26: Not Tiny as It Seem.



Fate's Pov,

Lastly finishing all the work in the morning. Just when I was about to go to the kitchen to make breakfast, the phone rang 'Who called at this time?' I picked up the cell phone and saw Miss Cane's name on the screen. Why is she calling now? Hope everything is okay. I answer the call "Hello?"


"Good morning Miss Cane. Is everything All right?"

She smiled a little  "everything is all right. I called to tell you that you don't have to go to The company today. Amy called me and informed me that there was some work going on today so no employee or trainee would stay there. So today is your holiday."

"Holiday but the cafe? I won't go there either?" I asked

"Either Fate you don't have to come to the cafe because I'm out of town for a little work" she explained

"Oh okay Take care to have a good day Miss"

"You too Fate dear" She ends the call.

I entered the kitchen and put on my apron. I took some eggs out of the fridge 'Let's make Gyeran  for Idol today'

A few minutes later I finish making breakfast I exhale the scent 'Umm it's delicious she would love it I smile at the thought. But still, something is missing I tap my index finger on my chin 'God! im so bad at remembering things

"Adierson." Miss Kim said melodically as she entered the kitchen still wearing her Pikachu-printed PJs she looks really cute in them.

I chuckled"yes Miss Kim ".

" watcha cooking?" She asked peeking at the food like a kid 

"bread egg come on please have it" I offered

"Okay," she sat on the stool. I place the bread and egg on her plate. she gazes at it and then at me.

"Enjoy the food"

I sat on the stool in front of her and watch her in awe as she melt at the taste and closed her eyes.

"Do you like the breakfast Miss?" I asked I know she likes it but still, it would feel better if she admits it.

She take the last bite of the food, ate it, and grinned at me"Yup! I did I think I should make you my chef so you can cook only for me"

'there are other ways you can make me your chef'

"Oh come on Miss if you said things like that I might start thinking that you falling for me" I teased she stop and looked at me deadpan

'i cross the limit Great! Just Great!'

For a second she didn't say anything just keep frowning at me I gulp "M-Mi..' i was about to ask forgiveness for what I said but she just cracks up covering her mouth and holding her stomach she laughs

The sound of her laughter flooded the whole kitchen but she didn't stop. Her smile is sweeter than any candy which is nothing but a delightful song to the ears. I stared at her in astonishment. she stopped giggling, took a deep breath, and let out a sigh "Only in your dreams, Adierson."


I stare at her as she continues "Honestly, Adierson, you should have seen your face. It seemed like you had committed a very big crime"

I groaned"Miss Kim, you surprised me. I thought you were angry!"

"I told you a few days ago I'm full of surprises" she smirks. I mentally facepalm myself.


'the idol confuses me sometimes


Later on, I go to the apartment Standing in front of the door, I rang the bell twice but I did not hear any sound of the door opening. 'Is she still sleeping?' I took out the phone and call Jerry. The phone is ringing but no one is picking it up. I sighed 'The girl is really '. She is probably sleeping, and here I thought I will tell her about visiting Miss Kim's parents

After ringing for a while, Jerry picked up the phone, "Fate, why are you calling so early this morning? Her voice is husky. She was sleeping.

"Open the door I'm outside!"

She groans "okay okay I'm up!"

The door finally opens reviling sluggish Jerry wearing her Anime Pj with a pout "please tell me it's important or give me a reason not to kill you for waking me up this early ".

I ignore her threat and go inside past her " relax you grumpy pants im here for you so you won't die without eating something "

She crossed her hands  "fine I need to freshen up first"

'still grumpy pants'

"So what is the matter? you suddenly remembered me after what you did yesterday?" Jerry said as he entered the kitchen

I threw an onion at her which she grabbed

"I'm here because Joey went to class today, which means you have to make your breakfast alone. When Joey comes back from the class she has to make something again because as a lezzy you are. you won't make anything. That's why I'm cooking so the two of you can eat together. And I had something to say" I explained.

"So what are you talking about?"

I pointed the knife at her and said, "Help me cook first, I'll tell you later."

She shrugged and took the knife. she began to cut the onion. "So something new happened between you and your wife"

I lowered the fire and looked at her. "Wife? Will You stop calling her my wife? We are divorced!"

