25:'You Care'.(part-2)

Fate's Pov,

" MINa!!". I didn't get to finish my sentence someone call Mina. I and Mina look behind  at the owner of the voice who was coming toward us

'Shoot! it can't get any worse than this!' (+_+)

"Unnie." Mina mumble

She stood beside her. "what are you doing here Mina didn't I tell you to practice?" She asked teasingly. Mina groans "Unnie I have been practising for 3 hours now I need some rest..." She gathers her hands "please the great sensational Idol my favourite Unnie spear me".

I can't help but chukled as I see them Miss Kim's lips curled to a small smile but still trying to be mad " well then are you saying that you are sorry and next time you will keep your mouth close whenever we are around people?".

Mina nods repeatedly "yes! Yes! I will so do you forgive me?"

The Idol pretends to be in deep thought "okay! I do forgive you" she grins. Mina sighed in relief.

**Ding** the elevator door opens. Me Mina and the idol get inside. The silence inside fills with the Melody that is playing on the baground. Mina hums with the elevator melody. I sigh 'why is it so awkward in here? The elevator reaches the  2nd floor just 2 more floors  Fate I told myself.

"Fate you didn't tell me?" Mina asked.' she won't let it go!'

I can feel Miss Kim's eyes on me. I cleared my throat "Minari I told you it was an accident I was a little careless then it happened it's not a big deal"

"B-But Fate it looks hurt," Mina said worriedly. I smile " it's not that much".

The elevator door opened when it reached the 4th floor Me and Mina were about to get out but again I feel a strong force grab my left arm. I twirl to the idol whose grip becomes gentle as she analyzes my left hand 'she's not happy.'

I watch her taking a deep breath "Who did this?" Her voice was calm but not gentle.

The elevator door was still open Mina didn't get out of the elevator either she is watching in wonder.' okay Fate you have to act cool now! But should I tell her the truth? But what if she thinks it was my fault and gets irritated with me? But then again I can't just lie!'.

I was in my thoughts when she ask again "Fate Who Did This?" Her voice cut through the air like a knife it was harsh this time she is trying hard to be gentle but disgruntled is visible. I wonder if Mina can see it too.

She looks at me her face out "Fate this will be the last time I'm gonna so don't let me repeat my question Tell Me Who. Did. This?" It wasn't a request it was an order and as always, being an obedient person who follows orders I said it more like a shutter" I-..' Miss K-Kim I-it...w-was m..me". =_= 'And I lie seriously Fate! I don't think she is buying it as truth either'

She snickers "you can't even Lie properly".

'Great just get caught red-handed!' >.<

" it was Ashley wasn't it?" Mina who was watching us for a  very minute asked. Being watched by the third person doesn't bother The idol she still holding my hand however the touch is pleasant.

"Ashley?" The idol frowns. Mina nods "yes Unnie when I was getting out of the practice room I saw her and her friends. one of them talking about how funny it was seeing Beth's miserable face and the other one asked her about some coffee can burns I didn't hard the whole conversation but then when I reach the elevator I found Fate with a burning Hand so. Maybe?"

Miss Kim didn't say anything ' she is thinking this is not good.' A few seconds later she push the elevator button to the 7th floor. Mina and I stare at her with a curious gazes. "You know where they are now?" She asked. Mina nods "I think they are in the rehearsal room." Miss Kim smirks "Good."


Arriving on the 7th floor, the elevator door opened. Miss Kim leave my hand and got out of the elevator first and looked behind us "Follow" she commanded. I and  Mina started walking behind her It looks like the 7th floor is where all the trainees rehearsed for their performances. We crossed the two rooms on the floor and stood in front of the last room with the words "Girls Rehearsal " written on it. Miss Kim unlocked the door and Mina and I joined her.

The sound of music can be heard inside the room and some of the girls in front are practising dancing to the beat of the song. The man who I presumed to be their instructor gazed at them carefully. seeing, Miss Kim, in the room, the instructor stopped the song that was playing the baground and came toward us. All the other trainees stopped their practice and looked at us with inquisitive eyes.

The instructor stops in front of the Idol "Miss Kim?"

Miss Kim smiled "BamBam teacher  it looks like you are not happy to see your favourite student here"


The instructor Mr BamBam grins "oh come on Jennie stop it your making me feel old!" They both chuckled Miss Kim looks around the room gazing at the trainees who were watching her in awe "Hello everyone I hope you know me ". Even if she said it nicely smiling at them still her voice was strong the others don't seem to see it.

They bowed " yes we know Miss Kim!" They said in unison.

Miss Kim smiled at turned her attention to Mr BamBam. Mr Bambam asks in a teasing tone " so what brings you here Miss Kim "

=_=' Seriously why he is talking to her like that, and Mina why didn't she even seem to bother is it only me who's watching this!' 

