used to practice for nights almost every day they did hardship to get where they were now.

"It's good Jessie but what about the old costumes what will happen to them?"

"Fate the old ones will use for occasions they are made by famous designers and worn by The Idols so after we exchange them Ari will take care of the rest" Jessie explains

"Oh, okay"

"It's done!" I put the last carton.

"That's nice Fate I can take the rest of it you can relax" Jessie holding the extra cartons with the other employees."You sure?" She smiles "of course Fate thanks for the help"

"No mention," I waved my hands and goodbye to the ' now the Cafeteria '


When I arrived at the cafeteria I found a confused Carol and an angry Dina who is complaining about something to Carol 'what's wrong?'. I stood behind Dina. She sounded annoyed 'Eh?'

**Ahmm "Guys?"

"Oh Fate you here," Carol said I smile. I look at Dina and " Oh MY God!! Dina!"

"I know right" Dina irritably said.

'what happened' i mouthed Carol.

I'm trying to know that too' she mouthed back. I clear my throat and asked Dina "Dina what happened to your uniform?''.

Dina glanced at her uniform and said "You know Fate that rich brat trainee girl and her minions, they think they can do anything when the truth is they are here just because of their daddy's money!". I  looked at Carol who look at me with the same confession.

" Dina?" I said with a gentle tone and put my hand on her shoulder "relax and tell me who did this?"

"A girl said their friend needs hot coffee but she can't come coz they are practising so she requests if we can deliver it to her and I thought okay why not it just a coffee Hence I get the coffee and when I was about to give it to her she just said it's not hot enough like come on! how hot does she want the coffee to be?! And thus you know whAT SHE did she knowingly dropped the coffee on my uniform and asked me to bring it again! for god to shake we are not their slaves !" Dina finished I pat her back "okay okay relax we gonna tell Jessie about this okay but now.." I peek at Carol "Carol please make another coffee and this time I will give it to them "

"Fate you sure?" Carol ask.

I sighed "yes and if they do something like that again we will tell Jessie about their behaviour but for now let's finish our work"

"Fate I don't think you should go," Dina said.

"Dina, it's okay Dont worry can you tell me the floor they are in?" Dina sighed. she knows I will go even if she tried to change my mind.

"4th floor straight then on  your left The Trainee practice room"

I smile "okay then thanks"

"Fate here Coffee" Carol hands me the coffee cup which is hot like really heated hot I have to be careful with this or I might burn myself.

With a ding sound the 4th-floor elevator door opens. I step out of the elevator and follow the instructions that Dina told me after going through straight then on my left I found the Trainee Practice Room.

The practice room door was a little ajar I look at the gap between the doors. I saw a girl who was standing in the middle of the room and there were other girls too. the other four girls were around her one of them was standing in front of the girl who was in the middle she looks like the boss and the other three were behind her they kind of looked like her minions. 'Wired what are they doing?'.I was about to open the door after knocking but a slapping sound files the silence 'what the Hell!'

I open the door making everyone shocked and confused. I go toward the girl whose cheeks were red possibly from the slapping"you okay it needs to be doctored " I said gently. the girl held her cheeks and shook her head "no im fine " and get out of the room. "Hey?!" I tried to call but she already left.

I turned to them they look at me annoyingly. The girl who was the boss take a few steps toward me "you got me coffee" she said cheerfully like she didn't do anything a few seconds ago. I stare at her in confusion she snatched the coffee cup from my hands and take a sip. She sneered "This is too hot " as she said the other girls who were her minions laughed.

"Come on Ashley let's go BamBam will get mad for getting late," one of them said.

Ashley, I assume the name of the boss glanced at them "oh right I almost forgot whenever we play with beth we dont see the time silly us " she chuckled.

She grimaces at me "you here take the cup " she orders holding the coffee cup and waiting for me to take it from her hands"

I frown but breathe still tired to hold the cup 'control Fate just take the cup and tell Jessie about everything you see'

I was about to hold the cup but she dropped it the hot coffee fell on my left hand I hiss in pain. **tsk **tsk "maybe next time you should be more careful" she taunts. I watch her leave with the others 'Dina was right she is a rich brat!'

I get out of the Practice room and go to the elevator 'I need some ice or it stains a burn mark. what a life I have first my scar then a new burn mark added to them' I sigh and push the button and wait.

"Fate!?" a cheerful voice catch my attention.

"Minari?" I smile

"What are doing? Let me guess you're here to see me again".she answer her question happily

" Umm not actually I was here for work but what about you I thought the group members are free this week?"

Mina pouts and crosses her arms "im having my punishment" she whined.


"Punishment about what?" I ask.

"Well...you see yesterday we were having a lovely evening and talking about going to the club.." Mina stop .'club?! Oh! Now I know how Miss Kim ends up being drunk'

"Okay, then what happens?" I ask again

Mina nervously scratches the back of her neck not looking at me and starts again "I kind of said out loud that you and Unnie get married".


Wait...!she DID wHAt!!!

" WHAT?!!"

"But don't worry they won't tell anyone and because of my Mistake im getting my punishment given by Unnie," she assured. I should feel bad for her but after knowing what she did she kind of deserved it.

"Well you deserve it afterall"

Mina snorts "yeah I think I do but right now I need a break or my bones will get broken by the dance steps". we both laugh.

When the elevator door is about to open Mina looks at me and shrieks I flinch at the sudden unexpected action. "What the Minari! You scared me!" I grumble but she didn't say anything I glance at the place where she was starting 'shoot Sherlock! Busted!'

"F-Fate who did this?" Mian ask worriedly

"Mina it's nothing I just B-..' " MINa!!". I didn't get to finish my sentence someone call Mina. I and Mina look behind at the owner of the voice who was coming toward us

'Shoot! it can't get any worse than this!' (+_+)

"Unnie." Mina mumble