"you're forgetting you guys have to be together to ensure your divorce. It means you're not divorced yet, at least the law says so"

=_=' I hate it when she's so right

I sighed, "Nothing new yet. We're the same as before. Sometimes we sit down to have dinner together"

"You tell me something new between you and Amy?" I asked. She cut the onions and put them in the stew and sat on the chair

"For some time now Amy getting dreams about our rebirth "

I smile "That's a good thing, why are you sounding anxious?"

She looks down at her bare feet and plays with her index finger. A gesture that shows she's nervous  "Because I don't know why but at times I feel that maybe our past life wasn't that good there is painful turmoils in them. And what if that turmoil be the reason for devastation in our this life relation"

Seeing her thinking, I leaned forward and stood in front of her and put my hand on her shoulder "Jerry, it does not matter if your past hurts, it doesn't mean your present will be the same. And the best thing you know is that no matter what happens in life, you'll stay together. What more could you want?

She was relieved to hear me, "You're right, Amy and I are together and I don't want anything else"

I grin "see be happy like that Jerry Lee".

She chukled "by the way you didn't answer my question yesterday "

'Tsk Do I have to!'

"Could you please repeat your question Ma'am " I teased

she shook her head in disbelief and ask again "do feel something for her"

"No". I replied instantly

She still looks at me suspiciously I grouse "Fine just a tiny little crush" I admit.

She sneers "I know it!". she rose from the chair and turns the fire off "the food is ready to come on Joey will be home soon".I stare in astonishment and followed her. She put the food on the table

"What do mean you know it?"

She sighed "Oh come on it was so obvious I bet even she can notice it too"


I stare at her Inquisitive "well at last it's just a crush it will cease itself"

She laughs lightly "I don't think that Fate crushing on someone can last longer than we think you sure about that?"



She huffed in relief at my answer.

'I dig my own grave I know


The bell rang "I think Joey is here let me get that. you place the food on plates" I told her

I open the door Joey smiles ear to ear "thank God your here that means I don't need to cook anything!"

"Yup you don't need to" I clear her.

We all sat down at the dining table together. Joey just saw Jerry eating alone and asked me "Will you not eat"

"No Joey I've already eaten. You can eat "

Jerry took a spoonful of rice into her mouth and then eat it "Didn't you say you will tell us something? Now the food has been prepared. Now tell us what you want to say?"

I sighed "This Sunday Miss Kim said I need to visit her parents with her,"

Jerry choked on her food she caught a little as Joey pats her back

'This why I told her to eat carefully'

"here drink water," I said giving her the glass

"What do you mean you're visiting her parents? why?"

it's not like I know " Miss Kim said her mom wants to see the person who's living under her daughter's roof"

They look at each other and then gaze at me "I'm having a bad feeling about this" they said in unison.

I chukled"you two and your gut feeling it's just an inquiry thing how bad it can be"

at last, don't be worst '

"So did you do any preparation?"


I asked "Preparation? For what?"

Jerry frowned "What do you mean by what? Like if her mother asks her how you end up working for her or getting into J.H.K company what will she say?"

"Well I will just tell them it was Amy who gave this job"

'it should be an easy thing to do

"Fine but what if they ask how you meet Amy?" Joey ask

"I will tell them I meet her in the cafe then she take an interview "

"I don't think they will buy that but just don't blur about your marriage," Jerry said as she eat her stew

"I will not! Stop reminding me of it, Jerry!". I whine they just laugh.

'why everyone thinks I will tell her family about her marriage like come on it's like I can't lie. I mean I know I can't but at least let me try.'



When I go to the Kim House I changed my clothes 'wired I didn't see kaya '. I go to the living room but 'Nope!' He is not here.

" Kaya..?" I called out for him. But no response came. I went to the backyard to see if he is there 'because it was his hidden place to play with dirt'.

but... I saw something different something that I didn't see not until today. Miss Kim, with her closed eyes she's doing triceps stretching in her body suit. The suit that clasps her every curve.

I gulp. Everything stops for me the only thing I can feel is my thumbing heart that's breathing against my rib cage. I can sense my ears are hot and burning with desires.?

'But I never felt desire towards anything, no not desire its admiration,'

why it's so hard to take my eyes off her? My legs are glued to the soil. She's so... Pretty no not pretty she's a gorgeous goddess. Her face, Her skin that looks so soft. Her perfect Hourglass curves. Her Breast... 'NO!'