Miss Kim chuckled "BamBam im here to meet someone I heard certainly good things about and I think she can take my place in the future you know be a leader"

'Good things? Someone? im having a bad feeling about this '

Mr BamBam frowns "that's interesting and who is this someone?". Miss Kim smirks " Ashley."


The trainees start murmuring among themselves Miss Kim Looks at them and smile  "Ashley Jhonson the heirs of the Jhonson and Jhonson corporation and an excellent talented person "

I glance at Mina who is in Shock-like others including me. Ashley who was behind the other trainees with her minions came ahead with a smile "well thank you for the introduction Miss Kim"

Miss Kim smirked, "it's my pleasure". She looks at Mr BamBam  " I would like to see how much she learns in those few months im sure Ashley won't mind showing me Right? Ashley?"

'It's not like she has a choice though '

"Well okay, then we would take a few minute's breaks until she came back?" Mr BamBam, ask.

"No no you guys can rehearse she will be back shortly"

Miss Kim  Turned to face Ashley and said "Come on Ashley your friends can practice now you can see them later". Ashley nod and started stepping with Miss Kim. Mina and I started walking behind them. Miss Kim entered the elevator and pressed the 4th-floor button

We arrived on the same floor as before we entered the Trainee Practice Room. Ashley stopped in the middle of the room and Miss Kim stood in front of her. Mina stopped beside me.

" Ashley ready?" Miss Kim asked. Ashley nodded and agreed. Miss Kim holds a small remote and switches the music. we watch Ashley take a few steps back. Then let her body fill with the rhythm of the song. Miss Kim watched her carefully and stop her.

"Do it again?" she said deadpan

Ashley frowns "Huh! But I did it right?"

"No, you didn't! I. Said. Do. It .again." The idol's voice was harsh.

Ashley rolls her eyes "Fine!" She scoffs and starts again but the idol stops her Again.

"You think you can dance like that and be here!"

Ashley groans "I deserve to be here!"

Miss Kim smirk "oh really then prove it to  Me!"

After attempting the same step for 12times Ashley looks exhausted. Her legs start shaking. she can't do it anymore it's too much for her body. Just when she tried again **Agh** she moan in pain. her right ankle sprain.

**tsk** **tsk** "see you are just a little girl who can't even dance properly" the idol affront.

'Why she's doing this the girl tried her best to impress her '

"NO! I can. I will. I will do it again " Ashley growls at the Idol.

Miss Kim grins "Oh right then do it AGAIN!" She yelled. The other girl flinches. Her eyes turn watery she is trying her best not to cry.

'Okay, it's too much now. Maybe what she did was bad but this is not how you should deal with this. I don't think even Jessie would ever do this!'

I was going to tell her to stop all of this but Mina who had been watching all this so quietly grabbed my right hand "it's okay " she whisper.

"B-'. She didn't let me finish

" trust Unnie"

I look at them Ashley sat on the wooden floor holding her right ankle. Miss Kim moved away from her and took something like a spray from a small cupboard. She knelt in front of her and gently looked at her sprained ankle. she sprayed the liquid on her Ankle. Ashley whined in pain.

"You shouldn't force yourself too much," Miss Kim said gently.

"I didn't force myself I told you I can and I will!"

Miss Kim Chukled "you're just like me. but still don't be too harsh on yourself and stop your jealousy towards others"

Ashley frowns "who said im jealous!"

Miss Kim laughed and said, "oh really you not then why did you hurt Beth you know she is way better than you that's why you're jealous".Ashley didn't say anything so Miss Kim continue "just because you are jealous that doesn't mean you can bully other trainees or the workers in J.H.K.comany today what you did with Beth and the cafeteria workers is just because you were jealous and angry. if you want to take your anger away use dance as a relief not people " her words were sharp. Ashley looks down and Nod

Miss Kim stands up and takes her hand out "come on your ankle needs to rest it will be fine till tomorrow".Ashley stares at her hand and then takes it.

" Mina, can you help her?" She glances at Mina and asked

"Yess! Unnie leave it to me"

Miss Kim leave the practice room so do I.we entered the elevator she push the 20th-floor button. I wanted to ask her where are we going but keep my mouth shut.

The door to the 20th elevator opened and I got out with Miss Kim. This floor is slightly different from the other floors I have seen there is no room on this floor other than a glass office at the end Miss Kim went straight to the glass office, removed the metal panel, and went inside. I joined her.

The Outside view through the large glass windows of the office is glamorous. I went ahead to the window We're on the 20th floor now. From here, things get smaller.

'People look like tiny little ants ' 

"Fate?" Miss Kim called with a boxed Kit in her hand. I went forward to her. She instructed me to sit on the sofa in the office as she sat next to me and placed the box on the table in front of the sofa. She rolled up her shirt near the wrist.

She pulled out something like an ointment from the Kit box and hold my left hand I kept watching her. The idol I saw a while ago is different from this Miss Kim now.

After finishing her brown eyes meet mine. She smrik and said,  "Like what you see Adierson". I blushed but tried to compel myself.