'Fate look away '

I want to look away I want to move. I should Move. Nevertheless my body my mind my eyes they're opposing me. Everything in me is abducted by the goddess who's in front of me. I inhale my breath and exhale I need to calm down my heart or it will come out of my chest.

I don't know for how many seconds minutes hours I was there standing like a creep watching her like a stalker.

She proberly felt the intense gaze of my stare soon enough she opened her eyes and look around inescapably her eyes glance at my way. Her brown eyes met mine she smirk 'shoot!!' was the only thing I can say. Next moment I saw her walking toward me.

Not knowing what should I do and how to move. I shut my eyes. That didn't seem to help the 'Lavender' aroma hit my nostrils. She's close too close I can feel her standing right in front of me now her toes nearly touching against mine.

"Like what you see Adierson," she purrs but I didn't open my eyes I can't look at her. My heart it's breathing fast again, My hands are trembling.

**Tsk** I heard from her . the idol didn't get my response. I shoot my eyes open when I felt her hands slowly travelling to my shirt collar, she grabs it and pulled Me closer.  I look at her, her brown emerald orbs are darker than usual.  There is just a minor gap between us just to let pass the air.

'A prey that caught in a lioness cave'

It feels like she was looking at my soul right now as she gently took her bottom lips between her teeth and slightly bite them. My gaze follows her lips.

She smrik as she pulled away  "Take a picture Adierson it will remain long " she laughed and proceeded to go inside her house.

I snapped out of my thoughts and let out a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding until now. I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach. Hot...everything feels like fire

'I need a cold shower NOW!'

I stormed to my room to get into the shower and let the cold water hit my body.

Jerry's voice echoed in my head "I don't think that Fate crushing on someone can last longer than we think you sure about that?"

'I take my words back maybe that tiny little crush is not tiny as it seems. I don't have a crush on her.

I fell attracted to her...attracted or it was just admiration or affection 'Jesus Christ! Why it's hard to get to know what I feel!' It's not like I feel this with everyone it's my first time afterall!

But what Jerry said "Oh come on it was so obvious I bet even she can notice it too"

Right what if she notices it and that's the way she's acting like this just to tease me

**sigh** 'im in so much deep trouble '



10:00 Pm,

After our little encounter thanks to God, she didn't do anything that propinquity us together. I don't think I can manage to keep composing myself if she does those flirtations. Flirtations seriously Fate what if it was her kindness? I shook my head I don't want to think about it right now let's just be in the moment.

The moment where she is sitting on the edge of the couch watching the movie The idol didn't pick any horror today which is good. Whenever she picks horror she ends up in my arms. I can have her side view from here. Her hands played with Kaya's fur as he relaxed his body on her master's lap 'Only if he knows how lucky he is. '

"Oh come on! Just give him a family, not the freaking care orphanage!" I glance at the idol who whines as the jury agreed to send the child away from his abusive aunt. 'She can be a little dramatic'.

I chuckled"Miss Kim it's fine after all they won't send him to orphans they would first send him to child care then a foster home and then if he said he wants to stay with the foster home family they will sign some documents with the councillors and then he can have a family" I explained to her

The idol stares at me in confession and frowns "How do know all that stuff Adierson?"

I smirk"im full of surprises Miss Kim "

She scoffs "using my words against mine I see you there ".

It makes me laugh " but you can't deny what I said is right"

"Yeah right," she rolls her eyes and looks at the TV again.



The movie finish with what I already explained to the idol. She was happy to see the little boy finally get a perfect life. More like happy to get the ending she wants.

"Good night Miss Kim," I said to the idol.

"Good night Adierson," she said back and went upstairs, kaya followed his master. 'Guess someone will have a perfect sleep'

1:00 Am,

"Good evening Gentlemen Thank you for coming here today," The lady said as her eyes twirls to the other individuals who were bowing their heads In front of her.

"Thank you for giving us your time My Lord, "  the man who was wearing a black uniform explained. I don't like him his eyes look cold and empty and cruel.  Just like my father.

The lady glanced at the peppers and picks them up that was laying on her wooden desk. " please sit down gentlemen. you all know the case we have today Fate Adierson is caught bare-handed killing her own Father. in today's discussion, we will decide if Miss Adierson is innocent or not"

The man nods and sits up "my lord the little girl is not as Innocent as she seems she is a murderer"  He spat and glared at me. I look down at my fingers.

**Ahmm** A woman cleared her throat " My apologies My lord but my friend Mr Pascal is forgetting something "

"Oh, really Mrs Sana, and what it is" The man Mr Pascal asked

Mrs Sana grinned at Mr Pascal and turn her gaze at the Lady "My lord there is a DNA report in front of your desk of Miss Adierson. The DNA reports prove that there are sleeping pill samples inside her body. And my lord the pills are not just ordinary pills it was highly effective. use only for adults suggested by physicians...'

" wait for a second So Mrs Sana what that doesn't confirm anything about Miss Adierson being innocent " The man Mr Pascal said eyeing everyone.

Mrs Sana didn't answer him she continues " My lord the pills prove that Mr Jackson Adierson used sleeping pills for his daughter every day. Even the day when Miss Adierson tries to protect herself from Her father The pills were in her body."

"My lord Pardon, me but Mrs Sana I don't think you can say that she kills her father to protect herself," Mr Pascal said as he darts his eyes at me with disgust. I bite my lips I can't cry in front of everyone now I just want to go away from here.

"Mr Pascal to answer your question, My Lord there is another report on your best the juries can see it too. I place a copy on the desk. The report shows the bruises that her father give to her and Mr Pascal  I don't think as a father you would ever punish your daughter like that" she said to the other people who were sitting on another side of the room. 

The people read the papers and start murmuring themselves. I wonder what they're reading about is it my punishment?

"Even if it means her father was abusive I don't think the law allowed her to kill him"

"Mr Pascal...-' Mrs Sana was about to answer MrPascal's question but stop "Silence!" The Lady who was sitting on her chair compactly ordered everyone. Everyone buttoned up even Mr Pascal.

"Miss Fate Adierson" I look up at the lady calling my name. She gave me a smile it was soft and welcoming I return the favour by doing the same.

"Yes," I uttered.

"Fate can I ask you a few questions" I look at Mrs Sana. She nods.


"Okay, Fate did you kill your Father yesterday night?" Her voice was soft, safe.


"Can you tell me why?"

"H-- he.. Kills KAI " I feel a tear drop from my eyes.

"KAI was your pet?". I nod

"Did he abuse you every day?"

I shook my head in denying  "he..- p-..punish..m-me"

"Punish?" She asks. Everyone looks at me in bewilderment.

I scratch my hands the vision of his blood on my hands is flowing through my mind his voice... His scream.

"Fate relaxes calm down " someone stops my movements by grabbing my hands gently. I didn't realize Mrs Sana standing beside me.

"Fate you can answer them they will help you okay " I nod.

"My lord could you please repeat the question for her "Mrs Sana requests the Lady.

"Fate did your Father punish you every day?" She asks again

"Yes...i-..it H..hurts...every..thing H...hurts!" I plea gazing at everyone.

'Shh.." It's okay Fate " Mrs Sana wraps her arms around me. I flinch at the skin contact. she lets me go "sorry I almost forgot"

"It's..o..okay" I whispered. I know she didn't do it on purpose. It's not her fault that I flinch. It's my fault that I feel this.

**Ahmm**  The lady drew everyone's attention" after seeing the peppers the jury members came to make a verdict... ' she let a deep breath and look at Mr Pascal "Mr Pascal do you have anything to say before we say something?"

"No My Lord," he said quietly. He gazes at me his eyes were worried. Sorrowful.

The lady nods and continues "The Jury declared Miss Adierson as innocent whatever she did was to protect herself. However, she doesn't have another family member to take of her so from now on she would send to foster homes. Officer Haught will take Miss Adierson just for now. if anyone comes to adopt her They have to negotiate with the jury first "

She gets up from her seat and comes toward me. She took her hand out I shook it "you did a good job Fate "

I smile "t..thankyou"

After she leaves a man wearing a blue uniform stood in front of me "Hey Kid I'm Detective Haught but you can call me Officer Haught"

"Hello Officer," I said bowing

He grins "so your ready to meet someone who will love you more than anything kid"

I don't know many things about love but im willing to know it.