**Smile** "it's done. the burn will not leave a stain mark now the ointment is best for burning" she assured. I nod

"Thank you, Miss Kim "

"Adierson next time someone Crosses their limit don't forget to show them their place Arasseo."

"Dae Miss Kim"

**sigh** "Sometimes You make me worried Adierson"

I smile and said "Miss Kim you don't have to be worried"

She rolls her eyes "yeah right I know but I'm worried because I care..'

'You Care'  my eyes widened and she said. It also caught her off guard *Ahmm** "I mean I care about all the people who are in this company so.. yeah". It looks like even she doesn't know what to say.

"By the way, I didn't know you are the CEO of the company?" I said trying to change the subject

Miss Kim grin "well im full of surprises then"

'Indeed you are full of surprises. like  how many shades you have '

For a few minutes, we didn't say anything the idol's eyes staring at me. She's still holding my hand."Your eyes" I murmurs. She hums as her  brows twitch "what about them?"

" - " 'I said it, loud God!!'

I clear my throat and take my hand from her grip "They remind me of someone" I admit

The idol frowns "who?"

"Someone who used to be my friend" I smile at the thought of the girl who I see in my dreams

"Does your friend have a name?"

"Umm her name was D-..'

**Ring** **Ring**...

A phone call inferred us. She looks at the phone on her desk and then glances at me " you should go now"

I nod  "okay Miss Kim."






6:00 Pm,

"Jerry will you stop looking at me like that!" I groan

"Well only if you tell me who did this?" She smirks.

Later when I back to the cafeteria Jerry was talking with Dina who was grumbling about her uniform. When Jerry saw my hand and Dina excused herself. Jerry won't stop giving me the look

"Fine, it was her okay Miss Kim she help me!! Better now." I huff.

"Of course. But I want to ask something?" She leans a little "Do you feel something for her?". I push her away she falls from the stool and whines " Yahh! It's not like that!"

'I mean yeah I can feel sparks whenever she holds me or touches my skin but that doesn't imply I feel something!'

Are you sure that doesn't imply anything?

'No! It doesn't!'


"You could have just said that you Ganny don't need to be so rough!" She yelled. Thank God it was evening time we were closing the cafeteria so no other people can hear us.

"Sshhh Guys what's wrong with you? Your fighting like kids. Stop fighting and please finish the work" Carol order us.

"Okay!" We said in unison before glint each other.' we will talk about this' she mouthed and turn to take the paper towels.

I sighed 'Let's just finish the work'





7:00 PM,

I open the door and kaya ran towards me wiggling his tale. I learned and pick up her "I miss you too Kaya"

'Eh? Why does he smell like dirt?'

I took him down from my lap and put him down.

There was some black dirt on his white hair.

It seems that Kaya has played well alone. " Come on Kaya, you need a bath. but first, let me freshen up.

After Freshen Up I called Kaya "Kaya? Come Hare!". I go to the living room he approaches me.

"Let's go buddy we have to clean you before your mom came back home" **wooff**

I laughed as I look how eager he is to take a bath, he is exactly like KAI who also used to love to be groomed. But there is something different between them Kaya is different...He smells Just like his owner 'Lavender'. His owner adequately gets to know something Miss Kim is not just an ordinary Idol she is also the CEO of the company. I think what Joey said about her being the Heir of the Hang Kim family was not incorrect. Possibly...she is the Heirs of the Hang family.

Moving on After I bath kaya  I gave him food which He began to eat joyfully. I gently put my hand on his head and stroked his fur "eat well kaya"

"Kaya? Fate?" The Boss Lady is here

I Stand  up "We are in the living room, Miss Kim "

She came into the living room with a plastic bag.

' Eh?'.

"I brought Dinner for us come on eat with me " she offers. I smile and followed her to the Dinner table. she set the bag on the centre table. "Heat the food a little I will be back"

"Okay".I nod as I watch her go upstairs to her room. Sometimes later I finish heating the food and put it on the dinner table. The idol came back to the dinner table and sit in front of me. I don't sit beside her if I do I probably just choke on my food. we start eating I didn't dare to look at her.

"Adierson?" Miss Kim spoke. my eyes greeted hers "yes?"

"This Sunday I was thinking about visiting my parents..." I wait for her to go on "And  I want you to come with me."

'She wants what!' O_o

I choke **cough** **cough** "Me?" I asked not to be sure from what I heard. the idol stares at me "yes you".

'But why?'

I wanted to ask her but don't think she would answer.

She rolls her eyes " my mother wants to see the girl who helps me in the woods and stay in my house "

'Oh so it's like an inquiry'

We finish eating the idol gets up. before she goes upstairs she turns around and declared  "one more don't split the Marriage thing "

'it's not like I want them to know that I'm Married to their daughter and divorced too'

"Ay ay Captain," I said as she giggled.

'Hopefully meeting with Kim's Family goes well'